BRICS Solution Awards

Модульная автономная энергоустановка Топаз Гамма М на основе технологии твердооксидных топливных элементов, используемая в качестве источника электрического тока и тепловой энергии, работающая на широкодоступном органическом топливе

Problem and implemented solution

As shown by the successful practical experience of Inenergy LLC in the use of power plants (with a capacity of 400W or more) based on the TTE technology, from 2019 to the present, at the facilities of the Kazantransgaz enterprise (a subsidiary of Gazprom PJSC), their use significantly increases the efficiency of providing the infrastructure of gas pipelines with always available electricity (which is critically necessary for objects of the first category) and, if necessary, heat (TTE technology also allows generating heat at the same time) by connecting TTE power plants directly to the gas pipeline, this makes it possible to eliminate dependence on unforeseen outages and power line breaks, ensure long-term autonomous operation with long service intervals (0.5 -2 years), and optimize the cost of maintaining the gas pipeline infrastructure. The proposed energy solutions are economically more profitable in comparison with other autonomous sources of electricity, including solar panels, diesel generator sets, gas piston installations and others, as well as with the laying of power transmission lines (transmission lines), starting from the 5th kilometer of the transmission line (calculation in the appendix). Taking into account the possibility of working in harsh climatic conditions, as well as the use of both natural gas and propane-butane mixtures as raw materials, as well as possible adaptation to other types of organic fuels, the proposed power plants can completely replace existing autonomous current sources or combined energy solutions (solar panels, wind turbines) can be created with their help, batteries and TTE installations combined into a single system). Their use will help to avoid significant costs for laying power lines, especially in hard-to-reach areas. The modularity of the proposed power plants makes it possible to create energy systems of the required capacity for end customers. In the calculations attached to the application, a 4.1 kW modular installation was selected, which is one of the most suitable products for a number of large strategic consumers (Gazprom PJSC, Gazpromneft PJSC, Novatek and others)

Future maker

New Industry And Energy


Hydrogen energy

Estimated duration of implementation

The power plant has a modular design based on individual modules of AGC Topaz Gamma M 100 W, which allows you to quickly assemble energy modules and systems of the required capacity for the needs of specific customers. Each project implemented on the basis of Topaz ECG can be adapted to specific application conditions to ensure the required battery life, depending on the needs of the customer.

Implementation geography

Topaz technology has no restrictions on the regions of application.

Description of competitive advantages

ECG Topaz has the following competitive advantages: − high specific energy consumption, an order of magnitude higher than modern rechargeable batteries (batteries); − lower weight and size parameters and no noise compared to generators based on internal combustion engines (ICE); − work on widely available fuels (natural gas, propane-butane, liquid organic fuels); − the fundamental absence of self-loss of energy consumption in standby mode compared to the battery; − resistance to harsh climatic influences; − an effective combination with any battery−based buffer drives for flexible adjustment to an "unpredictable" consumption schedule and/ or an increase in short-term output power to the consumer; - low cost compared to direct ECG-based analogues with fuel cells.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

1. SIC TOPAZ LLC is a member of Skolkovo 2. SIC TOPAZ LLC is included in the list of MTK 3. The Topaz project of SIC TOPAZ LLC is included in the list of strategic projects and the roadmap of NTI Energinet 4. The Topaz project of SIC TOPAZ LLC is included in the TOP 20 of the Strong Ideas 2022 Competition organized by ASI 5. EHG Topaz Gamma M is included in the list of innovative products of Gazprom PJSC in 2023. 6. Article in the GAS INDUSTRY Magazine No. 10 | 855 | 2023 G. "Unique power plants of SIC TOPAZ on guard of import substitution" (copy attached) 7. The Metalion project of Inenergy LLC is included in the TOP 10 of the Strong Ideas 2022 Competition organized by ASI.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

The main patents of the Russian Federation 1. No.2754352, 12/30/2020 Tubular TTE with a cathode current collector and a method for forming a cathode fuel collector. 2.No.2779038, 12/29/2021 Method of manufacturing a battery of tubular solid oxide fuel cells and a battery manufactured by the claimed method. 3. №2781046, 29.12.2021. A method for manufacturing tubular solid oxide fuel cells and a solid oxide fuel cell obtained by this method. 4.№2702136, 28.12.2018. A power plant based on solid oxide fuel cells with a high efficiency. 5.№2790543, 16.08.2022. A battery of tubular solid oxide fuel cells and the method of its manufacture.


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