BRICS Solution Awards

Миникор– инновационные биопрепараты с синбиотическими, детоксикационными и иммуномодулирующими свойствами для человека и животных

Problem and implemented solution

Problems: 1. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, 80% of feed additives are imported, there is an increase in the cost of feed, prices for feed additives by 30-100%, their deficit. At the same time, they help to increase the weight of the animal and improve immunity. In this regard, the production and implementation of Russian innovative technologies in the industry - domestic feed additives, including those with therapeutic and preventive action - is economically feasible and complies with the principles of implementing the import substitution strategy as the leading direction in the development of the agro-industrial and biomedical complex. 2. 70% of all antibiotics produced in the Russian Federation are used in animal husbandry, annually the volume of use of feed antibiotics grows by 40%. We get trace amounts of them from food products. And we are no longer talking about animals, but about people: we are developing resistance, and this is 25,000 deaths annually. In Russia, the Federal Law on Biological Safety and other acts have been approved aimed at limiting their use and replacing them primarily with probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes. It is necessary to change technological approaches here and now. The solution is Minicor biopreparations for animals - a regulator of the microbiota composition, the only domestic yeast-based product with high biological value, detoxifying and immunomodulating activity. The products are capable of stimulating the growth of indigenous microorganisms of the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera by 1000 times, have detoxifying, antagonistic properties for representatives of the Escherichia, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus genera, contain beta-glucans that stimulate the animal's own immunity, give at least 15% more weight gain, maintain immunity, reduce the dose of antibiotics by 50% or allow you to refuse them, remove toxins at the level of activated carbon. Safety has been successfully proven in toxicological studies on laboratory animals in vivo in accordance with OFS. "Safety of probiotics in in vivo tests". We have developed a unique 100% domestic, waste-free, innovative, cost-effective technology and a biopreparation-synbiotic based on a new selected yeast strain of complex action, and a new yeast strain-probiotic, a representative of the normal microflora of animals, has been selected. The technology allows to reduce energy costs by at least 2 times, to use agricultural waste. The technologies are protected by 3 patents of the Russian Federation. The technology is much more economically advantageous due to the use of the entire yeast biomass with the substrate, without the stages of separation, multi-stage filtration, concentration, which allows to obtain a complex effect and significantly reduce the cost of the technology.


Biotechnology And National Health


Preparations production, including production of microbiological preparations

Estimated duration of implementation

The project is production-oriented and requires the construction of an industrial process line. Taking this into account: the project implementation period is 3-5 years; the project payback period is 2-3 years after the launch of the process line. Entering the BRICS markets is in 3-5 years. At present, a biotechnological laboratory has already been opened in Mosmedpark, an MVP has been obtained, which has been tested, including preclinical studies.

Implementation geography

The main region of implementation is the Russian Federation, as production expands in 3-5 years - the BRICS countries, Argentina, India. Modern, high-tech livestock enterprises actively use feed additives. The project is fully consistent with the import substitution policy of the Russian Federation. PAM - taking into account the annual market growth for 2024 - 703.5 thousand tons. TAM - 670 thousand tons or 98.5 billion rubles. SAM - the Russian market is growing annually by 20% and there is real demand, the available market volume is estimated at 19.7 billion rubles. SOM - we estimate at 5-10% of SAM, approximately 2.5 billion rubles. Due to the market growth rate, this segment of 5-10% is considered "easy".

Description of competitive advantages

Advantages: • Minikor performs a range of functions (amino acids, vitamins, mycotoxin adsorbents, microflora growth stimulator, opportunistic microorganism growth inhibitor, immunomodulator, source of prebiotic dietary fiber). At the same time, the innovative technology is much more cost-effective due to the use of the entire yeast biomass with the substrate, without separation stages, multi-stage filtration, concentration, which allows us to achieve a comprehensive effect and significantly reduce the cost of the technology. Also, we are the only ones who use agricultural waste, which contributes to sustainable development. • The developed probiotic is our own, it is integrated into the microflora and does not pass through transit, as in analogs, which increases the growth of beneficial animal microflora up to 1000 times compared to the control (confirmed by the results of pilot testing of the biopreparation on piglets). • Among Russian analogues, we are the only ones to use yeast cells containing powerful sorbents and immunomodulators, and prebiotic fiber that does not promote allergic reactions (confirmed by data on the composition of competitors' feed additives available on the Internet). • 65% prebiotic with a complex of enzymes additionally enhance all of the listed functions (confirmed by documented results of studies of the biopreparation, fiber studies, START 1 results, and studies by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology"). • Complex action. • We have high marginality, a price lower than competitors, and are located in Moscow. The average bill for a biopreparation is from 600 rubles/kg of biopreparation, depending on the volume of the purchased batch, which is almost 2 times cheaper than analogues available on the market. Foreign and domestic analogues: DBA ProStor, NTC BIO (price - 1800 rubles); Basulifor A, S, Zh, Research Institute of Probiotics (price - 1760 rubles); LEVISEL SB Plus, Biotal Ltd. (price - 2050 rubles); Immuguard, Micron Bio-Systems (price - 2050 rubles). The main disadvantages of the prevailing number of competitors on the market:  they use deep cultivation technology, which is more expensive, containing numerous purification stages (concentration, high-temperature cultivation) with harmful industrial waste that pollutes the environment;  it is not possible to significantly reduce the cost of antibiotics and drugs, the price fluctuates;  mainly bacteria of the genus Bacillus are used, which are not representatives of the animal's microflora (foreign);  there are no domestic yeast probiotics;  lactobacilli, as a rule, are not protected from the effects of the aggressive environment of the gastrointestinal tract and are not immobilized on the sorbent - they do not reach the colonization site alive;  do not have a complex effect.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

LLC Minikor

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

The practical and scientific novelty of the developments is confirmed by Russian patents, the copyright holder is Microbial Nutrients Immunocorrectors LLC: Russian patent No. 2502795 dated 12/27/2013, Russian patent No. 2771136 dated 04/26/2022, Russian patent No. 2798521 dated 06/23/2023, Russian patent No. 2823299 dated 07/24/2024.


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