BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
Boitumelo Rethabile Group
Boitumelo Rethabile Group

Boitumelo Rethabile Group

In South African soccer, coaches across all levels face challenges in optimising player performance and tactical strategies due to limited access to comprehensive data and analytics tools. Traditional coaching methods often lack the sophistication needed to identify key insights and trends within vast amounts of soccer-related data. As a result, coaches struggle to make informed decisions, leading to suboptimal player development and team outcomes. Our soccer data analytics innovation harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide South African coaches across all levels with actionable insights and predictive capabilities. Through sophisticated data analysis, coaches gain a deeper understanding of player performance, tactical trends, and strategic opportunities. Our platform offers customizable solutions tailored to the unique needs and contexts of grassroots programs, schools, amateur clubs, and professional leagues.

SEAN PERRY: Treatment of acne using indigenous plant extracts
SEAN PERRY: Treatment of acne using indigenous plant extracts

SEAN PERRY: Treatment of acne using indigenous plant extracts

Acne is a predominant dermatological condition upsetting a significant measure of the worldwide population. Acne is caused by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors and is generally triggered by hormonal changes accompanying sexual maturation during adolescence. While numerous treatments exist, comprising topical medications and oral therapies, there is an emergent demand for harmless, more effectual, and non-invasive substitutes. This project’s proposal aims to develop innovative cosmetic product (s) specifically designed to target and treat acne, affording a better-quality solution for persons suffering from this condition. There is no SA black owned premium organic beauty and skincare development and manufacturing company that caters for local beauty and skincare needs, specifically for treatment of acne using indigenous plant extracts and in addition is agile and can develop customized products. SEAN PERRY specifically uses a unique biodegradable formulation with extracts from the South African seeds, plants and flowers. The further uniqueness lies in the fact that SEAN PERRY products are made of 99% of the natural ingredients that are organically grown, without pesticides or chemical fertilizers and are not genetically modified. The ability to formulate products, using such ingredients and considering local needs at a reasonable price is what differentiates SEAN PERRY. All skin types, race and age can use the products without any damage to the skin. Some of the products have natural antioxidants which aids in slowing down the ageing process and reduces fine wrinkles and tendency to red botches without of use of preventatives or chemicals. The solution SEAN PERRY is offering is purely organic products specifically designed to prevent severe medical attention should a person (including kids) consume or spray a product on eyes by mistake and also when the products are spilled on the ground, because of the biodegradability properties, they will not harm the environment (soil, water and air).

Med Syncer
Med Syncer

Med Syncer

Problem Statement: Managing chronic diseases is a relentless challenge, compounded by the need to handle a multitude of critical documents—prescriptions, test results, and medication details. Patients are often overwhelmed by the constant juggling of paperwork, and the stakes are high: misplaced or disorganized documents can lead to serious treatment errors, disruptions in care, and increased stress. The traditional methods of managing these records are inadequate, creating a pressing need for a more effective solution. Solution: Our platform is the definitive answer to this complex problem. It revolutionizes medical document management by integrating data from doctors, patients, labs, and medical centers into a single, accessible system. The platform's AI-driven features provide unmatched support by: Accurately recommending medications based on precise prescriptions. Clarifying complex medical reports to ensure complete understanding. Generating tailored diet plans to meet individual health needs. Offering personalized exercise routines. Suggesting crucial lifestyle changes for improved well-being. By addressing the critical issues of document management and patient support, our solution delivers a comprehensive, streamlined approach to healthcare, transforming the way patients interact with their medical records and health information.

Development of an Advanced Burs Safety Sensor for Dentistry
Development of an Advanced Burs Safety Sensor for Dentistry

Development of an Advanced Burs Safety Sensor for Dentistry

Psychologically , mitigating risks associated with dental procedures fosters a sense of calm for both the dentist and the patient , allowing the dentist to concentrate on her work with a relaxed demeanor and enhanced self-confidence. Additionally , as science and technology advance , they strive to enhance the ease and comfort of human experiences. Therefore, the development of equipment with advanced features will consistently be a pathway to improving any profession.

Payment by facial biometrics with VisionLabs face recognition
Payment by facial biometrics with VisionLabs face recognition

