BRICS Solution Awards

Anti-GPT - Intelligent selfscribe (AGIS)

Problem and implemented solution

The public release of ChatGPT class neural networks is used to facilitate the implementation of reporting research activities. In the vast majority of cases, this threatens and devalues ​​the quality of the produced research documents, especially in the areas of analytical activities and secondary/higher/post-higher education. It is a recognized fact that neural networks can be used en masse for unkind purposes, falsification of diploma theses (Russia, 2023). In Israel, over three weeks, more than 10% of the content (hundreds of thousands of documents) were identified that included text from AI (the methodology is not disclosed, more like hype). Unauthorized large-scale use of auto-generation of text by neural networks to imitate an individualized creative product is rendered meaningless by the need for deep immersion in the coherence of the text. Based on this, IT tools should be aimed at developing human intellectual competence and productivity, as a confirmed personalized intellectual activity. The intelligent platform "Anti-GPT - Intelligent selfscribe" (AGIS) is proposed, ensuring the harmonious and natural development of human expert activity in his independent creation and writing of research and analytical documents. Novelty - work in the paradigm of a single cognitive system "man - machine". When writing a text, the system automates and removes 80% of routine manual operations of an organizational and technical plan. A person acquires an increase in awareness and depth of inclusion when understanding and writing a text, developing and bringing an ever-increasing degree of competencies and qualifications to a new level. Intellectual activity acquires an easy, accessible and effective format, massively scalable and ready for universal application, forms and increases the level of expert qualifications in people using it in a natural-intellectual way.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

Creation of a commercial version and an existing minimum product - approximately 1 year

Implementation geography

Russia, BRICS

Description of competitive advantages

The key feature of the project is the formation of such a standard of intellectual work with documents, which does not allow the use of large-scale borrowings generated by neural networks, which formally managed to pass the originality check, but are not such. The project in its complete set includes: 1) functionality for providing semi-automatic text input, removing 80% of routine manual operations, 2) intellectual support in writing and creating texts in the form of a general organizational, intellectual and cognitive plan, 3) the complexity of the author's immersion in the text he creates and intellectual and cognitive support, which ensures the independence of writing the text. The proposed functionality in its entirety does not duplicate any of the existing available Internet services. The main competitor is ChatGPT, which should be replaced as a threatening substitute for independent research activities. The project has some analogues that have implemented some components, which are not combined into a single complex of automation of routine actions when working with texts. So, there are separate services for transcribing voice into text, which significantly simplifies the input of information. There are separate services for autocorrection of spelling errors. There are separate services for time management and project management, which are, in principle, applicable to the conduct of creative and analytical activities in writing texts. Industrial engineering when working with neural networks is not an exhaustive solution. It is rather a temporary and poorly functioning crutch that primitivizes and hinders more than helps to use the full power of artificial intelligence within the framework of the synchronous development of the intellectual pair "man - machine"

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Victory in the state innovation competition of the Russian Federation from the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation Development in 2023 - a grant of 1 million rubles (,

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice


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