BRICS Solution Awards

Energy Universe

Problem and implemented solution

At the same time, when conducting career guidance classes with modern schoolchildren and students, there are certain difficulties due to the significant contribution of the Internet to their development. In resent years the prestige of engineering education and specialties has been constantly decreasing among young people who choosing their life path. Today, the most popular professional are manager, economist and such non-professional specialties as blogger. Therefore we need to pay attention to the popularization of engineering specialties and explanation their necessity for society and increasing the status of engineers in society. And the best time and place for future personnel of the country to meet with the energy professions is school. But unfortunately there is no such suitable system for current and future generations. This is confirmed by the answers received by scientists of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences during a survey of university students in 2021. According to the surveys the most part of schoolchildren are determined with the choice of a future profession only by the end of their studies. A quarter choose a specialization by the 9th grade, 55% - in grades 10-11. Only half a percent made a decision after the open day at the university, 7% of schoolchildren listen to the advice of their teachers, and ten times more (70%) make a choice on their own. In general, among young professionals, less than a third (30%) say that school helped them choose a profession. 44% said that no one had done such work with them. At the same time, when conducting career guidance classes with modern schoolchildren and students, there are certain difficulties due to the significant contribution of the Internet to their growth. To solve the above problem, taking into account the peculiarities of modern youth, it is proposed to create a virtual interactive educational game for conducting classes on involving schoolchildren and students in engineering professions. The creation of this platform was carried out with grant funds received from the Federal Agency for Youth «Rosmolodezh». On the educational platform, 4 virtual models of existing energy facilities operating on renewable energy sources have been created — Volzhskaya HPP, Svistukhinskaya HPP, SES in Batgai (Yakutia), WPP in Ust — Kamchatsk (Kamchatka Territory). When visiting these facilities, students and schoolchildren are invited to take a virtual tour, a quest and mini-games. This way they will be able to get acquainted with the main equipment, technological process, the impact of these objects on the environment and the ecology of adjacent territories, and will also have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with coding for creating such objects in virtual reality. A Russian open source project was used to create it. This project is a browser version of the world-famous computer game Minecraft.


Cognitive technologies and Creative economy


Platforms for fostering competencies in game or gamified formats

Estimated duration of implementation

At the same time, when conducting career guidance classes with modern schoolchildren and students, there are certain difficulties due to the significant contribution of the Internet to their development.

Implementation geography

Volgograd region, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk region, Khakassia Republic.

Description of competitive advantages

This platform will use a graphic design similar to one of the most famous games in this target audience - Minecraft. It takes much less time to create objects and training scenarios than with conventional 3d games. Any specialists who know the most popular programming language, python, can join the creation of objects and scripts. The graphic design of this platform allows you to transfer the size, shape and relief as close as possible to the real ones.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



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