BRICS Solution Awards

The unified BRICS platform for certification of the quality of teachers' work.

Problem and implemented solution

The purpose of the platform is to improve the quality of education and upbringing of children from 3 to 18 years old. What is necessary: - Creating a unified international platform for certification of the quality of work of teachers and institutions based on accredited national certification bodies in the CSIT. - Identifying those BRICS countries who have the best education system and disseminating their experience to other states. - Monitoring the quality of the work of institutions and informing executive and legislative authorities of a country. Solution: Accreditation of national CSIT certification bodies in the BRICS countries.


Platforms And End-to-End Solutions For Government And Public Administration


National and municipal technological platforms

Estimated duration of implementation

1.5 years.

Implementation geography

In the future: across the BRICS countries Currently: Teachers from all regions of the Russian Federation participate in the certification.

Description of competitive advantages

The Russian know-how that has no analogues in the world. An absolutely objective assessment of the quality of education will be possible to conduct in different countries.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The idea was first announced at the State Duma conference and the All-Russian competition "1000 best enterprises and organizations of the XXI century in Russia", which was held in the Kremlin in 2000. We have entered the TOP-1000 promising areas for 100 years.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

In 2019, the publishing house "Author's Book" published the book "Voluntary certification in the field of education and upbringing of children". Twice a year, on the CSIT platform, we hold All-Russian scientific and practical seminars "Quality of education at the round table" and annually the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Raising the Future".


For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

