BRICS Solution Awards

ML - model «Look-ALike»

Problem and implemented solution

There are about 7.5 million legal entities in Russia, and each of them has a unique set of needs. And now add to this all the variety of products and services that Sberbank Group offers to its customers. Under such conditions, we realized that we needed to solve this problem in a systematic way using machine learning models. The approach is based on: 1. Systematization of knowledge about customers that has already been accumulated by Sberbank. 2. Search for similar features, clustering of clients similar by certain features. Such analysis is not possible even for several dozens of analysts, that's why ML-model was developed, as which the bagging of three boosting models (LightGBM) was used.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Big data storage and analysis

Estimated duration of implementation

Implementation and refinements lasted throughout 2023

Implementation geography

Russian Federation

Description of competitive advantages

The project allowed to significantly simplify the selection of product offers to the Bank's Clients - we offer what the Client really needs

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

1. Awards and prizes a. Winner: FinNext Nomination: Решение года для коммуникаций с клиентами 2. Media articles a. Щукин Сергей. «Сбер»: клиенты – уникальны, потребности – схожи / Щукин Сергей [Электронный ресурс] // «Директор информационной службы» : [сайт]. — URL:

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice



For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

