BRICS Solution Awards

TESSO - Energy efficiency technologies of modern air cooling systems

Problem and implemented solution

The BRICS share of global GDP in terms of purchasing power parity reached a record 35.7% by the end of 2023, according to the World Bank. BRICS today unites ten countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, as well as Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, where 45% of the world's population lives. As you can see, most of the members of this organization are in rather harsh climatic conditions with a shortage of electricity in their countries. Our solution to use tap-purified water as an air cooler dramatically reduces the cost of cooling systems for many industries in the appropriate climatic conditions. For example: "The total electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia exceeds 200 billion kilowatt hours per year, and this figure is expected to double by 2030. The country is spending more and more energy. Moreover, urbanization is far from the most energy–intensive direction. More than half of the energy consumed in the private sector is spent on cooling residential premises – air conditioners. "The cost of electricity for desalination of seawater is also growing more than rapidly: it's hard to believe, but the country, practically devoid of fresh water sources, is among the top three in terms of water consumption per capita. All this "beautiful life" in the desert requires enormous fuel costs inside the country," says Dmitry Lepeshkin, investment Director at QB Finance." Source ya_plan_po_ekonomii_nefti. Water is a renewable source, and in our country there are developments to reduce the cost of desalination of water, which, when used in combination with BIO installations, can create a synergistic effect of reducing the cost of cooling. It should also be noted that, working out the objections raised by customers from Saudi Arabia and other countries with water shortages, we calculated that with a water consumption of up to 1.3 liters/hour per 1 kW of cold, due to the energy efficiency of our installations, 7 liters of water per hour are released for desalination. Bearing in mind that productive forces and the growth of consumer markets are shifting towards Asian countries, we see a market with a wide range of applications of new developments of our initiative group. We believe that the application of our developments in the technological processes of domestic (and not only) manufacturers can significantly help in reducing the burden on the environment and, accordingly, affect the results of economic activity of many enterprises with appropriate resource savings.


Climate And Environmental Technologies


Climate adaptation solutions

Estimated duration of implementation

Depending on the needs of the end user

Implementation geography

All regions of the world south of the latitude of the city of Kazan

Description of competitive advantages

Climate control systems are developed on the basis of regenerative-indirect water evaporation technology and are designed for ventilation or cooling of supply air and have an undeniable advantage over all previously proposed solutions based on both freon equipment and evaporative installations, because they provide comfort in hot climatic zones while reducing cooling costs. The introduction of such equipment provides a number of positive effects: Reduction of capital costs for installation during the modernization of various facilities by reducing the weight and size of the equipment by 1.5 - 2 times, increasing the efficiency of the SR by 20 – 35%. With an increase in the required cooling capacity, the system layout is significantly simplified due to the compactness of the installation (the container type is equipped with from one to eight separate cooling modules in one container and then the containers can be installed on top of each other with an increase in air cooling volume from 7,500 to 60,000 m3 per hour). High reliability, because it is possible to work on each cooling module separately, regardless of the technical condition of the other. Improvement of the sanitary and hygienic parameters of the microclimate due to the possibility of reducing the proportion of recirculation to 0% (with recirculation up to 50%, air disinfection is not required). The warranty period is at least 3 years. Reduction of energy consumption from 3 to 10 times. Reducing the cost of maintenance and operation of equipment and, accordingly, reducing the payback period by 2-3 times, since the number of failures of complex electrical equipment (fans, compressors, frequency converters, valves, sensors, etc.) is reduced.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice page 32 . Article in the Expert magazine number 38, page 32

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice


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