BRICS Solution Awards


Problem and implemented solution

Successful business development in BRICS requires increased mutual informedness, understanding and trust between BRICS people. Collaboration in nurturing environment fosters mutual trust and consciousness. Creation of common BRICS-wiki knowledge base as business and people encyclopaedia may be one of such collaboration forms. This knowledge base may be created with an open-source wiki program (same as was used for the Wikipedia creation). Wikipedia texts result from collective effort of many people. However, the Wikipedia as such can not be used for mutual trust nurturing, as Wikipedia is managed from the US. On top of that, Wikipedia incorporates a rigid hierarchy of authors, where top-level authors may block or administer low-level authors. A democratic and decentralised system functioning under protocols developed by users is required for rapid creation of quality articles. BRICS-wiki may be used as such, as it allows users to solve controversies in decentralised manner without hierarchy. Hierarchy is not eliminated in BRICS-wiki, but it is subordinate to universal protocols approved by all users and governed by electronic voting in BRICS-wiki. The hierarchy stays instrumental in quick resolution of insignificant issues in the framework of the general rules and regulations of the system. BRICS-wiki is an extention to SolidWord system, which resolves arguments between deal parties. BRICS-wiki helps to solve disputes among authors, find partners, register deals and settle arguments in a nature-like decentralized environment managed by protocols. Reliability of an author is 100% transparent and visible in blockchain record of his works and edits. Any dispute is solved in 72 hours inside the system. Fraudulent participants are blocked at once. These are the major features of the knowledge base BRICS-wiki based on social solidarity blockchain BRICS-wiki. In our BRICS-wiki one can see an author’s reliability score which is calculated as percentage of successful edits. The numbers are stored on a blockchain and can not be anyhow modified, no matter how much funds anyone is eager to spend on marketing and ratings improvement. Search by type of technological processes is also available, which is especially important for innovative products, when one is creating a new thing and can rather find a subcontractor who performes a specific process (i.e., electroplating, extrusion molding, etc.) than a unit name, as such unit has never been produced before. If an argument between authors happens, they can settle it in 72 hours with their peacemakers – respected partners of both parties, who agree to work out acceptable solution with each other. A web-based interface of “BRICS-wiki” is accessible to any person who registers in system by putting in his e-mail address and phone number. Edits results stored in BRICS-wiki articles become a basis of reliability calculation for an author.


Artificial Intelligence And Digital Services


Distributed registries

Estimated duration of implementation

Development of the commercial software and initial filling of the knowledge base with data shall take up to half a year. Training and introduction of the program at a specific workplace shall take not more than a week. Within a year not less than 100 000 authors may be using the practice, while total amount is limited only by spread of information regarding the practice and integration of local payments into the system

Implementation geography

The practice will be introduced in Russia, BRICS countries and other friendly countries.

Description of competitive advantages

The first and foremost competitive advantage is high quality and unbiased information in BRICS-wiki database. Fair resolution of arguments and protection of authors against biased blockings are also among advantages of the system A friendly environment for authors’ creativity is established as authors jointly develop convenient and efficient general rules and protocols. As a result, the knowledge base will grow quickly and constitute a base comparable to Wikipedia by size and traffic, but representing BRICS countries’ concepts and point of view. We overcome the natural limitations of hierarchic structures and management crisises produced by the essence of such structures by implementing nature-like protocols. There’s no single person or entity responsible for a dispute resolution. The system protocol functions with every registered person as an executive node, thus making it impossible to fake or sublimate facts and records registered in the system. Unlike other rating systems, we have 100% objective and clear indicator of reputation and reliability of an author, and this indicator can not be changed, no matter how much funds you want to spend on such change. While in other systems one can buy positive rankings and feedback, in “BRICS-wiki” you can not change neither the number of registered edits nor the number of claims/disputes made and resolved, as they are confirmed by both parties and registered on a blockchain. The users of the system solve all their disputes within “BRICS-wiki”. They do not need to file documents for arbitration/court. All you need, is two persons you know, trust and respect, who agree to become your peacemakers and work out mutually acceptable solution with the other party’s peacemakers in case you can not resolve the dispute between you and your co-author / business partner. It is especially important if we talk about international and cross-cultural interaction, when you don’t have any reference in a new country.

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice


For queries about BRICS Solutions Awards please reach out to Agency for Strategic Initiatives International Office Team:

