BRICS Solution Awards

Hauberk Pro

Problem and implemented solution

Solves three main problems of implementing blockchain projects in the corporate and public sector: • reduces risks during implementation; • ensures the protection of customer data; • minimizes the cost of ownership for businesses. Hauberk Pro is a domestic distributed ledger and smart contract management system based on the popular open source industrial blockchain platform Hyperledger Fabric. The system is designed to organize interaction between companies to jointly account for digital assets and liabilities, organize instant payments in the B2B segment, and manage business processes. Proxy JSC has adapted the Hyperledger Fabric open technology platform for the Russian market and developed a line of technology products for network management and smart contracts under the Hauberk brand. We have invested many years of experience with Hyperledger Fabric in this product so that users can provide their customers with the best tool for connecting and working on the network. Hauberk Pro includes: • A universal configurator Solution controls the integrity of the most vulnerable part: certificate chains of nodes and CC, consistency of private keys and certificates, channel policy settings. • SLA Control Hauberk Pro monitors distributed registry nodes and services for industrial operation. • CI/CD Mechanisms The solution provides a REST API for automated administration procedure calls. This allows you to close the last mile for CI/CD processes and minimize operating costs. • Smart contract management tools Have implemented the mechanisms of the chaincode registry, integration with GIT, tools for building, deploying and configuring chaincodes, which ensures cost reduction and error minimization for all participants in a distributed system.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Distributed registries

Estimated duration of implementation

Deployment is up to three hours.

Implementation geography

Currently, the connection is available on the territory of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic. In the future, we will expand our geography to the EAEU+ and friendly countries.

Description of competitive advantages

The system is developed on the principle of "secure by design" – the protection of site data is provided at all levels of the solution, starting with the protection of network connections between nodes (TLS) and ending with access control mechanisms for sites and data using private channels and data collections (PDC, private data collection), which distinguishes the solution from analogues. Another fundamental continuation of Hauberk Pro is the focus on compliance with the requirements of domestic regulators. Thanks to the built-in support of ViPNet CryptoSmart, Hauberk Pro-based application solutions can be certified at minimal cost to the customer.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

1. Industrial Cryptosystems company became the winner of the competition "The best digital solutions for the oil and gas industry" 2. Blockchain takes wing 3. "Blockchain in Russia: a look through the prism of practice" 4. Contractium entered the list of the most famous Russian IT products according to CNews 5. Tadviser review "The Russian blockchain market: problems and prospects"

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



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