BRICS Solution Awards

Neurobarometer - neurolabs for perception research

Problem and implemented solution

The development of cognitive technologies and the creation of new relevant solutions in this area, including those integrated with AI, requires the creation of a developed ecosystem of neurotechnologies, including: the development of hardware and software systems with a high degree of synchronization; work with a unified standard of neurodata and the development of neuro- big data; the creation of a network infrastructure for conducting cognitive research in different regions and countries, allowing to take into account the local context and differences in the perception of the population of different territories; interaction with leading universities for the development of university infrastructure for cognitive research, the creation of new practice-oriented educational programs for educating students in the field of cognitive technologies, conducting cognitive science and commercial research with elements of research and development involving university scientists from various relevant fields. The solution to this problem is the Neurobarometer hardware and software complex developed by Neurotrend, which allows to conduct network neuro-research and consists of: 20-channel EEG, 500 Hz Eyetracker, Photoplethysmogram module, Biobraslet, Primebox, Biosignal concentrator, which collects data from all modules of the complex and synchronizes them at the hardware level and a special software. The solution includes a wide range of metrics (indicators that transfer neurodata into market indicators, such as interest, attention, emotional involvement, memorability, etc.) and methodologies. On the basis of the Neurobarometer hardware and software complex a network of 17 neurolaboratories has been created at the largest universities, government agencies and companies in the Russian Federation which makes it possible to conduct network neuro-research and develop cognitive technologies in the Russian Federation.


Cognitive technologies and Creative economy


Cognitive sciences and technologies

Estimated duration of implementation

1-3 month for the lab, up to a 1-2 years - ecosystem solution with the university

Implementation geography

Currently Russia. Previously: USA, Singapore, Latvia, Republic of Moldova.

Description of competitive advantages

The main competitors of the Neurobarometer network neurolaboratories are: multimodal systems, such as: Imotion, Bitbrain, Neurobureau, etc and highly specialized systems, such as: Tobii, Eyelink, etc. According to the main characteristics (minimization of errors in the results of the study due to synchronization at the hardware level, possibility of group measurements, number of metrics, possibility of conducting network research simultaneously in several laboratories, using AI, Neurobarometer surpasses competitors. In a number of information sources (sensors) multimodal systems are comparable to Neurobarometer. Also none of the competitors offer a network of neuro-labs nor do they develop the whole ecosystem of cognitive technologies starting from education to hardware and software development and conducting commercial and science research.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 EY Award (Ernst & Young) - Neurotrend CEO Natalia Galkina in the High Technologies sector. Business Woman 2017 EY Award (Ernst & Young) - Neurotrend' CEO Natalia Galkina was awarded in the sector "High tech".IT Stars Lanit - Neurolaboratory Neurobarometer by Neurotrend is a finalist of the IT Stars competition named after G. Gens 2021. BIZZ Business Excellence Award from the World Business Confederation to Neurotrend.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

There is an Application to Invention "Method for measuring the memorability of a multimedia message".Also there is a patent for the Invention "Method for testing the effectiveness of advertising materials".


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