BRICS Solution Awards

Development of an Operational Monitoring System for Ice Conditions and Risk Forecasting for Economic Activities in the Arctic Shelf Seas Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods (IceMap)

Problem and implemented solution

Economic activities in the Arctic shelf seas are associated with high risks due to challenging ice conditions. The uncertainty in forecasting ice field conditions can lead to accidents, significant economic losses, and safety threats to both people and businesses. Current methods for predicting ice conditions are not accurate enough and fail to effectively manage these risks. Therefore, there is an urgent need for more precise and timely methods of forecasting ice conditions. This project focuses on developing an operational monitoring system for ice conditions and risk forecasting for economic activities in the Arctic shelf seas using artificial intelligence methods. The main goal is to create a system capable of providing medium-term forecasts of ice field conditions, which will significantly reduce risks and enhance the safety of operations in this region - IceMap (


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

Phase 1: Research and Development (6-9 months) Phase 2: Pilot Testing and Initial Deployment (3-6 months Phase 3: Full-Scale Implementation and Market Entry (12-18 months): Expansion to other Arctic regions and the Northern Sea Route. Includes onboarding additional clients, scaling operations, and integrating with national monitoring systems. Phase 4: International Expansion and Continuous Improvement (ongoing, starting in Year 3): Extending the solution to other Arctic and Antarctic regions, incorporating user feedback, and enhancing the platform with new features and updates.

Implementation geography

The project is primarily focused on the Arctic shelf seas, targeting the following regions and locales: Russian Arctic Region: Key areas include the Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, and the Chukchi Sea. These regions are crucial for oil and gas operations, shipping routes, and environmental monitoring. Northern Sea Route: A vital shipping lane through the Arctic that requires accurate ice condition monitoring for safe and efficient navigation. International Arctic and Antarctic Regions: Potential expansion includes other Arctic regions such as Canada, Norway, and Greenland, as well as Antarctic areas where similar ice monitoring and risk management solutions are needed.

Description of competitive advantages

IceMap: - Tailored for Russian conditions and specific needs. - High forecasting accuracy due to innovative algorithms and advanced AI technologies. - Government support and integration capabilities with national monitoring systems. - Automated customer interaction, simplifying platform usage. Disadvantages: Significant funding is required for further development and functional expansion.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

- Laureate of the Lomonosov Prize 2023, - Grant to individuals to ensure the implementation of research work within the framework of the implementation of innovative projects - the "UMNIK" program (2022), -NArFU grant "My first grant" (2022), Grant of the Scientific and Educational Center "Russian Arctic" for conducting research (2020-2022), Grant of prospecting research of the Russian Arctic (2022-present),,,

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

1. Construction of safe shipping corridors in the Arctic shelf seas using deep learning algorithms / N. A. Eremin, R. Z. Guliev, D. A. Vyalkin, E. V. Ivanitskaya // Occupational Safety in Industry. - 2024. - No. 3. - P. 14-20. - DOI 10.24000/0409-2961-2024-3-14-20. 2. Guliev, R. Z. Analysis of ice conditions to determine transport accessibility in the Arctic / R. Z. Guliev, N. A. Eremin, K. B. Galkova // Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex. – 2023. – No. 6(138). – P. 65-70. 3. Guliev, R.Z. Ice risk assessment using the fuzzy logic method for the development of oil and gas fields in the Pechora Sea. Oil. Gas. Innovations.№4 (256) 2022.


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