BRICS Solution Awards

Electronic Preliminary Voting Software complex for intraparty electronic voting

Problem and implemented solution

Development of state management institutes all over the world definitely also affects the party system in each state. During the recent 30 years intraparty procedures for identification of candidates for elective positions on behalf of specific parties to state authorities have been elaborated in more than 20 countries on all the continents. Consequences of COVID-19 spread that have become the reason for development of digital transformation of both economic, social and political institutes. Elections procedure in terms of pandemic determined other arrangement of it, as well as significant distribution of the forms that have not been previously popular among the population, especially among elderly citizens. These are mobile voting, early voting and other means available for citizens willing to express their civic stand either remotely or minimizing number of social contacts. Rapid development of digitalization caused by accessibility and convenience of communications in the worldwide web established new social-legal phenomenon – electronic democracy. Main advantages of electronic voting are: convenience and accessibility (opportunity to vote from any point), sustainability (no need in printing paper bulletins), economic efficiency, votes turnout increase, rapid and accurate vote counting, attractiveness for young electors and Internet users, voting and voting results safety. Party "UNITED RUSSIA" being the most digital Party in Russia has developed Software Complex for intraparty electronic voting – Electronic Preliminary Voting. Software complex Electronic Preliminary Voting (hereinafter referred to as EPV) is a complex digital platform operating on the basis of blockchain distributed register technology ensuring safety, anonymity and legitimacy of voting. In terms of introducing safety complex EPV UNITED RUSSIA has set a goal to make the procedure of nomination of candidates on behalf of the Party for their further participation on the Single voting day competitive, open and legitimate. Each elector’s vote is signed with his individual key – electronic digital signature that prevents forgery. Upon completion of the preliminary voting procedure closed key is published using which anyone may decrypt and read the data contained in blockchain and check correctness of their saving and compliance with their expression of will. For the several years of application of this EPV platform more than 16,000,000 citizens having registered with the official portal of state and municipal services of the Russian Federation could directly participate in determination of candidates that have been promoted by the Party for elections of every level. Development of this technology not only contributes to development of civic consciousness but also forms sustainable level of openness of all political institutes required for loyalty of the citizens to the state system.


Platforms And End-to-End Solutions For Government And Public Administration


Digitalization of services and service ecosystems for citizens

Estimated duration of implementation

Term of customization for the customer and implementation amounts to 6 months.

Implementation geography

Russian Federation, constituent objects of the Russian Federation

Description of competitive advantages

"UNITED RUSSIAN" is one of the first political party in a world and the first political party in Russia using blockchain technology in terms of arrangement of preliminary voting (primaries) for determination of candidates to be nominated on behalf of the Party at elections. Blockchain is used as open database protected from amendments (electronic register) in which the electors’ votes are saved in encrypted form in a real time mode. Each elector’s vote is signed with the individual key of the electronic digital signature that prevents forgery and encrypted with Electronic Preliminary Voting key. Upon completion of the preliminary voting procedure closed key is published using which anyone may decrypt and read the data contained in blockchain and check correctness of their saving and compliance with their expression of will. Blockchain nodes of Electronic Preliminary Voting are implemented on the basis of open software Multichain and are available for connection to any compatible Multichain server of 2.x version with specifications indicated on the page of Preliminary voting results for the specific address and/or registration district. Voting data are kept in root stream with vote key. At the time of voting the elector’s vote is encrypted with open voting key and signed with unique individual encryption keys generated in a real time mode locally on the elector’s computer, and them sent to server of Electronic Preliminary Voting where they are saved in original form in blockchain node in accordance with the election district of the elector. Voting server records the fact of receipt of the vote and returns to the elector identifier of blockchain transaction in which his vote – this identifier is saved together with generated keys to the elector. The elector’s vote is a PCKS#7 message in DER form containing in line serialized JSON object (keys – internal numbers of EPV bulletin numbers, values – series of identifiers of preliminary voting candidates from the website: – all candidates are available at direct links type Individual addresses are generated from the user keys according to Bitcoin system scheme and parameters for the purposes of maximum accessibility and compatibility of the Software.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Electronic Preliminary Voting of Party "UNITED RUSSIA":


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