The M.O.
Sourcing, managing, transferring, tracking and valuing creative services is impossible without our platform - using Hedera Hashgraph (blockchain) for the end to end solution.
Cognitive technologies and Creative economy
Innovative national solutions for creating creative content (films, video games, animation, sound, graphics)
Project is live and pending further investment for marketing and UX refresh.
Worldwide, exists online/blockchain.
Smart contract enabled purchasing of creative services, such as advertising or video making for example, means full transparency at all parts of the creative cycle. It also allows for the transference of reward to those who actually do the work, reducing the outdated role of the organising agency in the middle of the process. Furthermore - Creative value is always attributable, but so is ownership. For the purchaser - using The M.O. means you don't need to use an agency in the middle to direct your traffic. For the provider the security is in the work already having been paid into Escrow - to be released by smart contract, not by arbitrary decision, in their favour when they have completed their tasks.
None yet, we focused on building, not promising to build. We have built. Now we need to popularise.