BRICS Solution Awards

Производство приточно-вытяжных установок с системой автоматики

Problem and implemented solution

There are certain ventilation standards for public and administrative buildings all over the world. This is due to the fact that the air condition in the room directly affects the health of the people in it. The main requirements for air quality and ventilation system are prescribed in the joint venture. All designers are guided by them when calculating and selecting equipment. There are certain requirements for indoor air quality for different types of buildings. This became especially important during the pandemic, when mandatory ventilation was introduced into the rules for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus. There is a reason why doctors insist on the circulation of fresh air in any room and its cleaning. Systematic oxygen deficiency adversely affects physical health, mental capabilities, and psycho-emotional state. With the standard solution method, there is a significant energy consumption for heating the air in winter. This entails significant costs. The equipment developed by us helps to solve these tasks in a complex. Supply and exhaust systems are technically sophisticated equipment that combine advanced technologies, namely: modern high-efficiency heat exchangers, innovative software, highly efficient electric motors with an integrated frequency converter, with the issue of heat and sound insulation solved and their own design developments. The software allows you to safely operate the equipment both locally and remotely from anywhere in the world. Control algorithms make it possible to achieve energy efficiency in combination with the fulfillment of the required parameters of a comfortable climate. The intuitive interface makes it easy to control the equipment and get information for the user. A flexible management system solves any assigned tasks. Our equipment is manufactured and delivered to facilities using modern technologies, providing significant savings in energy consumption and reducing thermal energy emissions, which meets the modern needs of world countries fighting global warming, and it is also suitable for the Green City program. During operation of the ventilation equipment, mechanical supply of fresh and exhaust air is used. Often, separate ventilation systems (supply and exhaust units) are used. To prevent freezing and increase efficiency, recuperators with a special coating are used in supply and exhaust installations of a modern type. The removed air from the room gives heat to the supply air, without mixing the flows, reducing the amount of release of unused thermal energy back into the atmosphere. Thus, the units solve the most important task - saving electrical and thermal energy. The efficiency of the units is up to 70%.


New Industry And Energy


Machine engineering

Estimated duration of implementation


Implementation geography

Territory of the Russian Federation and the BRICS countries

Description of competitive advantages

Own design developments, frameless ergonomic ventilation units with polymer coating, which allow for mass production to reduce costs and reduce the cost to the customer. The built-in automation system with an intuitive interface allows, among other things, remote control of the equipment. The automation algorithm significantly reduces costs during operation due to the use of energy-saving heat exchangers and economical electric motors. Our advantage is a competitive price and reduced operating costs.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The status of a resident of the HMAU-Yugra "Technopark of High Technologies" was obtained, the trademark "Made in Yugra" was obtained.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



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