BRICS Solution Awards

Soil Conservation Nodes (SCNs)

Problem and implemented solution

Soil erosion leads to loss of fertile land, water pollution, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. It also leads to reduced biodiversity, infrastructure damage, and significant economic losses in agriculture, infrastructure, and tourism. Furthermore, soil erosion can cause food insecurity, damage cultural heritage sites, and increase the risk of natural disasters. Overall, soil erosion poses a substantial threat to environmental sustainability, agricultural productivity, and human well-being, emphasizing the need for sustainable land management practices to mitigate its effects. Furthermore, toxic fertilizers can alter soil structure, reducing its water-holding capacity and fertility. Also, essential compounds like ammonia which is required for soil nutritional balance doesn't directly cause soil erosion, its presence can weaken soil's defences against erosion. It's essential to manage ammonia levels and maintain soil health through sustainable practices to minimize erosion risks. Solution: Porous beadlike structures that contain zeolite and biochar that help curb this issue of soil erosion. Implemented in farms during the ploughing phase where – the porous material holds the soil. The bead’s inner layers help filter toxins as well as aerate the soil, boosting growth and spread of roots, thus increasing the ability of the plant to benefit from the added irrigation water.


Biotechnology And National Health


Technologies for soil medium

Estimated duration of implementation

Over annual farming cycles.

Implementation geography

Agricultural heartlands, Erosion-prone areas, Water-scarce regions, organic farming regions, climate-change affected areas

Description of competitive advantages

Our approach to soil conservation is cooperative, not competitive. We aim to implement sustainable practices across all farming methods. Contour farming, terracing, and buffer strips reduce soil loss on slopes and waterways. Crop rotation, cover cropping, and minimum tillage enhance soil fertility, structure, and organic matter. Introducing Soil Conservation NODES (SCNs): bead-like, porous structures that mix with topsoil during ploughing, creating a soil matrix for plantation. SCNs prevent erosion by holding soil together, retain water, and distribute it evenly. As water passes through the beads, fertilizers and insecticides get purified due to the biochar and zeolite content. If SCNs enter water bodies naturally, they can even support water toxin purification, promoting safer aquatic ecosystems. Our goal is to create a harmonious relationship between farming, soil, and water, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice


List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



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