BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
Energy system based on the use of renewable resources of the World Ocean
Energy system based on the use of renewable resources of the World Ocean

Energy system based on the use of renewable resources of the World Ocean

Energy largely determines the level of development of any society. Energy development is conditioned by the needs of the economy and the desire to improve the quality of life in the face of a steady increase in the population of the Earth. At the same time, it is the energy sector that is mainly responsible for the negative changes in the planet's ecosystem. Comparison of the amount of energy currently produced by mankind with the magnitude of the energy flows characteristic of natural phenomena shows that the power of both energy sources become commensurate. In recent years, the understanding has become undeniable that the more energy is produced by burning fossil fuels, the higher the price has to be paid for maintaining the conditions in the environment necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life. The intensive use of fuel-burning technologies in the energy sector is accompanied by pollution, the greenhouse effect and climate warming, leading to irreversible degradation of the Earth's biosphere. It is clear that it is most reasonable to solve energy problems in close connection with environmental ones by using environmentally friendly energy production technologies based on renewable energy resources. In many regions and countries, these problems can be largely solved by using the wave and water resources of the World Ocean. Sea waves capable of developing the highest specific power for renewable sources are a very promising energy carrier. The wave power of the World Ocean, available for utilization, is estimated at about 5 terawatts, which can double the production of electricity on the planet. The use of hydrogen as an environmentally safe source and energy storage is also a very urgent task, because. hydrogen can replace any type of fuel in various industries, energy and transport. The complex, consisting of the Wave Power Plant, a plant for the electrolysis production of Hydrogen and Oxygen from sea water, energy storage devices and consumers, is an environmentally safe energy industrial system. In fact, the functioning of such a system links the processes occurring in nature into a single cycle with the processes of production and economic use of energy without disturbing the natural energy balance. Our project is dedicated to the creation of components of an environmentally friendly energy system based on the use of renewable energy resources of the World Ocean, consisting of a highly efficient installation for converting the energy of sea waves into electricity and a plant for the electrolysis production of hydrogen from sea water.

BrainWave - Cognitive Enhancement through Neurostimulation
BrainWave - Cognitive Enhancement through Neurostimulation

BrainWave - Cognitive Enhancement through Neurostimulation

Cognitive decline is a growing concern in India's aging population. BrainWave uses non-invasive neurostimulation techniques to enhance cognitive functions in older adults, improving memory and reducing symptoms of cognitive disorders.

Tsa Bophelo Pharma & MedTech Pty Ltd
Tsa Bophelo Pharma & MedTech Pty Ltd

Tsa Bophelo Pharma & MedTech Pty Ltd

PS24 venture addresses significant healthcare challenges in South Africa and BRICS nations, where chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and HIV/AIDS are prevalent. These conditions demand consistent medication management, but systemic issues hinder effective care: 1. Limited Accessibility: Rural and underserved areas face obstacles in accessing healthcare facilities, with long distances, crowded clinics, and insufficient infrastructure delaying timely medication delivery. 2. Inefficiency and Long Wait Times: Urban systems often suffer from inefficiencies, overburdening staff and causing long wait times, leading to patient dissatisfaction. 3. Non-Adherence to Medication: The challenges result in missed doses or discontinued treatment, worsening health outcomes and increasing healthcare costs. 4. Data Management Issues: Inadequate monitoring of patient data complicates medication forecasting and inventory management. PS24 Value Proposition 1. Increased Accessibility: Deploying PS24 machines in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and community centers enhances access to medication, eliminating travel and wait time concerns. 2. Reduced Wait Times and Improved Efficiency: 3. Improved Medication Adherence: With easier access and reminders through the PS24 app, patients are more likely to follow their medication regimens. 4. Data-Driven Insights: PS24 machines collect data on medication dispensing, offering insights into patient behavior and trends to help healthcare providers respond proactively. Implementation Plan 1. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating government ministries. 2. Site Selection: Targeting high-traffic urban areas and underserved rural communities based on patient density and proximity to healthcare facilities. 3. Leasing and Service Model: Offering PS24 machines on 5 or 7-year leases to healthcare facilities. 4. Maintenance and Support: A dedicated team will maintain and service the machines. 5. Continuous Improvement and Scaling: Feedback and expansion across South Africa and BRICS countries.

