BRICS Solution Awards - Codification of legal systems

Problem and implemented solution

Problem: natural and human entropy / chaos / abandonment, sub-optimal enforcement of the law and of expression of human and natural economic potential; disequilibrium. Solution: Codification of legal systems, i.e. AI based representation of legal systems / law and the economy in 4D physics - as opposed to 2D financial / standard economic - dimensions and AI powered litigation against (foreign) monopolists / oligopolists in related markets. Inventions / solutions: phenography, phenocurrency and fractal cross-pollination.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

1-3 years the basic version. No less than 5 to 10 years to have a generalized version, although with AI and blockchain things can go very quickly nowadays.

Implementation geography

A few meso-legal systems have been identified in Europe; I'd be happy to receive suggestions and introductions to build it also in the BRICS.

Description of competitive advantages

First, the AI powered codification of legal systems is based on a proposal for a new theory of everything that includes and represents human laws like the other laws of nature (see De Lege et Amore - attached), and related equation(s). Second, it purports to adopt all cutting edge technologies yet being rooted in civil law codified traditions and following the arrow of time of entropy in real world space-time. Third, for the legal tech and AI powered litigation part, it is based on a unique experience and knowledge of funding and managing litigation on legal tech and building of one of the largest initiatives in Europe.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The practice is just being launched so it has not yet received prizes and articles, although a few of the latter are being discussed. Previous media attention about the individual concern the Prize Cossiga for best thesis in Constitutional Law, media article (3rd on the list: ); or about the largest class action in Europe on legal tech: .

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Books. 1. De Lege et Amore. Theory of Interrelation & Sustanability’, self-published ‘24. 2. Third Party Funding (TPF) in the EU, E. Elgar, co-ed., forthcoming, ‘24. 3. TPF. Law, Economics and Policy (Cambridge University Press, ‘19). Articles 1. Physics as model for the law? Litigation Finance Cycles & sustainability of business models, forthcoming in JLMI, ’23. 2. TPF and Sustainability, co-authored, in Handbook on Investment Arbitration, 1/2024. 3. TPF and the EU Collective Redress, GCLR, 1/20. 4. TPF and the EU Competition Law Damage Claims, GCLR, 1/19; 5. Проверка судебных постановлений в гражданском процессе стран ЕС и СНГ, Италия, НОРМА, ИНФРА-М, Москва, 2012, 232-273.


For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