Payment by facial biometrics with VisionLabs face recognition

The solution is especially in demand in transportation and retail, where it helps to reduce the time, when passengers pass through turnstiles, by eliminating the need to search for a card or phone. It also facilitates the development of alternative payment methods, which increases convenience for users. In retail, self-service checkouts offer card and smartphone payments, but a card can be forgotten and a phone run out of battery at the most inopportune moment. This emphasizes the importance of accessible and reliable payment options without the need to use physical means of payment. VisionLabs offers an alternative and more convenient payment method that allows you to make purchases without cash, cards or phone, thereby improving the user experience. With facial biometrics payment, the customer only needs to look into the camera. The system automatically identifies the shopper among bank customers and debits the account. Face Pay recognizes the person even if the face is partially covered. VisionLabs does a lot of work on the formation of datasets on which neural networks are trained. Therefore, the company's technologies are resistant to external factors and do not lose recognition accuracy in the presence of glasses, medical masks and headgear. In addition, the use of computer vision increases the security of the payment process. A biometric identifier can’t be lost or forgotten, which means that the possibility of its use by third parties is excluded. To protect against spoofing attacks, Liveness algorithms from VisionLabs help, which solve the problem of verifying a live person and counteract non-software attacks in the form of masks, images or videos on the phone. For example, a similar facial biometric payment service with VisionLabs technologies has already been launched in Moscow at all subway and Moscow Central Circle (MCC) stations, regular river transportation, Aeroexpress and four Moscow Central Diameters (MCDs) stations. It's the first city in the world which has implemented facial recognition fare payment technology on such a scale. Users need to link their photo, a bank card with fare funds and a «Troika» card to the service via the Moscow Metro app. The information is securely encrypted - the system works with biometric keys rather than facial images or other personal data. In order to use the service, a passenger must find a special turnstile with a black sticker «Payment by biometrics». Then during the passage look into the camera on the turnstile, the fare will be deducted automatically. The procedure is the same as using a bank card.

Intelligent defect detection system in manufacturing
Intelligent defect detection system in manufacturing

Intelligent defect detection system in manufacturing

Intelligent video analytics can be used to automate quality control in various types of manufacturing. Using cameras, AI captures the blanks or products passing along the conveyor and detects defects. In most cases, visual inspection of products is conducted by quality department employees, which carries the risk of human error, and the inspection itself takes a considerable amount of time. Moreover, most defects are not detected in advance leading to financial losses and negatively impacting the production process Let's consider an example from a specific industry – metallurgy. To produce high-quality rolled products it's crucial to detect defects in steel billets promptly, as this affects the quality of the final product. Such control is often carried out visually by the technical personnel of the workshop and the quality management staff. Since the steel billets are stored closely together, during inspections, employees do not have the opportunity to examine them from all sides. Additionally, when loading onto the line before entering the furnace, the movement speed of the billets is too high, reaching 2 meters per second, which does not provide enough time for visual inspection. Billets with detected defects are also marked manually with chalk. Under poor lighting conditions and at high speeds, operators must continually monitor the roller conveyor to reject the billets at the furnace loading stage and redirect them not to rolling but to the processing of the defective area. The process is automated by a defect detection and recognition system based on convolutional neural networks by VisionLabs. The installation of cameras and use of video analytics enables the analysis of every centimeter of the steel billets. The process is structured as follows: the billet moves along the mill's loading roller conveyor. Before weighing, the billet passes through a surface defect inspection point, where cameras are installed to capture the condition of the billet's surface on each of its four sides. When the billet enters the cameras' field of view, the neural networks detect it and check for defects. When a defect is detected in real time, the operator receives an audible alert and an image along with the serial number of the defective billet is displayed on the screen. This allows for timely rejection and re-routing for defect area processing instead of rolling. Additionally, the system counts the number of accepted billets and classifies detected defects for further analysis, including distinguishing between critical production defects and acceptable ones that don't affect the final product quality. The collected statistics can be used to modify the technological processes in previous workshops.

VisionLabs DeepFake Detector. VisionLabs DeepFake Detector (VL DFD) can detect visual deepfakes on a single image or video. The AI solution detects the probability, that the person in the image or video is a deepfake on a frame, n-frame and video.
VisionLabs DeepFake Detector. VisionLabs DeepFake Detector (VL DFD) can detect visual deepfakes on a single image or video. The AI solution detects the probability, that the person in the image or video is a deepfake on a frame, n-frame and video.

VisionLabs DeepFake Detector. VisionLabs DeepFake Detector (VL DFD) can detect visual deepfakes on a single image or video. The AI solution detects the probability, that the person in the image or video is a deepfake on a frame, n-frame and video.

The problem is the fraud with personal facial biometrics or the spread of fake content, which is caused by increased access to high-quality deepfake generation algorithms, that are much easier to implement than 2 years ago. Fraud: financial institutions / banks or any organization, that uses authentication with facial biometrics can be attacked by intruders, who wish to gain access to credits or other services remotely. For this purpose, they obtain a photo of a person, whith a real client, generate a deepfake and during the videocall with the bank, substitute initial video stream with generated one. The operator of the call on behalf of the organization may not realize that she is talking to a fake as the video stream may be of low quality due to obvious reasons: poor internet connection, low-resolution web camera, etc. Thus, the operator may be mistaken and approve transaction for the fake person. Another problem is the distribution of fake content generated with deepfake technology. To solve these two problems, VisionLabs provides VL DFD – an AI neural networks solution, that is capable of detecting all the most popular visual deepfakes: • Face swap is a method, used to transfer face from a source image (bona fide) to the target video (attacker) • Face reenactment is a method, used to implement mimics of an attacker onto the image of a bona fide person. This type includes lip-sync, the type of deepfake algorithm used to synchronize video and audio. • Face synthesis is a method used to generate synthetic faces of non-existent persons. VL DFD can operate in real-time during a videocall, using 1 frame or n-frames, which is suitable for the financial sector. Additionally, VL DFD can analyze content post-factum to prevent the spread of fake media content VL DFD can operate both on CPU and GPU in the backend. VL DFD receives inputs either from front-end (frames that can be selected using VL frontend solution or using client’s software) or from backend.

