DonorSearch - IT Platform of blood donor community — The largest community of blood donors in RuNet. Our mission is to achieve such a state of society and the donor system in the country that every blood center is filled with the required number of donors with the required blood parameters every day, and therefore fully meet the healthcare needs for donor blood. So that the life of each person does not depend on the availability of blood components in a medical institution. At the same time, we do not deal with blood - we motivate people to become donors and help not to deviate from this path - from the first blood donation to regular donations. And to achieve this goal, we use modern IT technologies and communication tools, the most popular and in demand among young people. What problem are we solving Source processed In 2009, 1.9 million people were donors in Russia. After the transition to unpaid donation, this figure fell to 1.28 million or 0.87% of the population by 2019. By 2023, this figure rose to 1.43 million people with a frequency of 2.2 donations per person per year. But for the normal functioning of the healthcare system in Russia, this is not enough - it would be good to bring the frequency of donations to a coefficient of 3 per donor. In Russia (and the world), the number of young blood donors is decreasing. Since donation is losing the competition for the attention of a young person. We at DonorSearch are systematically engaged in supporting existing donors, as well as forming an online database of future donors, young citizens who are still under the age of 16-18. This allows us to predict blood reserves throughout the country and be confident in the regular updating of the donor community.
Platforms And End-to-End Solutions For Government And Public Administration
Digitalization of services and service ecosystems for citizens
1 year
post soviet
The DonorSearch IT platform consists of the following modules/areas: Donor's personal account with gamification elements (>260,000 registered users) DEMAND FORMATION for donation (activation to donation) Donation journal (stories of donors and recipients, as well as popular science articles about donation) Special projects (image and co-branding stories about blood donation) Corporate donation (work with businesses to develop donation within companies among employees) RETENTION and ENGAGEMENT of donors (retention) Bonus program (attracting businesses to support donors) Badges and bracelets for donors (gamification and incentives) Virtual achievements in the donor's personal account (gamification and incentives) Community building in social networks (formation of space and connections) FLOW MANAGEMENT (understanding blood needs) Blood centers module (publish their needs) Community and events service (volunteer associations conduct donor campaigns) Blood donor search system (Funds and individuals are sometimes forced to look for donors for relatives and wards) TA - young people from 16 years old from large cities where there are centers blood. Current and potential donors We work on SDG 3.8 Ensure universal health coverage - donor blood is the same consumable as medical drugs, without which it is impossible to cure a person. In particular: SDG 3.8.1 - reduce mortality during childbirth (donor blood is often needed during childbirth). Also within the framework of SDG 3.3.1 - Reduce by 73% the number of new cases of HIV infection per 1,000 uninfected people - this point is not publicly advertised. Prevention of HIV and hepatitis is carried out in a passive mode, since by donating blood, the donor is tested for the disease, which means that infected cases will be identified faster. At the same time, not through fear - be afraid of HIV, but through positivity - save lives.
ANO DonorSearch