BRICS Solution Awards

CRM "BreastCa"

Problem and implemented solution

Breast cancer is the number one cancer in the world. The main problems are high prevalence and mortality rates from this disease. There are also a lot of recurrences from this disease, which requires repeated treatment of this group of patients and carries economic costs for the state. CRM "BreastCa" - is an assistant for an oncologist, which, thanks to its built-in functions, allows for the tactics of quick decision-making and selection of the necessary volume of treatment with full detailing and visualization of the tumor process. The steady increase in morbidity requires optimization of the workflow, and the implementation of the software will have an impact at various levels from the patient to the state.


Biotechnology And National Health


Technologies for human health

Estimated duration of implementation

2-3 years

Implementation geography

Russia, the first region of planned implementation - Tatarstan, Kazan

Description of competitive advantages

1) tracking the patient's routing to prevent errors in the treatment plan; 2) the ability to visualize instrumental studies (mammography and ultrasound) to determine the scope of surgical treatment; 3) detailing the tumor process (histological examination, IHC, stage, classification); 3) all types of treatment received by the patient: radiation therapy, chemotherapy with a description of drugs and doses; 4) recommendations for treatment stages are offered to the doctor automatically with the possibility of additions; 5) conducting remote consultations at the workplace; 6) telegram bot for remote patient supervision and informing about the planned treatment and the next observation visit

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Winner Student Startup 3rd stage with the support of the Innovation Assistance Fund; Possibilities of "BreastCa" in the practical work of an oncologist / L. E. Ankhimova // XI International Youth Scientific Medical Forum "White Flowers", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of N.A. Semashko: Collection of abstracts, Kazan, April 11-13, 2024. - Kazan: Kazan State Medical University, 2024. - P. 1390-1391. (abstracts, 1st place); Prototype of the software «BreastCa» for management of patients with breast cancer (Kazan Digital week 2024, article and presentation on demo day

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

1. Combined methods of treatment of early breast cancer. Literature review / F. Sh. Akhmetzyanov, R. F. Akhmetzyanova, L. E. Ankhimova [et al.] // Siberian journal of oncology. - 2023. - Vol. 22, No. 6. - P. 172-178. - DOI 10.21294/1814-4861-2023-22-6-172-178. - EDN NEJGGO. (Scopus, Higher Attestation Commission) 2. Ankhimova, L. E. Optimization of organ-saving treatment of breast cancer / L. E. Ankhimova // X International Youth Scientific Medical Forum "White Flowers" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of S.S. Zimnitsky: Collection of abstracts, Kazan, April 12-14, 2023. – Kazan: Kazan State Medical University, 2023. – P. 1037-1038. (abstracts)


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