BRICS Solution Awards

Diagnostic and Analytical Technology of Pressure Transient Analysis for Horizontal Wells in Heterogeneous Reservoirs and Its Application

Problem and implemented solution

Most of carbonate reservoirs in Middle East are heterogeneous because of geological units and fluid properties such as high permeability zone (HPZ), faults, heavy oil and asphalt, which have a significant influence on streamline distribution inside the formation. In this condition, there are always rapid water breakthrough and invalid cycle of water for waterflooding patterns, leading to a poor sweep volume and oil recovery factor. For well pattern by horizontal injectors and producers, pressure transient analysis (PTA) is a practical tool to figure out reservoir permeability, wellbore contamination and effective horizontal length. These parameters are critical to analyze the distribution of remaining oil and then propose corresponding strategy to improve sweep efficiency. However, conventional PTA methods will not be applicable when HPZ exists. Numerical methods can solve this problem but it costs too much time to solve the partial differential equations discretely by unstructured grid so that it is difficult for massive PTA jobs for all wells of the reservoir. Therefore, our team proposed an improved method for pressure transient analysis and diagnosis. This technique is based on flow dynamics and mathematical method, which can describe the percolation flow for horizontal wells in the reservoir. Then, we build an equivalent homogeneous model and corresponding fitting algorithm for interpretation.


New Industry And Energy


Technologies to improve natural resource extraction

Estimated duration of implementation

less than 3 month

Implementation geography

Reservoirs in Middle East (UAE, Iraq, etc)

Description of competitive advantages

This new model and corresponding fitting algorithm can yield a higher efficiency and accuracy for horizontal wells in heterogeneous reservoir. This new method can make a better diagnosis and analysis of remaining oil distribution for more applicable stimulation method or strategy of injection optimization to improve recovery factor of waterflooding.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice


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