SUPER NINA: ICT and artificial intelligence solutions to combat gender-based violence in urban mobility
SUPER NINA: ICT and artificial intelligence solutions to combat gender-based violence in urban mobility

SUPER NINA: ICT and artificial intelligence solutions to combat gender-based violence in urban mobility

Every 4 seconds, there is a case of harassment on Brazilian public transport (Brazilian Public Security Forum, 2018) and 97% of Brazilian women have already suffered harassment in urban mobility (Locomotiva and Patrícia Galvão Institutes, 2019). Given this alarming problem, the question arose: how can we mitigate gender-based violence in urban mobility and make cities safer? Super NINA was created with the aim of combating and preventing harassment and gender-based violence in urban mobility through ICT and artificial intelligence solutions, whose data collection and processing influence governments to promote public policies in favor of safer and more inclusive cities. We provide a standard reporting channel via WhatsApp or any other app, with the aim of standardizing and centralizing reports of sexual harassment in urban mobility. The data collected is made available on a dashboard and assists government agents and private companies in creating public-private policies for urban planning, mobility, and security. In addition, we also offer exclusive consultancy services, which include employee training, communication guidelines, diagnostic research, creation/adaptation of protocols and monitoring of actions.

MLX Ventures
MLX Ventures

MLX Ventures

Inefficiency and poor data transparency are expensive issues faced by public and private sector entities. We provide machine learning and blockchain powered solutions to solve these problems.

Barrier CCTV Technology
Barrier CCTV Technology

Barrier CCTV Technology

Barrier is a web based autonomous video surveillance as a service solution.

Egyptian youth face significant barriers to starting and growing their businesses due to corruption, nepotism, and global control over business ecosystems. While government programs aim to support entrepreneurship, they often fall short in addressing the actual needs of Egypt's youth. Egypreneur has been a trusted platform for over 16 years, offering entrepreneurs support, networking, and resources. Building on this strong foundation, we are now integrating cutting-edge AI technology—developed through Senu—to create a comprehensive One-Stop-Shop for business development. This platform will provide instant support, matchmaking with ideal funders, and resources tailored to the specific needs of Egyptian entrepreneurs. With this transformation, Egypreneur will continue its legacy of empowering youth while offering AI-powered tools to accelerate business growth and success.

Tsa Bophelo Pharma & MedTech Pty Ltd
Tsa Bophelo Pharma & MedTech Pty Ltd

Tsa Bophelo Pharma & MedTech Pty Ltd

PS24 venture addresses significant healthcare challenges in South Africa and BRICS nations, where chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and HIV/AIDS are prevalent. These conditions demand consistent medication management, but systemic issues hinder effective care: 1. Limited Accessibility: Rural and underserved areas face obstacles in accessing healthcare facilities, with long distances, crowded clinics, and insufficient infrastructure delaying timely medication delivery. 2. Inefficiency and Long Wait Times: Urban systems often suffer from inefficiencies, overburdening staff and causing long wait times, leading to patient dissatisfaction. 3. Non-Adherence to Medication: The challenges result in missed doses or discontinued treatment, worsening health outcomes and increasing healthcare costs. 4. Data Management Issues: Inadequate monitoring of patient data complicates medication forecasting and inventory management. PS24 Value Proposition 1. Increased Accessibility: Deploying PS24 machines in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and community centers enhances access to medication, eliminating travel and wait time concerns. 2. Reduced Wait Times and Improved Efficiency: 3. Improved Medication Adherence: With easier access and reminders through the PS24 app, patients are more likely to follow their medication regimens. 4. Data-Driven Insights: PS24 machines collect data on medication dispensing, offering insights into patient behavior and trends to help healthcare providers respond proactively. Implementation Plan 1. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating government ministries. 2. Site Selection: Targeting high-traffic urban areas and underserved rural communities based on patient density and proximity to healthcare facilities. 3. Leasing and Service Model: Offering PS24 machines on 5 or 7-year leases to healthcare facilities. 4. Maintenance and Support: A dedicated team will maintain and service the machines. 5. Continuous Improvement and Scaling: Feedback and expansion across South Africa and BRICS countries.

52 out of 65
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