BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
System for Recovery of Condensate from Fuel Cell Exhaust
System for Recovery of Condensate from Fuel Cell Exhaust

System for Recovery of Condensate from Fuel Cell Exhaust

Problem: Green hydrogen is seen as a key enabler of sustainable development, energy security, and economic growth, while contributing to global efforts to combat climate change. However, there are many challenges for adoption of green hydrogen economy. One of the most significant challenges is the large volume of fresh de-mineralized water required for Hydrogen generation. Further, use of hydrogen is being planned in remote locations/army areas for providing power through Fuel Cell micro grids, for which availability of large volume of fresh demineralized water is a bigger challenge. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find solutions for optimization of water requirement for micro-grid applications. However, there are challenges for recovery of water from fuel cell exhaust as the outlet steam contains high nitrogen content which requires a typical design for water recovery. Implemented Solution: A fuel cell generates electricity by consuming hydrogen and oxygen and produces water as a byproduct in the gaseous/vapour form. The fuel cell exhaust (byproduct) contains mixture of water, water vapours and air/nitrogen which requires an advanced system for recovery of water from this mixture. A typically designed air-cooled condenser system has been installed in Pilot AEM electrolyser plant installed by NTPC at Dadri for recovery of water from PEM fuel cell micro grid. The water recovery system is connected to fuel cell exhaust, from which mixture of steam and nitrogen enters the designed system. The water recovery system includes an air-cooled condenser to extract pure water from the mixture. The presence of nitrogen gas in the mixture impacts the heat transfer coefficient, but the advanced system has been designed to maximize water recovery from the mixture. The recovered water is then recirculated to the electrolyser for generating hydrogen again. This process reduces the effective water requirement for a fuel-cell based micro grid application. Approximately 45-50% water reduction has been achieved in the micro grid installed at NTPC Dadri (Pilot AEM plant) with the used of the referred solution.

Novel nano-structured material for life-cycle support of structures from polymer composite materials / Новый наноструктурированный материал для поддержки жизненного цикла конструкций из полимерных композиционных материалов
Novel nano-structured material for life-cycle support of structures from polymer composite materials / Новый наноструктурированный материал для поддержки жизненного цикла конструкций из полимерных композиционных материалов

Novel nano-structured material for life-cycle support of structures from polymer composite materials / Новый наноструктурированный материал для поддержки жизненного цикла конструкций из полимерных композиционных материалов

A novel nano-structured material is developed to support the life-cycle of a structure, manufactured from fibrous polymer composites (laminates). The material is embedded in-between plies without any loss of mechanical properties. Several key problems are solved: 1. Monitoring the degree of cure at manufacturing. 2. Out-of-autoclave (vacuum bag only) technology. 3. Out-of-oven technology and anti-icing/deicing technologies. 4. Structural health monitoring with machine learning for damage detection in-flight or in-service.

Sub-health (sleep hypoxia) solution - HML-II Watch type snore arrester
Sub-health (sleep hypoxia) solution - HML-II Watch type snore arrester

Sub-health (sleep hypoxia) solution - HML-II Watch type snore arrester

Sleep hypoxia is a sub-health state. People in sleep because of the hypoxia caused by tongue muscle fall back will cause hemodynamic changes, long-term, will form microthrombi, is one of the main causes of senile disease. Through the SPO2 of the watch type HML-II snoring arrester, it can sensitize the sleep hypoxia state. When the moment drops to the threshold level, it will trigger the weak stimulation of the HPA system, elevate the tongue muscle, relieve the trachea stenosis during sleep, relieve the sleep hypoxia, improve the sleep quality, reduce the risk of basic diseases, and alleviate the snoring during sleep. It should be noted that sleep low oxygen is the culprit of basic diseases.

Telemedicine Technologies in the Regional Mobile Application of the Healthcare Sector of the Tyumen Region "Telemed-72", as an element of Remote Monitoring of Citizens
Telemedicine Technologies in the Regional Mobile Application of the Healthcare Sector of the Tyumen Region "Telemed-72", as an element of Remote Monitoring of Citizens

Telemedicine Technologies in the Regional Mobile Application of the Healthcare Sector of the Tyumen Region "Telemed-72", as an element of Remote Monitoring of Citizens

In 2017, amendments were made to the Federal Law of 21.11.2011 No. 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens of the Russian Federation," which established that the remote format of doctor-patient interaction is permissible in providing primary medical and sanitary assistance, specialized, and palliative medical care. Telemedicine consultations (online consultations) became especially relevant during the period of the novel coronavirus infection. During this time, citizens needed consultation regarding their health status, but visiting medical facilities posed a risk of contracting COVID-2019. To reduce the burden on doctors and receptionists, as well as to reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus infection when in contact with sick citizens, in the Tyumen region, first in a pilot mode, and soon on an industrial scale, the operation of the Telemed-72 mobile application, built on product platform "Medved.Telemed" reg. No. 21496 in the Russian software register. The Tyumen mobile application "Telemed-72" has elevated the accessibility and quality of medical services. One of the application's functional features is the ability to receive telemedicine consultations (online consultations). Thus, for citizens under medical supervision, as well as for all citizens during the pandemic, the opportunity for medical observation through online consultations is a highly relevant issue. The ability to talk with a doctor, consult, and get recommendations without leaving home allows patients to more closely monitor their health status and adhere to treatment tactics.

