BRICS Solution Awards

The technology of transferring patterns onto fabric and virtual fitting using augmented reality and AI

Problem and implemented solution

The use of printed patterns is time-consuming (printing, gluing, cutting, and transferring patterns onto fabric). The pre-sewing preparation process consists of printing patterns on a plotter or printer, gluing sheets together, cutting out the details, transferring them onto the fabric - and it takes up to 3 hours. 2. High material costs (paper, ink consumption or printing costs, and other auxiliary materials). On average, one pattern consists of 50 sheets of A4 paper, and the production of one pack of paper destroys an entire tree. Moreover, paper production requires a significant amount of electricity and fresh water. The pulp bleaching process used in paper production involves chemical compounds, leading to environmental pollution. 3. There is no possibility of trying on the finished product. Virtual fitting allows trying on and evaluating the product before sewing. This is a competitive advantage, as some clothing brands are already actively using this technology, but no pattern brand has implemented it yet. Pattern brand problems: 1. They have difficulties demonstrating and selling patterns to a wide audience. 2. Customers spend a lot of time working with patterns. 3. There are no tools for sustainable development of the pattern brand. Designer problems: 1. There is no single platform for communication and ordering patterns, including custom sizes. 2. They are limited in their ability to find customers and sell their work. Also, we highlight the problem of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation: the aim to reduce waste and promote sustainable development in the industry.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

1st Year: Develop AR technology for projecting patterns onto fabric. Create a mobile application. Build a database of patterns. 2nd Year: Launch a marketplace. Develop virtual fitting technology. 3rd Year: Develop smart layout technology. Create AI and machine learning for automatic pattern projection considering pattern repeats. 4th Year: Enter CIS markets. Integrate AR projection into clothing production. Develop automatic pattern fitting to client avatars using body scanners. Explore projection technology applications in other areas, like wood cutting.

Implementation geography

1 Russia, 2 CIS countries, 3 English speaking countries

Description of competitive advantages

Eliminating the need to print patterns Virtual try-on before purchasing The only marketplace for ready-made clothing patterns Saving time and materials Pattern storage Sustainability

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice 2 3. 4.


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