BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
A Study on Chemical Conditioning Separation and Interface Modulation Mechanism of High Emulsified Oily Sludge
A Study on Chemical Conditioning Separation and Interface Modulation Mechanism of High Emulsified Oily Sludge

A Study on Chemical Conditioning Separation and Interface Modulation Mechanism of High Emulsified Oily Sludge

Oily sludge is a kind of solid waste generated during the process of crude oil exploitation, storage, transportation, and refining, and is one of the main pollutants in the petroleum industry. With the increasing scale of oil exploitation, the generated oily sludge is significantly increasing. Long term exposure of oily sludge to the air leads to the accumulation of heavy oil because of the volatilization of light oil, then resulting in high emulsification stability of oily sludge. This project aims to address the technical issue of high emulsification stability of oily sludge. Efficient chemical conditioning agents are developed, by synthesizing polymer chemical agents and compounding them with other additives, to reduce the emulsification stability of oily sludge. The change rules of interfacial tension between oil and water and surface tension of oil solid particles are studied through chemical conditioning.

Enchanting Fusion: Virtual Screening Unleashing the Potential of Breast Cancer Medications through Molecular Docking
Enchanting Fusion: Virtual Screening Unleashing the Potential of Breast Cancer Medications through Molecular Docking

Enchanting Fusion: Virtual Screening Unleashing the Potential of Breast Cancer Medications through Molecular Docking

Cancer drug works by binding to the receptor and blocking the ever growing cell. The discovery of these drugs molecules requires intensive research and collaboration from different departments. By the study, i used some preexisting software to make my work easy and perform the virtual screening and Molecular Docking as mention in the report below. These techniques are not new but required more computation power and ever growing database of compounds. Through the study, natural compounds have been identified in the research.



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Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Russian regions according to the United Nations (UN) criteria. Case of the Rostov region
Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Russian regions according to the United Nations (UN) criteria. Case of the Rostov region

Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Russian regions according to the United Nations (UN) criteria. Case of the Rostov region

The UN SDGs are a set of 17 goals for the environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development and conservation of social, cultural, biological and physical systems. 1. eradicate poverty; 2. eradication of hunger; 3. Good health and well-being; 4. Quality education; 5. Gender equality; 6. Clean water and sanitation; 7. Affordable and clean energy; 8. Decent jobs and economic growth; 9. Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure; 10. Reducing inequality; 11. Sustainable cities and human settlements; 12. responsible consumption and production; 13. Combating climate change; 14. Conservation of marine ecosystems; 15. Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems; 16. Peace, justice and effective institutions; 17. Partnerships for sustainable development. As a result of the practice implementation, the following was done: 1) Analyzed the quality of the baseline indicators of the SDGs of the RO, eliminated gaps and outliers; 2) SDG indicators were normalized, necessary data transformations were carried out; 3) Correlations between indicators and SDGs were identified on the basis of correlation and other types of analysis; 4) Clustering of indicators and regrouping of SDGs of the RO were carried out; 5) Analyzed the dynamics of indicators of RO SDGs; 6) The possibility of applying models for time series analysis (ARIMA, ARCH, GARCH) was checked; 7) Interval estimation of the values of the RO SDG indicators for 2023-2024 using ARIMA, ARCH, GARCH models for time series analysis was obtained; 8) The reliability of the obtained forecasts was assessed based on the results of the analysis of the state and dynamics of the RO SDGs for 2023 (big data). The following technology stack was used: PostgreSQL 11 MADlib 2.1.0 Python Java 17, Spring 6

Eco-environmental Conservation Red Lines (ECRLs) Map Project
Eco-environmental Conservation Red Lines (ECRLs) Map Project

Eco-environmental Conservation Red Lines (ECRLs) Map Project

Chinese government implements strict measures of protecting core ecological area and established Eco-environmental Conservation Red Lines, which are conservation borsers set by governemnt indicating the areas that must be protected strictly. In this way, projects violating ECRLs should not receive financing service. ICBC's Eco-environmental Conservation Red Lines Map Project is mainly based on the Chinese government’s Eco-environmental Conservation Red Lines(ECRLs). Implementing ECRLs Map Project, ICBC embedded the requirements of ECRLs into the process of project loans, allowing its Global Credit Management System(GCMS) to automatically determine whether the project is within the scope of the eco-environmental conservation area. The projects in ECRLs will be carefully assessed for ecological environment risks by loan officers. Except for special cases such as ecological protection projects, financing support for those projects will not be provided by ICBC.

