BRICS Solution Awards

Сверхтонкая теплоизоляция "Броня" в атомной промышленности

Problem and implemented solution

Thermal insulation of pipelines: As for the pipelines of both cold water supply (in order to eliminate condensation) and hot (to reduce heat loss) (the link provides many examples of the use of "Armor" on pipes: /). To simplify it a lot, instead of 5 cm min. cotton wool needs only 1.5 mm "Armor", and if the surface is 120℃, then only 2-2.5 mm so that the surface is 45℃. Thermal insulation of brick, metal and house pipes both for the purpose of identical standard thermal insulation (reduction of heat loss, thermal shock and destruction of pipes), and repair of old pipes (balance of the dew point of brick pipes to increase and extend their service life), elimination of condensation of flue and exhaust pipes (easily solved with the help of our thermal insulation). Thermal insulation of equipment, furnaces, boilers, gas tanks, etc. Pre-insulated pipe with a heating satellite. Fire protection: We have certified materials for fire protection (120 min), structural fire protection (150-240 min), as well as simply non-flammable, fire-resistant paint (NG modifications) (for more information, see the section "Fire protection (R120) and structural Fire protection (R240)" High temperature scheme: Proposed scheme (Patent No. 118654 "Thermal insulation coating" from 02/22/2012.) allows you to reduce the temperature from +350°C to a safe temperature of +60 °C or even +45°With a total application thickness of 1.5 cm; Fire, oil fuel and other tanks, tankers, containers.


New Industry And Energy


Nuclear power engineering

Estimated duration of implementation

The estimated duration of the implementation of Bronya thermal insulation coatings can vary depending on many factors, including the size of the facility, the complexity of the project and the availability of resources. However, on average, the process can take from 1 to 10 months, taking into account the design stages.

Implementation geography

NPO Bronya LLC has a global network of dealerships, which number over 300 companies in 60 countries: Asia, Africa, the Arab world, Latin and North America, the European Union, as well as in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Description of competitive advantages

NPO Bronya LLC uses 100% Russian raw materials for the production of liquid ceramic thermal insulation coatings, produces its own rubber dispersion based on a patented technology, which allows the coating to provide high-temperature insulation up to 500 ° C, fire resistance, frost resistance, seismic resistance, corrosion protection and a long service life of the material (up to 42 years). 1 mm of the thermal insulation coating of the Bronya series replaces 50 mm of non-flammable mineral wool, and also effectively eliminates condensation. The undoubted advantage, in addition to the obvious economic feasibility, is Time (or rather, its radical savings). Painting in the right color, incombustibility and bringing to the required energy standards occur in a time period incommensurable with any traditional method of insulation. The main advantage of using products is the high economic difference when compared with the total estimated cost (material + work), depending on the type of object and the type of task for thermal insulation, with the difference ranging from 20% pipelines, 40% facades to 150% reservoirs. The solution of the "Armor" coatings: 1.Environmentally friendly, carbon-neutral, safe for humans and the environment thermal insulation coatings "Armor" can reduce the carbon footprint of companies. 2.Bronya coatings: - are able to reduce heat losses of boiler plants, heating mains, pipes, enclosing structures of buildings and structures, facades, tanks and cisterns by up to 60%; radically reduce the loss of radiant heat (which, for example, traditional insulation is not able to do); - reflects 92% of radiant heat, which is confirmed by a reputable Italian laboratory; A test was conducted on the initiative of the Bahrain Armor, which is an absolute record. Due to such insulation of the building coating, up to 25-30% of electricity will be saved for air conditioning in both industrial and residential buildings, the building will be much cooler, i.e. the building and roof covered with our material will be non-flammable; - 80% consist of vacuumized hollow ceramic microspheres, 20% of acrylic and binders. 3.The material is completely environmentally friendly and non-toxic. 4.1 mm "Armor" replaces 50 mm of mineral wool plate or 40 mm of expanded polystyrene. Wide operating temperature range from -70 to + 260°C. 5.Bronya coatings are vandal-proof, durable, maintainable, lightweight and easy to install, no load on structures, elasticity, high adhesion to any surface. 6.All modifications have supporting documents for their thermal conductivity of 0.001 W/m2 ° C, for NG (absolutely non-flammable), for G1 (slightly flammable). 7. The heated surface does not emit harmful substances and volatile compounds harmful to humanity and the ecology of the planet into the atmosphere. 8.High performance guarantee of the coating even in the most extreme conditions – 15 years outside and 30 years indoors. 9.Reducing the carbon footprint of companies, industries, and industry.

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