AI-Powered Logistics Optimization for Egyptian Ports
AI-Powered Logistics Optimization for Egyptian Ports

AI-Powered Logistics Optimization for Egyptian Ports

Egypt's ports often face logistical challenges due to outdated processes and traffic congestion. This project introduces an AI-powered solution to optimize cargo handling and traffic flow, reducing delays and increasing efficiency.

Anti-GPT - Intelligent selfscribe (AGIS)
Anti-GPT - Intelligent selfscribe (AGIS)

Anti-GPT - Intelligent selfscribe (AGIS)

The public release of ChatGPT class neural networks is used to facilitate the implementation of reporting research activities. In the vast majority of cases, this threatens and devalues ​​the quality of the produced research documents, especially in the areas of analytical activities and secondary/higher/post-higher education. It is a recognized fact that neural networks can be used en masse for unkind purposes, falsification of diploma theses (Russia, 2023). In Israel, over three weeks, more than 10% of the content (hundreds of thousands of documents) were identified that included text from AI (the methodology is not disclosed, more like hype). Unauthorized large-scale use of auto-generation of text by neural networks to imitate an individualized creative product is rendered meaningless by the need for deep immersion in the coherence of the text. Based on this, IT tools should be aimed at developing human intellectual competence and productivity, as a confirmed personalized intellectual activity. The intelligent platform "Anti-GPT - Intelligent selfscribe" (AGIS) is proposed, ensuring the harmonious and natural development of human expert activity in his independent creation and writing of research and analytical documents. Novelty - work in the paradigm of a single cognitive system "man - machine". When writing a text, the system automates and removes 80% of routine manual operations of an organizational and technical plan. A person acquires an increase in awareness and depth of inclusion when understanding and writing a text, developing and bringing an ever-increasing degree of competencies and qualifications to a new level. Intellectual activity acquires an easy, accessible and effective format, massively scalable and ready for universal application, forms and increases the level of expert qualifications in people using it in a natural-intellectual way.

AI Demand Forecasting
AI Demand Forecasting

AI Demand Forecasting

In today’s fast-paced market, the ability to predict future sales accurately and swiftly is not just an advantage — it’s a necessity. These forecasts are the backbone of strategic planning and essential for effective business management. Traditionally, achieving high-quality forecasts required considering a maze of internal and external factors, leading to complex calculations and skyrocketing labour costs. AI.Demand Forecasting automates the forecasting process. Our solution implies developing a custom artificial intelligence model based on customer data and external sources. By harnessing the power of these insights, AI.Demand Forecasting not only enhances forecasting accuracy but also significantly reduces the costs associated with traditional methods. In unpredictable markets, many companies resort to overstocking, resulting in wasted resources and lost revenue. Others play it safe by under-stocking, which can leave them unable to meet customer demand and miss out on potential sales. Through better prediction capabilities, AI.Demand Forecasting allows companies to replenish inventory in line with sales expectations, minimizing the risks of both overstock and understock. This means fewer write-offs and maximized revenue.

Secure Data Repositories for SMEs
Secure Data Repositories for SMEs

Secure Data Repositories for SMEs

Many small businesses in India struggle with safeguarding critical data due to the high costs of secure storage solutions. This project provides affordable, cloud-based data repositories with built-in encryption tailored specifically for SMEs, ensuring data integrity without breaking their budget.

HealthData Ethiopia
HealthData Ethiopia

HealthData Ethiopia

Ethiopia's healthcare system lacks comprehensive data management, leading to inefficiencies in patient care. HealthData Ethiopia introduces a big data platform to integrate patient records and optimize healthcare delivery.

