BRICS Solution Awards

Program for automated analysis of digital chest X-rays/fluorogram

Problem and implemented solution

The shortage of radiologists and their workload. The medical decision support system allows you to automate the process of initial viewing and identify alarming images (with suspected pathology).


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

The integration process depends on the technical equipment of the medical organization and takes from several hours to several days.

Implementation geography

The Phthisisbiomed artificial intelligence service has been implemented and is successfully used in various regions of the Russian Federation. Processes research from individual clinics (private and public), as well as from entire regions (Volgograd, Kursk region, Moscow)

Description of competitive advantages

The functionality of the service allows you to detect suspected pathologies, to produce their graphical localization on the analyzed images, to classify the identified pathological area, as well as to form a draft conclusion. The PhthisisBioMed service localizes 11 types of pathological signs, gives a numerical value of the probability of pathology. Localization areas are marked using contours, the color schemes of which correspond to the probable classes of pathological signs given in the caption to the image processed by the AI service.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The National Award in the field of entrepreneurship "Golden Mercury", established by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, in the nomination "Innovative activity"; the IT Stars 2021 award named after George Gens in the nomination "Innovative project in healthcare";

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

1. Регистрационное удостоверение на медицинское изделие №РЗН 2022/17406 от 31.05.2022г. Статьи: "Искусственный медицинский интеллект «ФтизисБиоМед»: программа автоматизированного анализа цифровых рентгенограмм органов грудной клетки/флюорограмм" (журнал "Современные технологии в медицине"); "Предельные возможности искусственного медицинского интеллекта" (журнал "Научно-технический вестник поволжья")


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