BRICS Solution Awards

Hybrid PEMFC-based power source for stand-alone power supply systems

Problem and implemented solution

Currently, there are a number of undecided tasks related to the integration of fuel cells (FC) into consumer power supply systems, which limit the scope of application of FC and their efficiency. These include operational limitations related to the polarization characteristic, low rate of chemical reactions, low mobility under dynamically changing loads, reduced efficiency and service life. Therefore, an actual task is to develop scientific and technical solutions to improve the efficiency of energy systems with hydrogen FC and their integration into stand-alone power supply systems. The most promising type of hydrogen FC are proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC). The problem of dynamic changes in power and peak load coverage occurs when using a PEMFC as the only power source. Such operating modes negatively impact the resource of PEMFC and the technical and economic characteristics of the system. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use several PEMFC together with batteries as part of a hybrid power system (HPS). HPS should connect various types of fuel and energy sources, energy storages and consumers. The HPS control system should adapt to the consumer's load curve and the parameters of the HPS elements. Besides, when using several FC together as part of one energy system (multistack), it is necessary to solve the problem of choosing the optimal load of each FC. The solution to the problem is the development of adaptive HPS energy management systems. The control system must provide adaptation of settings to external factors and degradation processes of FC.


New Industry And Energy


Hydropower engineering

Estimated duration of implementation

Currently, the HPS scientific research has been completed ¬- a HPS prototype has been created and its tests have been carried out. At the next stage, it is planned to develop and create a pilot project of HPS, which can be installed on the Eastern hydrogen cluster on Sakhalin Island. It will take 1 year to develop a project.

Implementation geography

Experimental studies of the developed HPS were carried out in the scientific laboratories of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev in 2024. The implementation of pilot projects in real conditions is expected from 2025 at the hydrogen test site, which is part of the Eastern hydrogen cluster on Sakhalin Island.

Description of competitive advantages

The HPS provides high energy efficiency and long-term autonomous operation for energy remote consumers with a changing daily load curve, and also makes it possible to connect external renewable energy sources. The developed adaptive multistack energy management system (EMS), thanks to the use of neural network technology, provides new opportunities to increase the efficiency and reliability of stand-alone power supply systems with FC. Research carried out using computer simulation have shown that the use of the proposed adaptive EMS can reduce hydrogen consumption by 12% compared to traditional control strategies.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

1. 2nd degree of the XXIII All-Russian Youth Scientific and Practical Conference "The Future of technical science", 2024 2. 1st degree of the XXII All-Russian Youth Scientific and Practical conference "The Future of technical science", 2023 3. 3rd degree of the IX All-Russian (XLII regional) scientific and technical Conference "Actual problems of the electric power industry", 2023 4. Report "Nizhny Novgorod scientists have created an energy complex that allows converting hydrogen into electricity" ( )

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

1. 2. 3. DOI: 10.3390/en15196863 4. DOI: 10.3390/su13169355 5. Loskutov A., Shalukho A., Lipuzhin I., Bedretdinov R., Shuvalovа Yu. Development and research of an experimental sample of a power plant based on hydrogen fuel cells // Electrical Engineering. 2024 No. 11 (in print). 6. DOI: 10.24412/2071-6168-2023-11-386-387 7. DOI: 10.25791/esip.10.2022.1324 8. DOI: 10.46960/2658-6754_2022_4_53 9. DOI: 10.46960/2658-6754_2021_4_47


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