BRICS Solution Awards

Digital Health Services

Problem and implemented solution

Problem Users: Difficulty obtaining health information, finding qualified medical care and information on treatment, as well as insufficient completeness of online resources on the health of a young mother, child and loved one, as well as the lack of opportunity to evaluate the adoption of preventive measures at early stages. Specialists: Difficulty finding information on internships and cooperation, finding mentors and self-education, finding specialized information, exchanging experience and the lack of a personnel reserve in a single system that simplifies the search for qualified specialists Solution 1 - Develop four main areas: Childhood, Become a mother, Oncological care, Palliative care Prepare the opportunity to undergo testing for oncological care 2 - Provide users with the opportunity to use the "Library" functionality, which implements access to thematic introductory materials and useful literature in accordance with the subject of the service. 3 - Implement the ability to separate content according to the role model (User / Specialist) 4 - Provide users with the functionality to carry out self-diagnosis activities in order to take early measures. 5 - Implement the functionality of generating advice based on users completing surveys in order to promote registration for diagnostics 6 - Implement the functionality of feedback from specialist to specialist 7 - Develop a personal account that will aggregate basic information about the user and the thematic portal


Biotechnology And National Health


Management of the life cycle of natural and synthetic biosystems

Estimated duration of implementation

12 months

Implementation geography

Moscow region

Description of competitive advantages

1. Possibility of scaling to the federal level 2. Materials in the services were prepared jointly with the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region 3. Possibility of creating additional thematic areas based on previously developed services in a short time

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice


List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