Regional permafrost monitoring system in natural test sites
Regional permafrost monitoring system in natural test sites

Regional permafrost monitoring system in natural test sites

Temperatures in the Arctic has risen to two or three times faster than the rest of the plane in the last 50 year to two to three degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. As permafrost (permafrost is a permanently frozen land ) thaws away due to the warming climate, it poses threats to the environment, infrastructure, and human lives. Covering a quarter of the northern hemisphere landmass, mainly above the Arctic Circle, permafrost is believed to contain around 1.7 trillion tonnes of carbon in a state of organic matter. It accounts for twice the amount of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere. Permafrost thaw could send these vast amounts of methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing further warming and creating a feedback loop of melting and more gas emissions. In Norilsk agglomeration infrastructure, buildings and transportation networks are constructed over a permafrost base, which is vulnerable to changes to climate and rapidly warming Arctic temperatures. This can spell disaster for the structures above, damaging buildings and roads as the permafrost degrades beneath. Permafrost thaw also releases damaging contaminants into the ecosystem, impacting food chains and community health. Climate change-related increases in costs (economic losses or damage) are estimated for several climate futures by 2050 separately for 39 municipalities located in the Russian Arctic permafrost domain. The economic losses (according calculation of scientists) were evaluated as maximum and minimum values at extreme values of permafrost parameters, separately for each case. The greatest damage is expected to housing stock and buildings and structures of main economic sectors. The potential damage for Russian Arctic may reach up to US$ 132 billion (total) and ~ US$ 15 billion for residential infrastructure alone. The UN has set one of the main goals for sustainable development in the world until 2030 to take urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences. Permafrost monitoring system in natural test sites is necessary to assess the current state of permafrost and develop scientifically based forecast models and measures to adapt to climate change in the region.

Creation of the Municipal Management Center for effective public feedback
Creation of the Municipal Management Center for effective public feedback

Creation of the Municipal Management Center for effective public feedback

The basic premises for the practice implementation were the need to satisfy demanded and crucial requests of citizens, the need for rapid resolution of specific issues of the population, unplanned work, analysis of public needs to determine priorities in work and take them into account in making long-term decisions, budget planning and participation in programs and, of course, increasing the level of trust in the authorities among residents. To provide feedback to the population, a Municipal Management Center has been created, whose specialists process messages from various open sources on a daily basis. To improve the quality and operational efficiency of the dialogue experts from all departments of Vladivostok City Administration are involved in the work of the Center. Messages are received through different communication channels: • official pages of the Administration and head of the city in domestic social networks, • media field and mass media monitoring, • a specially created chatbot in Telegram (including themed chatbots on particular topics (for instance, on heating or electric scooters)), • the Unified dispatch service, • the feedback platform, • official appeals of citizens, submitted in accordance with the Federal Law 59-FL. The Municipal Management Center accumulates all data received via communication channels, conducts analysis of incoming requests and forms reports for governance on its basis. It reflect issues of concern and questions from the public, demanding attention of the head of the city for making managerial decisions. According to the results of the reports instructions are given, departures of the head of the city and specialists to the objects are conducted, decisions are made and work plans are formed both operational and long-term, requiring participation in various programs and budget allocation. Issues reflected in the reports are put under the control of the control department of the administration until the moment of implementation

The practice of "Managing together"
The practice of "Managing together"

