BRICS Solution Awards

Predictive systems of automative controlling industrial air pollusion (PEMS)

Problem and implemented solution

The concentrations of pollutants in the emissions are constantly different and may exceed established standards. Nowadays instrumental control is carried out after the emission has occurred and periodically. When production placed close to communities, industrial plants, emissions may cause on people’s health. PEMS helps to control emissions and, thanks to artificial intelligence of PEMS, it helps to slow down technological processes or at least to notify technologists in case of any excisions of technological process.


Climate And Environmental Technologies


Technologies for the healthy environment

Estimated duration of implementation

till September 2025 (1,5 year from initiation)

Implementation geography

Norilsk city, Norilsk region - One industrial site as a Pilot. Norilsk Region, Murmansk Region (Kola Peninsula) - replication

Description of competitive advantages

Reduction in capital costs -2x and - 5x OPEX compared to direct instrumental monitoring systems (CEMS). Local communities may be sure that breathing would not affect their breathing organs. Industrial company may be sure about no any exceeds of pollutants, and no grooving fees for pollution. Controllers may get all the information they need about the emissions in time, any time.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The list of links is attached

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



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