BRICS Solution Awards

International Cyber ​​Championship on Information Security

Problem and implemented solution

Since 2022, a period of large-scale cyber confrontation has begun for Russian businesses, the largest Russian corporations and government agencies. Waves of attacks on Russian infrastructure are increasing exponentially, illegal actions have become more complex, massive and distributed. Also, the actions of hacker groups are carried out using modern algorithms, combined technologies, as well as complex software capable of infecting devices using various operating systems. However, despite all of the above factors, the Russian economy has demonstrated a high degree of cyber resilience, having gained unprecedented experience. This experience is in high demand. Objectives of the practice • Provide an international platform for the exchange of opinions, experience and expertise in cybersecurity • Clearly demonstrate the importance of cooperation and coordinated interaction in the event of cyber attacks • Demonstrate leading domestic developments in cybersecurity, including in the field of creating state-scale cyber ranges


Cognitive technologies and Creative economy


Platforms for fostering competencies in game or gamified formats

Estimated duration of implementation

The practice is systematic and is implemented and improved annually.

Implementation geography

The international scope of practice is more than 21 countries. 2022-2023 - was implemented within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, in 2024 within the framework of the Digital Industry forum.

Description of competitive advantages

A digital twin of the energy company infrastructure of the power facility was deployed specifically for the event, and cyber attack scenarios were developed similar to the actions of real attackers recorded from the beginning of the special operation and aimed at various Russian organizations. Participants in the cyber exercises practiced interaction in countering highly professional hacker groups aimed at destabilizing the socio-economic situation by committing attacks that entail the emergence of an emergency. An international event was held in Russia for the first time in 2022. Based on the high assessment of the cyber championship by the participants, a decision was made to hold the cyber championship on a regular, annual basis. The Government of the Russian Federation supported the decision to hold the exercises on a regular basis.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The strongest team will be determined at the international championship // Kommersant URL: International Cyber ​​Championship on Information Security // RBC URL: The largest International Cyber ​​Championship on Information Security will be held in Russia // Komsomolskaya Pravda URL:

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



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