BRICS Solution Awards

Smart Laboratory System

Problem and implemented solution

Ensuring a high level of quality in the construction and completion of oil and gas wells. Implementation of a modern Russian-made SaaS platform into production processes of oil and gas producing and service companies for mutual integration into a single analytical system equipped with domestic devices, software, mathematical models and algorithms, capable of processing large databases, unification into a single information system, including subsequent development of various standards due to: Development of devices; Creation of unified information exchange standards; Development of a telemetry and intelligent control system; Creation of SaaS software and applications; Implementation of machine learning; Application of cloud technologies.


New Industry And Energy


Technologies to improve natural resource extraction

Estimated duration of implementation

The project implementation is divided into stages. Completion of each stage involves a transition to a new revenue level due to achieving market volume, connecting a new sales channel and source of profit generation. The company's current planning horizon is until 2030.

Implementation geography

Russia and CIS, China, MENA countries

Description of competitive advantages

Development of a SaaS solution for monitoring, management, algorithmization of technological processes and laboratory research based on ML/BigData. Creation of information exchange standards both within the laboratory and with remote objects, connection of devices to a single ecosystem of monitoring and analysis of results, as well as to the system of data collection and analysis, control and management. Integration of scientific and engineering competencies and modern technical and technological solutions from various fields of knowledge in the production of our equipment and the unification of devices into a single laboratory system for storing and processing information, increasing the level of security and the implementation of machine learning solutions based on large databases for model optimization.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice


List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

A grant has now been received from the Skolkovo Innovation Center to patent the development of one of the devices.


For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