The practice of "Managing together"

The problem: The lack of control over the quality and timing of the work carried out under the Regional Development Program. The low level of digital competencies due to the accelerated penetration of electronic technologies into the lives of citizens. Low level of communication between authorities and residents of the region. The need to bring the activities of the OGV in line with current legislation regarding the transition to the electronic form of providing services and receiving appeals from citizens. The low level of public control over the activities of the authorities. Implemented solution: The interactive portal "Managing Together" was launched on April 13, 2017. in the Perm region. The portal includes key services for residents' interaction with authorities and participation in the development of the region: "Inform" – a service for receiving messages about problems; "Find out" – a service for disclosing information about the repair, construction, improvement of urban infrastructure; "Vote" – a service for online voting; "Open Data" – a service for disclosing information about any objects of urban infrastructure, from hockey fields and beaches to the registry of clinics or roads; "Suggest" is a service that aims to find ideas for creating new categories, problematic topics, as well as collecting suggestions from residents. On the "Managing Together" portal, residents of the Perm Territory can report problems with the current maintenance of infrastructure facilities and evaluate the results of the work carried out, learn about the implementation of the Perm Territory development program, receive up-to-date information about urban infrastructure facilities, participate in online voting and offer their ideas on the portal's website ( /) or using a mobile app "We manage together."

 Belt and Road Bankers Roundtable
 Belt and Road Bankers Roundtable

Belt and Road Bankers Roundtable

In order to better support building the Belt & Road and promote financial connectivity cooperation, ICBC hosted the first Belt and Road Bankers Roundtable in May, 2017 during the first Belt & Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) under the guidance of People’s Bank of China (PBoc). The meeting issued the BRBR Beijing Joint Declaration, marking the establishment of the Belt and Road Bankers Roundtable (BRBR), which became the only initiative from a commercial institution in the official outcome list of the inaugural BRF.

Digital Advisor as a Means of Designing an Individual Educational Trajectory for Students
Digital Advisor as a Means of Designing an Individual Educational Trajectory for Students

Digital Advisor as a Means of Designing an Individual Educational Trajectory for Students

Insufficient information and analytical activities of students during their internship; lack of coordination between internship supervisors and employers in developing uniform requirements for types of internships; insufficient monitoring of internship results. It is proposed to introduce a digital advisor that will solve the problem of employers' needs for specialists based on the requirements of professional standards; coordination of the regulatory framework for training specialists with labor market demands; determination of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of students' professional training. The digital student advisor (DS) is an intelligent digital system that provides the student with a professional and educational strategy for mastering the necessary professional skills in educational activities for various types of practices, internships and other events at the basic department, as a means of designing an individual educational trajectory for students. It can operate o

VR.SHI | Cross-cultural project of visualzation of Russian and Chinese poetry in VR
VR.SHI | Cross-cultural project of visualzation of Russian and Chinese poetry in VR

VR.SHI | Cross-cultural project of visualzation of Russian and Chinese poetry in VR

Problem: Traditional forms of poetry and art are limited in their ability to fully immerse the audience in the meaning and emotions of the work. Additionally, there's a need for innovative methods of cultural exchange and language learning. Solution: VR.SHI offers a unique solution by combining poetry, visual art, and virtual reality. The project transforms poems into interactive 3D environments where each word becomes a visual art object reflecting its meaning and context. This creates a full immersion of the viewer into a "living, painted poem," allowing for a deeper understanding of its meaning and emotional content.

Creative Factory TAKO
Creative Factory TAKO

Creative Factory TAKO

The problem lies in the fact that students often do not have access to real projects and advanced technologies during their studies. Our solution is "Creative Factory TAKO," an innovative design studio that uses a diffusion neural network to create unique designs and offers students the opportunity to work on real cases. We work on branding for technopark residents and other companies, allowing students to gain practical experience and enhance their professional skills. Our project is supported by universities and validated by positive reviews and awards.

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