BRICS Solution Awards

The Federal State Information System for The Forestry (FGIS F)

Problem and implemented solution

Preconditions for the creation of the FGIS F: 1.The lack of reliable and up-to-date data required for work in the areas of forest use, protection, guard, regeneration, afforestation, wood and other forest resources processing. 2.The need to provide state and municipal services and functions in the field of forestry onlines. 3.Outdated forest management data based on sources from over 20-40 years ago on paper carriers. 4.The need to combat illegal logging and subsequent illegal timber trade. 5.The absence of a unified service for detecting changes in forests and illegal logging based on remote sensing data and artificial intelligence results. 6.The creation of the system was based on normative legal acts, including the List of Instructions on the Development and Decriminalization of the Forest Complex, amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, and other normative legal acts. Project objectives: 1.The creation of a digital twin of the Russian forest with the aim of effective management in the field of forestry relations, simplifying and enhancing the transparency of activities for forest users and stakeholders. 2.Providing accurate information on the current state and changes in the state forest areas. 3.Providing government authorities, regional government, individuals, and organizations with reliable information necessary for carrying out activities related to the use, protection, guard, regeneration, afforestation, wood processing, and other forest resources. 4.Ensuring the detection (including automatic detection) and recording of violations in forest management activities. 5.Ensuring transparent traceability of timber from harvesting to sale and export. Implemented solution: 1.Organizational part. Amendments have been made to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts. 2.Technical aspects. The Federal State Information System for the Forestry (FSIS F) has been developed and implemented: an information system that supports the work of government authorities and forest users in providing and receiving state services and functions. The development of FSIS F is divided into three phases, each creating specific functionalities. FSIS F was implemented on July 1, 2023, and is available on the Internet at: 3.The architecture of FSIS F consists of two technological segments: public and service. a.The public segment is designed for access to the forest user’s personal account and the public forest map: b.The service segment is intended for maintaining the State Forest Register (SFR). 4.The FGIS F consists of subsystems logically grouped into two segments: sectoral and integration. The FGIS F infrastructure is primarily built on containerization technology. The software development for the System utilized free open-source software, as well as ready-made application software of Russian origin, included in the Russian software registry.


Platforms And End-to-End Solutions For Government And Public Administration


National and municipal technological platforms

Estimated duration of implementation

The development of FGIS F was divided into 3 phases, containing 3 stages each: design, development, acceptance and delivery tests. The 1 phase was implemented in 2022-2023, the 2-3 in 2023-2024. The implementation process began at the same time as the development. On July 1, 2023, the system was put into operation. The successful development and implementation experience of the formed team can result in a reduction in development and implementation time in the long run.

Implementation geography

The FGIS F project was created in Russia by a team of developers from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Taganrog, Yaroslavl, Bryansk and Nizhny Novgorod. The system provides service for Internet users in all 89 regions of the Russian Federation. And ready for implementation in any country of the world.

Description of competitive advantages

Prior the implementation of the FGIS F, there was no information system for forest management activities in Russia. Due to fragmented data (mostly on paper carries) and regional differences, it was impossible to see a whole picture. The introduction of the system allowed for a comprehensive view of the state of forests across the country, while mobile app’s made services available even offline, eliminating the possibility of data falsification. FGIS F was developed using Open Source technologies and Russian software, which eliminates licensing fees, enhances security, makes it independent from foreign solutions, and adaptable to the regulations of other countries. Prior to the system's creation, an analysis of foreign analogs was conducted, but no similar system capable of managing 1.2 billion hectares of forest resources exists worldwide. Competitive Advantages of FGIS F: 1.Digital maturity and process automation. The system provides centralized forest management, which speeds up task execution, minimizes errors, and enhances control over forest resources. 2.A single source of reliable information. FGIS F provides up-to-date data for government, businesses, citizens, and other information systems. 3.Public access to information. The public forest map offers free access to forest information, promoting transparency and public oversight. 4.Integration with other information systems. FGIS F uses standardized data protocols, ensuring seamless information exchange with other forest users information systems. 5.Enhanced control and combat against illegal logging. The system improves forest usage monitoring and helps combat illegal logging through remote sensing and artificial intelligence. 6.“Digital twin of the forest” allows for forecasting and analyzing forest growth, fires, and other factors, aiding in planning reforestation and forest management. Additionally, the system helps prevent the issuance of permits for logging operations in areas with special land use restrictions. 7.Budget and payment management. The system allows control over revenues from forest land leases, fines, fees, and expenses, ensuring transparency of financial flows. 8.Real-time forest fire information. FGIS F integrates with monitoring systems to provide real-time data on forest fires and assist in coordinating firefighting efforts. 9.Forest firefighting equipment control. The system's machinery and equipment tracking subsystem allows monitoring of the location and usage of firefighting equipment, improving the efficiency of firefighting efforts. 10.Control timber transportation. The system enables tracking of timber movement, reducing the risks of illegal logging. It monitors vehicles involved in forest activities in real-time, displays logging sites and timber storage locations on a map, and allows verification of timber origin during transportation and export.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

The work on the system was highly appreciated by the client.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

There have been no scientific publications on the project experience and progress. However, more than a hundred consultations with developers of well-known Open Source solutions and forest industry were conducted. The tasks of wood processing, firefighting of forests fires, combat of illegal transportation etc were solved.


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