BRICS Solution Awards

«Privet» — a mobile application for the integration of foreign students in Russian universities

Problem and implemented solution

Foreign students coming to Russia face many challenges, including language barriers, the need for legalization and adaptation to a new culture and educational system. The introduction of a unified digital solution to address these issues will simplify their stay and study in Russia. The «Privet» app offers a comprehensive solution for international students, who studying in Russia. The app includes features to help with legalization, including a list of tasks with addresses and instructions for completing all stages of legalization. In addition, the app contains an extensive section of informational tips covering important aspects of life in Russia, such as visa regulations, rules of living in the country and in a dormitory, first and second necessity places, and more. «Privet» also have a messenger that allows students to communicate with university-authorized attendant and support specialists in real time. The practice envisions integration with universities to automate and improve the adaptation process. The practice will offer international students and educational organizations a digital solution for receiving accompaniment services in the educational space. To protect the intellectual property of the «Privet» practice, measures are taken to register patents for the developed technologies and solutions. The agreements concluded with the developers provide for the transfer of rights to all the results of intellectual activity created within the framework of cooperation, which ensures full ownership and control over the developed technologies and solutions. The «Privet» practice is aimed at solving the problems of legalization and adaptation of foreign students by providing a universal platform uniting students, universities and attendants. The platform centralizes information and simplifies processes, ensuring transparency and efficient management. This not only simplifies the enrollment process, but also increases the competitiveness of Russian education in the international arena. In addition, «Privet» contributes to attracting qualified personnel to the region and supports the development of higher education, responds to the challenges of the modern market.


Platforms And End-to-End Solutions For Government And Public Administration


Digitalization of services and service ecosystems for citizens

Estimated duration of implementation

2024–2025 calendar year

Implementation geography

The «Privet» practice will launch in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, due to its high number of foreign students and leading universities. Initially focused on Yekaterinburg, the practice will refine its processes and app functions. After successful testing, it will expand to other Russian cities. The goal is nationwide support for foreign students, with gradual expansion to ensure high service quality and minimize risks.

Description of competitive advantages

The competitiveness of the «Privet» practice lies in the uniqueness of the proposed solution, which other practices in this area do not have. Unlike the approach of universities on legalization and adaptation, which are currently used, «Privet» offers a centralized digital solution that combines all the necessary information in one place. In many universities, information on legalization and adaptation of students is scattered across various sources, such as employees, websites and memos. «Privet» eliminates this imperfection by providing a mobile application that contains all the information on legalization and adaptation, as well as paid accompaniment services. The attendant personally helps the student to pass all the legalization stages without mistakes and to adapt to the new country. In addition, the application contains information in the student's native language on various aspects of life in Russia, which greatly facilitates the adaptation process. Thus, universities get an effective tool for managing the legalization process. The app allows them to monitor the status of students, communicate with them directly and significantly reduces the administrative burden on staff. «Privet» offers foreign students a comprehensive solution for a comfortable stay and study in Russia. The application helps to cope with bureaucratic complexities by providing step-by-step instructions and automated reminders of important deadlines and actions required for legalization. Moreover, «Privet» takes into account the cultural and linguistic peculiarities of students, offering localized content that takes into account not only legal aspects, but also social norms and habits, which facilitates adaptation and increases students' confidence in their actions. With «Privet», international students can feel at home, with access to support at every stage of their educational journey. The nationwide implementation of «Privet» will significantly improve the efficiency of migration policy, supporting the integration of international students and professionals into the economy and society. The app not only simplifies the legalization process, but also facilitates faster and more efficient implementation of innovative approaches in managing migration flows. This allows the state to better control and adapt migration processes in accordance with national interests, improving the quality of educational services and strengthening the country's reputation in the international arena. «Privet» practice is designed with an international context in mind, making it suitable for use in any country. Regardless of the region, «Privet» provides international students with a personalized approach to the legalization and adaptation process, ensuring access to the necessary information and support in their native language. Thus, our solution becomes a universal tool for improving education and migration policies on a global scale.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Practice in development

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Cross-curricular project-based training at the Institute of Radioelectronics and Information Technologies of the Ural Federal University is carried out


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