Technology of production of cast metal-ceramic materials by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) with high overload
problem: Production of chromium between aluminothermy and electrolytic method with a frequency of 99.86-99.92%; Reduction of emissions of harmful substances into the environment; Production of different types of materials on the same technological equipment: from ligatures to pure metals; Production of homogeneous ingot throughout the entire volume of products. SOLUTION: A SHS installation was built on the basis of the Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Problems of Materials Science named after A.G. Merzhanov. A successful synthesis of ligatures is being performed.
New Industry And Energy
New materials and substances
The duration of implementation is 20 years
The Great Stone Industrial Park (Belarus, Smolevichi district, Pekinsky Prospekt, 18, )
- Energy independence of the main technological stage (SHS) - The use of cheaper starting reagents - Flexibility of the production process - SHS metallurgy technology corresponds to the global trend in decarbonization of the metallurgical industry, since emissions in the SHS process are practically absent, and the total duration of the synthesis process does not exceed several minutes - The ability to quickly start the production process