BRICS Solution Awards

Creation of water-fuel emulsions based on an acoustic flow reactor to reduce fuel consumption and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other harmful substances into the atmosphere

Problem and implemented solution

In Russia and in many countries of the world, fuel oil is used as fuel for boiler houses and power plants. When heating fuel oil, steam is often used, which then remains in the layers of fuel oil in the form of water lenses. During combustion, uneven combustion of fuel occurs, a lot of oxygen is required for good combustion of fuel oil. Gorenje gorenje. As a result of the formation of water globules of 3-10 microns, due to the use of our technology, there is an even distribution of water in the mass of fuel oil, which allows us to achieve the following results: - Creation of fuel oil-based water-fuel emulsions resistant to stratification, - disposal of sludge waters, - savings in fuel combustion at power plants from 7 to 15% - Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants into the atmosphere (CO, NOx, Sox) by 20-30% - Increase the efficiency of boiler plants by 0.5 – 2.5%, - An increase in the service life of boilers and related equipment by 1.5-2.0 times.


Climate And Environmental Technologies


Climate change control technologies

Estimated duration of implementation

It is not possible to abandon fuel oil and naval fuel oil in the coming decades. We are currently testing a new diesel fuel treatment plant in order to reduce its consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The tests showed a decrease in sulfur content by 30 percent, a decrease in flash point, a decrease in ash content and viscosity in treated diesel fuel.

Implementation geography

Murmansk region, Russia, Eberswalde, Germany

Description of competitive advantages

The developed and proposed device is characterized by the simultaneous use of several types of physical effects: vibration, acoustic flow, sound radiation pressure, sound capillary effect, which make it possible to implement unique technological processes that are unattainable using widespread traditional methods of exposure - mechanical mixing, high temperatures and pressure. The use of this type of device allows you to disperse and emulsify liquids with different densities and viscosities, change the rates of dissolution, diffusion, heat treatment, and in some cases, for low-boiling substances, change their aggregate state. A feature of the developed device is the creation and interaction of two or more vortex flows in vortex tubes, resulting in "friction" of the counter-directed outer layers and shear deformations that initiate discontinuities of "continuity" and, as a result, the occurrence of cavitation, which is accompanied by a sound pulse in a wide frequency range.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

T.V. Vardashkin Report at the Conference on Energy Efficiency (NEFTEGAZ, 2022). Topic of the report: "Energy efficient solutions to reduce the carbon footprint in the operation of boilers running on fuel oil" V.I. Kormilitsyn. Environmental aspects of fuel combustion. // M.: Publishing House of MEI, 1998. – 336 p. 3. R.F. Ganiev, V.I. Kormilitsyn, L.E. Ukrainsky. Wave technology for the preparation of alternative fuels and the efficiency of their combustion. – M.: SIC "Regular and chaotic dynamics", 2008, 116 p.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Patent for the invention "Device for producing a water-fuel emulsion and oil treatment" No. 2682608


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