BRICS Solution Awards

International industrial design competitions

Problem and implemented solution

In today's multipolar world, where a sovereign economy is based on the principles of protecting the national product, it is important to create custom ways and appearance characteristic of the country's culture, as well as a unique, inimitable type of products. Solving this task requires not only the exchange of experience within the BRICS countries, in order to understand the differences in cultural approaches and design technologies, but also the involvement of as many young specialists as possible and enriching them with important knowledge in the field of the sovereignty of the national product.


Competencies And Staff Development


National projects for training in the fields of artificial intelligence, critical technologies or unmanned aircraft systems

Estimated duration of implementation

It makes sense to conduct an initial cycle of data collection and processing from countries within five years, where the first year has already passed. By changing the leading positions of the host countries, it will be possible to obtain a wide range of different experiences and information about the technologies of colleagues, as well as competently prepare several streams of their own specialists. At the end of the fifth year, it will be necessary to summarize the acquired knowledge into some methodological material for mass implementation in the educational process and make a decision to extend the practice in its preserved form, or adapt it based on the set goals.

Implementation geography

The project covers all regions of Russia, as it is carried out in a remote format, thus the requests of manufacturers can be satisfied and specialists in the field of industrial design from any region of the country can be trained.

Description of competitive advantages

At the moment, provided that industrial design is strategically included in current initiatives, there is not a single project that would be built on the identity of Russian design, would bring together such a number of specialists from Russia who are ready to exchange experience, experts from other countries for a multifaceted exchange of experience and understanding of the uniqueness of each technological approach within countries, as well as It would serve to actively transfer experience directly to a young specialist. The strategy of the championship exchange of experience is based on comparing the stages of work, and due to tight deadlines and stressful conditions, it allows you to firmly consolidate experience. However, the main goal is the identity of the national product, and this can only be seen by studying the experience of colleagues and demonstrating your own. Also, this strategy allows not only to strengthen the position of the national product within the country and promote successful Russian technologies in the field of design for export and thereby contribute a new profit item to the country's economy. The next stage of the cycle is scheduled for autumn – work with real manufacturers and the introduction of successful experience and the found primary identity in technology in the work.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

First place in the ranking of countries and three first places in the absolute ranking of the Brics Challenge 2024, links to broadcasts of the opening and closing ceremonies:,, some articles:,, ,,

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Based on the research, a fundamental typology of modern design cultures has been developed, according to which research is currently being conducted both within the framework of championships and individually for enterprises. Research articles: , A SCOPUS-level article is also being prepared for publication (accepted by the editorial board, preparation for printing), and a monograph on the typology of the author M.V. Taube (preparation for printing)


For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

