BRICS Solution Awards

Реформирование школьного питания в г.Казани

Problem and implemented solution

Until 2006, Kazan had an acute problem with school meals: each institution provided meals according to different menus, all students ate differently and at different prices. The reasons for this situation were: technical capabilities (wear and tear of equipment, lack of conditions for proper preparation and placement of seats) and social (lack of targeted support for families in difficult life situations, lack of a single menu, limited opportunities to purchase food products). To solve these problems, the Resolution of the Head of the Executive Committee of Kazan dated 20.10.2006 No. 2190 "On approval of the Municipal target program "Organization of healthy nutrition and implementation of modern technologies for the production and transportation of ready-made breakfasts in general education institutions of Kazan for 2006-2009" launched the program "Healthy nutrition for children". During the program's implementation, three main stages have been implemented: 2006-2010: creation of a single food service operator - "Department of Food and Social Nutrition of Kazan"; centralization of procurement and logistics on its basis; implementation of Cook&Chill technology; introduction of a single menu; receipt of a federal grant in the amount of 100 million rubles; modernization of equipment for school kitchens; social support for children from families in difficult life situations. 2010-2018: transition to cashless payments for meals - "Educational Card"; the legacy of the World Summer Universiade - a modern Food Service Plant and an accredited laboratory; development of the concept of a school restaurant and a free choice menu. 2019-2024: School canteen modernization program: in 2019, on the initiative of the Mayor of Kazan I.R. Metshin, the second stage of the city program "Healthy Nutrition for Children" began, since 2021, by the decision of the Raisa of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov, funds are allocated from the republican budget within the framework of the program to provide primary school students with free and hot meals; introduction of daily parental control in all schools in electronic form; digitalization within the framework of the "Smart Nutrition" system (the "Logistics" block (automatic order calculation, shipping documents, warehouse stock) and the "Digital Twin of the School Canteen" (based on the Russian CRM system Bitrix-24); projects to promote healthy eating. The results of the "Healthy Nutrition for Children" program were the creation of a unique, constantly developing and improving system for organizing school meals, which involves all participants in the process (children and their parents, school and school kitchen staff, the food operator, the Executive Committee of Kazan and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan headed by Rais R.M. Minnikhanov and the Mayor of Kazan I.R. Metshin), which is of interest to many regions not only of the Russian Federation, but also of neighboring countries.


Biotechnology And National Health


Human healthy nutrition technologies

Estimated duration of implementation

From 2006 to present

Implementation geography

Municipality of the city of Kazan

Description of competitive advantages

Organization of a full cycle of catering (purchase, logistics, laboratory control, preparation, delivery to outlets, local sales) for more than 300 thousand people daily in the city of Kazan and 10 districts of the Republic of Tatarstan. The results of the implementation of the Healthy Nutrition for Children program: • creation of a unified system for organizing school meals, operating according to uniform quality and safety standards. Confidence in safety at each cycle; • introduction of a single menu regardless of the financial capabilities of the family and the technical conditions of the food block; • transparent system of organizing meals and involvement of all participants in the process (parents and students, school administration and cafeteria staff, city and Republic leadership and the food operator); • more than 1 billion rubles of the Nutrition Department's funds have been invested in the school catering system. With the support of the city of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan - a large-scale program to modernize school canteens (today there are 184 school restaurants in the city). Implementation of the Smart Nutrition system: - logistics optimization, saving the working time of the food service manager, eliminating the risks of under-ordering or over-ordering products; - a digital twin of the school based on the Birix-24 CRM system: a single "data lake" where all information on each institution is collected, which makes it possible to efficiently and quickly process a large amount of information (risk management); Parental satisfaction - for the 2023/2024 academic year, 19 thousand entries were left in the Parental Control Journal, 98.5% of which were positive. Creation of an effective financial model, where the invested funds made it possible to create a functioning enterprise that returns the earned funds to the school nutrition infrastructure.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Information about the awards is presented in a separate document.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



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