ML - model «Look-ALike»
ML - model «Look-ALike»

ML - model «Look-ALike»

There are about 7.5 million legal entities in Russia, and each of them has a unique set of needs. And now add to this all the variety of products and services that Sberbank Group offers to its customers. Under such conditions, we realized that we needed to solve this problem in a systematic way using machine learning models. The approach is based on: 1. Systematization of knowledge about customers that has already been accumulated by Sberbank. 2. Search for similar features, clustering of clients similar by certain features. Such analysis is not possible even for several dozens of analysts, that's why ML-model was developed, as which the bagging of three boosting models (LightGBM) was used.

Enhancing Climate Resilience through Remote Sensing, AI, and ML: A Digital Approach to Climate Finance and Practices
Future maker
Enhancing Climate Resilience through Remote Sensing, AI, and ML: A Digital Approach to Climate Finance and Practices

Enhancing Climate Resilience through Remote Sensing, AI, and ML: A Digital Approach to Climate Finance and Practices

Dvara E-Registry (DER) is an AgFinTech startup offering climate finance to smallholder farmers, enabling them to access institutional credit and adopt climate-smart agricultural practices. Challenges Faced by Smallholder Farmers Smallholder farmers face two main challenges: 1. Limited Access to Formal Credit: Of the 140+ million farmers in India, 86% are smallholders with average land holdings of 0.7 hectares. 70% of these farmers lack access to institutional lending forcing them to depend on non-institutional lenders who charge exorbitant interest rates, leading to cycles of debt and poverty. The absence of affordable credit also compels farmers to purchase low-quality, climate-vulnerable agricultural inputs, reducing productivity. 2. Climate and Market-Related Challenges: Agriculture contributes 26% of global greenhouse gas emissions and is highly vulnerable to climate change. The lack of access to extension services, knowledge, and climate-friendly inputs leads to unsustainable practices, such as overuse of fertilizers and pesticides, further degrading soil health. DER’s Innovative Solutions DER addresses these challenges through climate finance solutions, creating collateral-free loan products for smallholder farmers to access institutional credit and adopt sustainable agricultural practices. DER’s approach includes: 1. Digital Platforms for Creditworthiness Assessment: DER uses inhouse digital tools like Khetscore and the Doordrishti platform to assess farmers' creditworthiness. These tools digitize farmer data, provide market insights, and offer credit scores based on historical land analytics using advanced technologies such as AI and remote sensing. - Khetscore is a 3-year historical index evaluating factors like crop health, moisture, soil quality, and weather conditions using indices such as NDVI, GNDVI, NDMI, and NMDI. This alternative credit scoring method helps identify creditworthy farmers for institutional lending. - Doordrishti is a comprehensive platform offering customized crop advisories, weather forecasts, price information, and market linkages to farmers via mobile applications. It helps digitize farmer information, providing actionable insights and improving access to financial services. 2. Climate Finance Products: DER offers differentiated financial products tailored for smallholder farmers empower farmers to purchase climate-resilient seeds, quality inputs, and engage in agri-allied activities, enhancing their income and resilience against climate risks. 3. Climate-Smart Agriculture Promotion: Through the Krishak mobile app, DER offers customized advisories on sustainable agricultural practices. DER also provides access to biological products and climate-resilient seeds. DER is also working with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to promote seed multiplication of climate-resilient seeds, particularly among women farmers. 4. Onboarding farmers on carbon credit program.

Maritime Decarbonization
Maritime Decarbonization

Maritime Decarbonization

Maritime decarbonization in Port of Itaqui in the state of Maranhão - Brazil. Nowadays, some kind of business can decarbonize and still create value it can be possible through environmental sustainability solutions. There are an increasing demand in international maritime trade in which companies are being required by consumers and legislators to reduce carbon emissions in their operations.

Our solution is to create a Research Center in Decarbonization for BRICS in the state of Maranhão (BR) to support the newest entrepreneurs and startups in the area that can develop alternative technologies and process to be apllied in international maritime trade as Green Shipping Corridors, Zero Emission Areas and even more fields of New Economy.

EduNeuro Ethiopia
EduNeuro Ethiopia

EduNeuro Ethiopia

Education in Ethiopia often lacks the resources needed to support students with learning disabilities. EduNeuro Ethiopia develops neuro-educational tools to enhance learning for students with special needs.

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