BRICS Solution Awards

Installation for measuring parameters of microelectronic components under elevated temperature conditions

Problem and implemented solution

Nowadays, the electronics industry is actively developing in various sectors. Household appliances, personal computers, laboratory equipment, military equipment and many others. All products contain electronic components that have operating temperature limits, not to mention that there are elements that emit thermal energy themselves. And, of course, devices undergo a series of tests, the results of which can accurately say whether the device is suitable for operation in certain conditions. This series includes tests for resistance to elevated temperatures. Tests for exposure to elevated temperatures are aimed at determining the ability of a functional unit to maintain the constancy of its electrical and software parameters, as well as its appearance during and after the testing process when reaching the maximum operating temperature. In addition, the results of thermal tests are used in the development of electronic modules, to determine the dependence of electrical parameters on temperature, the need to design units that provide a microclimate, determine the threshold temperature values ​​​​for the operation of devices, their transportation and storage. The purpose of the presented project is to develop a device for measuring output parameters in elevated temperatures.


New Industry And Energy



Estimated duration of implementation

The commercialization plan for the innovative project has been developed for 3 calendar years. 1st year (2024): - final debugging of the prototype; - start of the advertising campaign; - creation of a specialized website; - visiting specialized exhibitions; - signing sales agreements with interested enterprises. 2nd year (2025): - active advertising campaign; - visiting specialized exhibitions; - maintaining a specialized website; - finding new buyers 3rd year (2026): - curtailment of the advertising campaign; - maintaining a specialized website; - registration of patents for the results of R&D; - full-fledged entry into the Russian market.

Implementation geography

Preliminary analysis has shown that currently the most probable markets for the product being developed will be Russia and neighboring countries (primarily Belarus and Kazakhstan). Due to the rapid development of electronics, including in the countries of the Near and Far East, there is an ever greater need to test new types of electronic devices. This is necessary for any company that wants to have its own niche in the global electronics market. In the future, it is expected to enter the global segment of the sales market, it is assumed that at first this may cause problems in terms of finding interested customers, but given the wide market, this problem can be solved.

Description of competitive advantages

The analogs of the developed device are the KT-0.4-350 and KTV-240 heat chambers. The KT-0.4-350 heat chamber is used to test products at elevated temperatures. The operating principle is based on heat transfer by air convection using two independent air flow channels. This method allows for providing and maintaining a fairly accurate temperature in the chamber with an error of ±2ºC at 200ºC and ±4ºC at temperatures above 200ºC. This chamber provides a temperature change range from 25ºC to 300ºC with a uniform heating rate of at least 2ºC/min. The chamber is a frameless cabinet. Inside, along the entire perimeter of the cabinet, there are air ducts for uniform distribution of thermal energy along the walls of the working container. The chamber is production equipment, located mainly in production facilities. The chamber volume is 0.4 m3, which allows it to accommodate large-sized items up to 0.9 m, 0.6 m and 1.5 m in length, width and depth, respectively. The ZIKO KTV-240 climatic chamber is manufactured in the Russian Federation. Overall dimensions are 0.9 x 0.8 x 1 m. Tabletop installation. Heat is transferred by air convection, maintaining the temperature up to 170ºС. It has short-circuit protection, emergency protection, and is controlled using a liquid crystal display with controls or a thermodata. There is one convection channel, which ensures relatively small overall dimensions. Power consumption is 2.5 kW. With low power and a useful chamber volume of 200 liters, it provides heating for 1 hour. Thermal shielding is provided by a stainless steel sheet. The main disadvantages of the devices under consideration are their large size and high cost, which does not allow them to be used in small laboratories or in portable research centers. The device being developed is free from these disadvantages, will have compact dimensions, which will allow it to be used on any site, and will also have a lower cost.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


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