ORASys: A software-hardware complex for the navigation of visually impaired individuals
According to the WHO, 2.2 billion people have visual impairments, with 39 million being blind, 82% of whom are aged 50 and older. Preventable causes account for up to 80% of the global economic burden of visual impairment. A proposed solution is a low-cost, easy-to-maintain device that scans the environment without external technologies like GPS, RFID, or NFC. It should have a battery life sufficient for a full day of continuous use and be portable and lightweight. The device utilizes acoustic feedback and the Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF) to help users locate sounds in their environment in three dimensions.
Biotechnology And National Health
Technologies for human health
The project is estimated to be finished until the end of 2025
The project is being developed at the Department of Biotechnical Systems of the Faculty of Information, Measuring and Biotechnical Systems of ФГАОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный электротехнический университет «ЛЭТИ» им. В.И. Ульянова (Ленина)»
The unique feature of the system under development is its use of inherent human abilities like the head-related transfer function (HRTF). This allows the use of 3D sounds to inform visually impaired individuals about the distance and exact location of obstacles. Unlike traditional systems like walking canes or guide dogs, and modern systems that still rely on outdated technology or dysfunctional designs, this new system is more efficient. It avoids the need for sensors on clothing, doesn't rely on third-party technologies, and offers longer battery life without needing specific infrastructure.
2nd place Master's Diploma for the beginning of this development, https://rospatent.gov.ru/ru/news/rejting-rospatenta-top-10-medicina-2024, https://iz.ru/1633175/2024-01-12/v-rossii-razrabotali-pribor-dlia-orientatcii-slepykh-po-zvuku, https://tvspb.ru/news/2024/01/23/uvidet-s-pomoshhyu-zvukov-v-peterburge-dlya-lyudej-s-narusheniyami-zreniya-rabotaet-srazu-neskolko-servisov, https://rb.ru/news/rospatent-top10med/, https://etu.ru/ru/nauchnaya-i-innovacionnaya-deyatelnost/novosti1/uchenye-leti-razrabotali-metod-ispolzovaniya-2d-vizualizacii-zvukov-dlya-ustrojstva-kotoroe-pomozhet-lyudyam-so-slepotoj