UNUM TECHNOLOGY (Innovative food packaging from plant and food waste)

Problem and implemented solution

Problems related to global warming, CO2 emissions, microplastics, deforestation, landfills are acute problems facing humanity and require effective solutions. The UNUM Technology project has found a genuine solution to these problems through the introduction of innovative food technology for the production of food packaging without paper, plastic and glue, through the use of plant waste, with its own developed product collection and processing system.


Climate And Environmental Technologies


Nature-based and nature-like technologies

Estimated duration of implementation

To launch the project in Russia and Brix countries takes up to 7 months, after which we reach industrial productivity

Implementation geography

Russian Federation, Asia, South America, BRICS countries

Description of competitive advantages

Low cost, seamless technology, no paper, glue, microplastics, short biodegradation time, easy to compost and recycle, reduces CO2 emissions up to 80%, after processing serves as feed for farm animals, fertilizer and biofuels https://disk.yandex.ru/d/snUpkQpm6xVUrA

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The best eco project of the venture forum of Russia in Kazan 2023, finalist of the food technology contest 2024, finalist of the industrial technologies competition 2023, finalist of the biotechnologies contest in China 2022

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Participation in Russian and international competitions in environmental areas, the examination of our food packaging for harmlessness and biodegradation was carried out


For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