Реформирование школьного питания в г.Казани
Реформирование школьного питания в г.Казани

Реформирование школьного питания в г.Казани

Until 2006, Kazan had an acute problem with school meals: each institution provided meals according to different menus, all students ate differently and at different prices. The reasons for this situation were: technical capabilities (wear and tear of equipment, lack of conditions for proper preparation and placement of seats) and social (lack of targeted support for families in difficult life situations, lack of a single menu, limited opportunities to purchase food products). To solve these problems, the Resolution of the Head of the Executive Committee of Kazan dated 20.10.2006 No. 2190 "On approval of the Municipal target program "Organization of healthy nutrition and implementation of modern technologies for the production and transportation of ready-made breakfasts in general education institutions of Kazan for 2006-2009" launched the program "Healthy nutrition for children". During the program's implementation, three main stages have been implemented: 2006-2010: creation of a single food service operator - "Department of Food and Social Nutrition of Kazan"; centralization of procurement and logistics on its basis; implementation of Cook&Chill technology; introduction of a single menu; receipt of a federal grant in the amount of 100 million rubles; modernization of equipment for school kitchens; social support for children from families in difficult life situations. 2010-2018: transition to cashless payments for meals - "Educational Card"; the legacy of the World Summer Universiade - a modern Food Service Plant and an accredited laboratory; development of the concept of a school restaurant and a free choice menu. 2019-2024: School canteen modernization program: in 2019, on the initiative of the Mayor of Kazan I.R. Metshin, the second stage of the city program "Healthy Nutrition for Children" began, since 2021, by the decision of the Raisa of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N. Minnikhanov, funds are allocated from the republican budget within the framework of the program to provide primary school students with free and hot meals; introduction of daily parental control in all schools in electronic form; digitalization within the framework of the "Smart Nutrition" system (the "Logistics" block (automatic order calculation, shipping documents, warehouse stock) and the "Digital Twin of the School Canteen" (based on the Russian CRM system Bitrix-24); projects to promote healthy eating. The results of the "Healthy Nutrition for Children" program were the creation of a unique, constantly developing and improving system for organizing school meals, which involves all participants in the process (children and their parents, school and school kitchen staff, the food operator, the Executive Committee of Kazan and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan headed by Rais R.M. Minnikhanov and the Mayor of Kazan I.R. Metshin), which is of interest to many regions not only of the Russian Federation, but also of neighboring countries.

Implementation of Compinno-TRIZ, software platform for solving inventive problem
Implementation of Compinno-TRIZ, software platform for solving inventive problem

Implementation of Compinno-TRIZ, software platform for solving inventive problem

Low efficiency of solving of the inventive problems as well as quality of the proposed solutions gave impetus to the development of Compinno-TRIZ automated platform which made it possible to improve the quality of the proposed solutions and increased the efficiency of project activities at RUSAL Volgograd



UAV miniSigma with vertical takeoff and landing for forest fires and illegal deforestation detection

High-speed X-band radio link
High-speed X-band radio link

High-speed X-band radio link

Problem to be solved: Low data transfer rate from spacecraft to land and sea objects with limited communication session time (small number of receiving stations or impossibility of their uniform installation throughout the entire territory of the Earth) and unstable weather conditions. Tasks to be solved: Increasing the efficiency of data transfer from spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth (ERS). Potential increase in the productivity of ERS spacecraft. Development of a prototype of a technical system for high-speed transmission for spacecraft operating in the X-band. Proposed solution: Creation of an adaptive high-speed transmission system for a spacecraft operating in the X radio band. Because the system has wide-angle electronic scanning, an adaptive preliminary digital distortion system and a frequency equalizer, we can increase the capacity of the radio channel for data transmission (up to 1500 Mbit/s in the prototype, potentially up to 2200 Mbit/s). In addition, we can ensure stable communication when weather conditions and the spacecraft angle of observation change, while maintaining small dimensions and low consumption of the data transmission system on board the spacecraft.

Navigator of Additional Education of the Tyumen Region
Navigator of Additional Education of the Tyumen Region

Navigator of Additional Education of the Tyumen Region

The need for extensive coverage of the region's activities in the field of additional education, the creation of a unified information platform for citizens in the field of additional education, and the optimization of the work of additional education organizations in terms of enrolling in programs and events. The Navigator of Additional Education is designed to conveniently and accessibly provide parents and children with information about organizations in the Tyumen Region that offer additional education services. On the Navigator, users can keep up with the latest news in the field of additional education, choose a suitable additional education program for their child, submit an application for participation by filling out a convenient form, and register for events of interest.

Hunter's personal account
Hunter's personal account

Hunter's personal account

Prerequisites: • Increase in the number of hunters by an average of 3 thousand per year (more than anything 78 thousand hunters) and requests for services; • Lack of transparency in the allocation of limited resources; • High and uneven workload on employees of the State Department for the Provision of Services; • Lack of ability to submit reports electronically; • The need to obtain up-to-date information about services in the field of hunting, the procedure for their provision, the status of provision. Solution: The information system “Hunting Management” has been introduced in the Tyumen region. In order to improve the quality of public services in the field of hunting, a “Hunter’s Personal Account” was launched on the regional service portal - a solution for operational interaction between the State Hunting Department of the Tyumen Region and hunters, the advantage of which is the receipt of services online in a “one window” mode, automatic pre-filling of data and access to the history of all applications.

UrbanTransportData – an international analytical project on work with open urban transport data.
UrbanTransportData – an international analytical project on work with open urban transport data.

UrbanTransportData – an international analytical project on work with open urban transport data.

UrbanTransportData is an international analytical platform for collecting, analyzing, visualizing and publishing urban transport indicators of megacities.

Educational platformeducational platform Pro Agro Lectorium
Educational platformeducational platform Pro Agro Lectorium

Educational platformeducational platform Pro Agro Lectorium

1. Pro Agro Lectorium platform supports the values of sustainable development by helping farmers and students to improve their knowledge and skills which in turn has a positive impact on the environment and economy. 2. The platform helps training the talent’s in agri sector and develop agricultural science. 3. