BRICS Solution Awards

Smart Timber Automated System for Determining Volume and Accounting of Round Timber

Problem and implemented solution

Problems: high proportion of manual labor, shortage of specialists, large tolerances (up to 15%), possibility of manipulation, duration of accurate measurements, high cost of automated solutions. Smart Timber solves these problems by providing a comprehensive system for accounting of round timber. The system determines volumes with an error of less than 3%, uses a mobile application for measurements, automatically saves data with photo fixation, transfers information to the server and to the enterprise systems. Smart Timber ensures accuracy, speed and transparency of timber accounting, significantly reducing losses and optimizing the processes of logging and woodworking enterprises.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

The estimated duration of the implementation is 1-3 days, includes a videoconference with the customer, discussion of use cases, conclusion of a contract, payment, and license issuance. A test period is possible (optional, 7-30 days). For a quick start, we recommend that you conduct training with an on-site visit (optional) for 2-7 days

Implementation geography

Current implementations: Russian Federation. Planned: Belarus, Brazil, countries of Southeast Asia. The system is adapted to local timber measurement standards and translated into the relevant languages.

Description of competitive advantages

1. Mobility of the solution vs. stationary scanners 2. High accuracy: 3% error vs. 15% with manual measurements 3. Versatility: measurement of timber trucks, stacks, railway cars, cassettes 4. Measurements at an angle 5. Calculation of the wood volume percentage coefficient according to various standards 6. Integration with 1C, ProLes, LesEGAIS, Open API 7. Flexibility: local or cloud server 8. Inclusion in the register of Russian software 9. Affordable price compared to competitors 10. Speed of measurements: 5 minutes per timber truck

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

1. RB Digital Awards 2022: best project in the category "Digital Transformation in Industry". Case: "Raw Material Flow Control Using CV and ML". 2. Publications on implementation in Segezha Group and other large forestry companies. 3. Participation in industry exhibitions and conferences with a presentation of the system.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

1. Software Registration Certificate No. 2017610528 (12.01.2017) 2. Software Registration Certificate No. 2020619990 (26.08.2020) 3. Software Registration Certificate No. 2023662126 (06.06.2023) 4. Inclusion in the Unified Register of Russian Computer Programs ( 5. Scientific publications on computer vision and machine learning algorithms in the forestry industry


For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

