BRICS Solution Awards

Environmentally neutral technology of accelerated fermentation of organic waste to produce multifunctional fertilizers

Problem and implemented solution

Waste is an integral part of production processes. They can become secondary resources after recycling. According to Russian experts, agriculture and food sector produce about 600 million tons of organic waste. No more than 30% are successfully recycled and returned to bio- and technogenesis. Poultry and cattle manure are hazard class III wastes and should be utilized with minimal negative impact on the environment (Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 89 “On Production and Consumption Waste” and the Federal Classification Catalogue of Wastes of the Russian Federation). Traditional technologies of processing of such wastes - long-term storage, passive and active composting in piles, etc. - have long processing times (up to 12 months) and high losses of biogens. They have a negative impact on the environment and reduce the nutritional value of the fertilizers produced. Thermal and vacuum drying accelerate the processing of waste up to several days, but significantly increase energy costs and lead to a high level of biogen losses. This casts doubt on the economic feasibility of using these technologies for fertilizer production. Anaerobic digestion for biogas production is one of the most environmentally friendly technologies for waste processing, but high capital and operating costs make this technology unprofitable, and the effluent produced in the process has a low concentration of nutrients. This project is aimed at improving the technology of solid-phase aerobic fermentation, expanding the list of recyclable wastes and producing multifunctional fertilizers. Biofermenters for fertilizer production activates the biotechnological process of biodegradation of organic substances, which results in exothermic reactions with heat release. This intensifies the process and activates mesophilic and thermophilic microflora, which contributes to the neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms, making it possible to reduce the processing time to 24-72 h and ensure nitrogen safety up to 96% and phosphorus - up to 99.5%. The possibility of varying the processing modes without changing the technological line allows not only to process different types of waste, but also to obtain certified fertilizers that meet the relevant quality standards (e.g. GOST R 53117-2008, GOST 55571-2013 and GOST 33830-2016).Within the framework of field studies it was determined that the product obtained in the process of processing increases the rooting and productivity of plants 3-8 times.


Biotechnology And National Health


Fertilizer manufacturing technologies

Estimated duration of implementation

The production and delivery time of the equipment is from 3 months. The guaranteed service life is at least 10 years. The duration of processing of raw materials is 24-72 hours (depending on the type of source material) with the possibility of daily shipment of finished fertilizer. The fertilizer produced increases fertility and had a cumulative effect in the soil. An increase in plant productivity by 3-8 times has been experimentally confirmed.

Implementation geography

Regions of production, processing and storage of agricultural and food products. Currently, as a technological equipment successfully operates in St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Yaroslavl Regions, Kamchatka Territory and the Republic of Tatarstan.

Description of competitive advantages

The proposed development combines scientific expertise in engineering support for environmental safety and rational use of natural resources with a significant potential for recycling of secondary raw materials from the agricultural. On the Russian market, there are several types of equipment for accelerated organic waste fermentation: drum-type, chamber-type, and bunker-type. However, the proposed development differs from these technical solutions in its integrated approach to handling organic waste and producing substrates with specified properties. BBF equipment offers higher productivity and lower energy consumption during the reclamation process, making it more efficient and cost-effective compared to existing solutions. This is due to the active use of microbiological processes during recycling and the reduction of labor costs. The technology has been tested on a wide range of wastes, f.e. cattle manure, pig manure, poultry manure, food waste, brewing waste. The resulting substrate has a high nutritional value and meets the requirements of state quality standards.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Two grants from the Foundation for Assistance to Innovations were implemented: N 7017GU/2015 and N 3225GS1/48652. The team secured third place in the 5th China-Russia Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (2023). A Memorandum was also signed on the presentation of this technology in China. In 2024, the project was included in the finalists list of GreenTech StartUp. Status of a resident of the Skolkovo Innovation Center (2024).

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

[1] Biofermenter for accelerated bioconversion of organic waste: patent RUS 4800429; effective date for property rights: 10.01.2023. Practice owner: Uvarov R. [2] Animal and poultry manure processing method: application for a patent RUS 2020132547; effective date for property rights: 02.10.2020. Practice owner: Uvarov R. [3] Drum biofermenter for organic waste treatment: patent RUS 2729949; effective date for property rights: 20.02.2020. Practice owner: LLC Biocon-Agro [4] Biofermenter for accelerated bioconversion of organic waste: patent RUS 2670588; effective date for property rights: 26.05.2016. Practice owner: Uvarov R.


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