BRICS Solution Awards

Artificial intelligence Works Providing with the System Linguistics Point of the View Approach. Innovative Model of the Personal Training.

Problem and implemented solution

The personal training has become one of the most important questions nowadays, especially in the field of the artificial intelligence. And it is very important to give people linguistic knowledge during the personal training. It is “The System-Model Super Express Method of Teaching Foreign Languages by Tamara Troushnikova” which can help to decide this task very quickly and with the best quality because it is innovative one. The Method is the logical one. It is based on the twelve sciences such as philosophy, neuropsychology, cybernetics, mathematics, systemtechnics, linguistics, etc. and uses the system approach to the problem of teaching foreign languages and the whole linguistics itself. It can be also used in the filed of the artificial intelligence, especially for creating of the innovation artificial men-translates (android, robot), which are able not only to speak fluently, but to think in various languages, i.e a thinking artificial man and an artificial men-coaches for various aims(for example medical, technical and so on). The main point of the Method is the task to form the new system of thinking in the language which is taught with the help of models of thought, which the author Tamara Troushnikova has discovered. The system of thinking is parallel to the native to the native one. It gives the opportunity in 2-8 weeks only (on the first stage of studying the language) to speak fluently without studying grammar in detail (and later to study it easily and quickly) and think on this language. The Method is practically used for 25 years. It gives the opportunity to know the foreign languages perfectly in 3-4 months. About 150 text-books of the new generation have been written on the bases of the System-Model Super Express Method of Teaching Foreign Languages by Tamara Troushnikova. They have been published not only in Russia, but in other countries, India for example. The Method is defended by the trade-mark (brend) “Tamara Troushnikova® ” the patents and the authors certificats.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

In the author’s opinion it will take not more than 3-4 months to realize the Practice for teaching any language, Russian or English for example. It’s necessary: to publish text-books and audio-video programmes in language of the country; to make ready teachers for working on the System Method; to study people who will fulfill artificial intelligence works As to realization of the other ideas of the Practice, it will depend on how complex they are but in any case it will take little time.

Implementation geography

In Tamara Troushnikova’s opinion the System Method of teaching not only languages but any other subjects and science may be apply in any region of Russia and other BRICS’ countries. The author of the discovery is ready to take part in the realization of the Practice in any BRICS’ region and country. Besides, there are published many text-books articles and methodical materials in several countries, which can help to use the Method in practice.

Description of competitive advantages

Tamara Troushnikova's Method allows: • To know the language perfectly in 3-4 months. • To study it quickly and easily. • To use the Method on machine engineering inventions. • To use it in security programme. • To study and use several languages at the same time and so on. No one of the traditional methods of linguistics are able to give such possibilities because there are the system of algorithms, the system grammar, the system of conversational models (models of ideas), the system of concepts and special words and other systems in the Method. That is why the System Method has very high competitional advantages over traditional linguistics.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Tamara G. Troushnikova is awarded numerous International and Russian orders, medals and honorary titles. Her name is included in various International and Russian Encyclopaedias and Dictionaries. There are many articles about her.(To get more detail information open attached document "BRICS SOLUTIONS AWARDS").

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Tamara G. Troushnikova has written and partly published above 150 articles, monographs, system text-books of new generation, audio-video computer programs which are published not only in Russia but abroad. There are many articles about the uthor of the Method and the Practice (To get more detail information open attached document "BRICS SOLUTIONS AWARDS").


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