BRICS Solution Awards

Edwica global system for the development and navigation of human capital across economic sectors and regions of the country in order to minimize labor hunger.

Problem and implemented solution

Human capital is the main resource of any state without development, which the country will quickly lose its leading position on the world stage. If the state wants to provide itself with qualified specialists in all areas of the economy, it needs to become a mentor for both present and future specialists. However, existing methods aimed at solving these problems do not demonstrate proper effectiveness, as evidenced by a number of studies. According to Rosstat, 76% of university graduates in 2021 went to work outside their profession, which is attributed to the fact that by the end of their studies they realized that they had made the wrong choice and were not interested in the profession they received In turn, according to the ASI research conducted jointly with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, 60% of employers are not satisfied with the quality of training, which is associated with, that universities and colleges cannot respond promptly to changes in employers' requirements in the labor market, which leads to insufficient qualifications of specialists and, as a result, a decrease in labor productivity, an increase in both financial and time costs for training personnel for themselves on the part of employers. At the same time, 40% of employers in the real sector of the economy are experiencing a shortage of personnel. According to Rosstat, unemployment in Russia remains at 3%. However, low unemployment can lead to a shortage of labor resources in certain regions and industries, and in the country as a whole. This statement is confirmed by a study conducted by the Central Bank, which revealed that the shortage of staff worsened compared to the previous quarter both in the economy as a whole and in all major industries. The same results were achieved by the country's largest job search platform - the hh index across the country averages 3.5, which indicates a shortage of personnel. Also, according to the RosExpert study, 46% of respondents indicated an increasing shortage of personnel at all levels and the risks of losing key talents. The internal migration of human capital complicates the situation. According to research data, the average outflow of population in small towns of the Russian Federation is 6.7. At the same time, 47% of internal migration movements are people aged 15 to 35 years. 45% of graduates in small towns want to leave after school. x2 an increase in the share of graduates choosing permanent migration over 10 years (it was 44%, it became 73%). All of the above problems lead to several global problems within individual and in the whole state related to the shortage of qualified specialists necessary for the effective development of the economy. Edwica will solve all the problems stated above by navigating human capital across the country's regions, sectors of the economy and developing the knowledge and skills of specialists, taking into account the background of a person, his goals and preferences and focusing on the requirements of the labor market.


Platforms And End-to-End Solutions For Government And Public Administration


Intelligent decision-making systems

Estimated duration of implementation

The installation of the service on the partner's website does not take more than 1 month. Depending on the tasks assigned to the service, their solution can occur immediately from the beginning of implementation (search for a job for the unemployed, a place of a new location for a migrant, etc.) or for a long time (from several days to several years) - training a university graduate, navigation of a specialist to build a career, building a training plan for corporate personnel, etc.

Implementation geography

Sakhalin region GAU SO "Agency for the Development of Human Capital", Employment centers of the Novosibirsk region, Republic of Tatarstan, Odintsovo branch of MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Altai State University

Description of competitive advantages

There are a large number of services on the market that position themselves as a career trajectory, but when using these services, it becomes clear that this is a regular career guidance, which can simply select the most suitable professions for the user based on a standard questionnaire. In turn, Edwica is not just a career guidance, but an automated step-by-step plan that, taking into account the knowledge, skills, experience of the user, his goals, preferences and requirements of the labor market, leads a person from point A to point B. Of the most famous and similar, we can single out “Runity”, “ ”, “Skillometr", “”, “Faculty”, “University 20.35" (partner), “Work in Russia" (partner), InTelent. The Edwica service, in comparison with the listed services, provides its users with an automated service based on a full-fledged analysis of comprehensive factors and a step-by-step plan for user training (career trajectory) is being formed. As a result of the analysis, the system can tell the user: which professions are suitable for him in which regions of our large country these professions are most in demand; what knowledge and skills are lacking and which of them are more important for the employer; a selection of courses, webinars, books, articles, YouTube and Rutebe videos, books that will help to acquire or to pump up the missing skills; demonstrate which intermediate professions to go through; select suitable vacancies and internships from 8 employment sites. Will form a sales resume The main competitive advantage of the Edwica project is the automated construction of career paths based on big data (more than 70 million vacancies and 50 million resumes are analyzed to build personal career trajectories), which eliminates the human factor in building a career plan. At the same time, the competitive advantages of the project can be considered: The largest library of digitized professions – more than 6 thousand professions; Algorithms monitor the labor market and update trajectories when employers' requirements change; More than 1 million. educational materials, including from leading universities in the country; The official partner of NARC, which allows you to take into account professional standards, ETCS and CEN when building career paths; Uses a unique technology for building paths based on the analysis of more than 20 million resumes (other people's experience).

List of awards and prizes, media articles about the organization/individual or the Practice

3rd place in the All-Russian Project Competition 2020 TOP 100 (5 stars out of 5) Archipelago 2121; TOP 1000 of the Forum "Strong ideas for a new time 2022"; Winner in the nomination "Project with significant social impact" of the International Award for Innovative solutions of fintech, blockchain, web 3.0 and artificial Intelligence "Artificial Intelligence 2023"; The TOP 90 of the competition for the Moscow Mayor's Award 2023 are the winners of the nomination "Best HR Project" of the startup competition "Startech.Awards» 2024

List of scientific works and IP connected with the Practice

1. R&D: No.AAAAA-A20-120122490035-3, no.121121700381-5 2. REED: 2.1. Computer programs certificates № 2021610337; №2021665250; №2021665274; №20216655092; №20216655705; №2022682694; №2022682598; №2022682599; №2022682600; №2023680064; №2024610561 2.2. Databases: certificates No.2021622031; No.2023620773; No.2023624318 2.3. Know-how: A method for constructing a trajectory of personal training of a user based on the analysis of data on his level of training, career goals, requirements imposed by the market on the competence of the applicant" (Order No. 3 of 09/16/2021) "Method for constructing a personalized training trajectory" (Order No. 4/22-NIR of 07/29/2022) 2.4. Trademark Edwica-Certificate No.852888


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