BRICS Solution Awards

Payment by facial biometrics with VisionLabs face recognition

Problem and implemented solution

The solution is especially in demand in transportation and retail, where it helps to reduce the time, when passengers pass through turnstiles, by eliminating the need to search for a card or phone. It also facilitates the development of alternative payment methods, which increases convenience for users. In retail, self-service checkouts offer card and smartphone payments, but a card can be forgotten and a phone run out of battery at the most inopportune moment. This emphasizes the importance of accessible and reliable payment options without the need to use physical means of payment. VisionLabs offers an alternative and more convenient payment method that allows you to make purchases without cash, cards or phone, thereby improving the user experience. With facial biometrics payment, the customer only needs to look into the camera. The system automatically identifies the shopper among bank customers and debits the account. Face Pay recognizes the person even if the face is partially covered. VisionLabs does a lot of work on the formation of datasets on which neural networks are trained. Therefore, the company's technologies are resistant to external factors and do not lose recognition accuracy in the presence of glasses, medical masks and headgear. In addition, the use of computer vision increases the security of the payment process. A biometric identifier can’t be lost or forgotten, which means that the possibility of its use by third parties is excluded. To protect against spoofing attacks, Liveness algorithms from VisionLabs help, which solve the problem of verifying a live person and counteract non-software attacks in the form of masks, images or videos on the phone. For example, a similar facial biometric payment service with VisionLabs technologies has already been launched in Moscow at all subway and Moscow Central Circle (MCC) stations, regular river transportation, Aeroexpress and four Moscow Central Diameters (MCDs) stations. It's the first city in the world which has implemented facial recognition fare payment technology on such a scale. Users need to link their photo, a bank card with fare funds and a «Troika» card to the service via the Moscow Metro app. The information is securely encrypted - the system works with biometric keys rather than facial images or other personal data. In order to use the service, a passenger must find a special turnstile with a black sticker «Payment by biometrics». Then during the passage look into the camera on the turnstile, the fare will be deducted automatically. The procedure is the same as using a bank card.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Artificial intelligence

Estimated duration of implementation

For about 8 months.

Implementation geography

The CIS, Russia

Description of competitive advantages

- High accuracy and speed of VisionLabs facial recognition algorithms. According to the results of the main benchmark of the industry - regular independent tests of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), VisionLabs algorithms consistently occupy leading positions. Within the framework of the largest international conferences on computer vision CVPR and ICCV, the company's Liveness algorithms have won the Face Anti-spoofing Challenge three years in a row. - VisionLabs' Liveness single-frame biometric security technology has been tested by iBeta. This is the largest international laboratory that tests the stability of biometric systems protection technologies. VisionLabs algorithms successfully passed both levels, including one that included the use of costly fakes such as silicone and latex masks. During testing, more than 3,300 attempts were made to hack OneShot Liveness, but it was impossible to bypass the defenses. 100 percent of the attacks were thwarted. - Extensive experience in international projects, including safe and smart cities, national biometric platforms and facial payment services. VisionLabs already has great expertise in such solutions - for example, the company is a technological partner of the biometric payment project in Moscow transport, in the Tashkent subway and others. - Platform independence of the system and adaptability of the interface. The solution is easily integrated with various operating systems and devices, which allows it to be used in any infrastructure without the need for a complete re-equipment.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

Biometric payment service in Moscow transport is a winner of the national award of the magazine “Intelligent Transport Systems of Russia”, winner and finalist of the awards “Traffic Formula”, FINAWARD and Tech Fest.

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

Intangible assets: VisionLabs LUNA PLATFORM, VisionLabs Face Stream, VisionLabs Access Control, which is included in the register of domestic software.


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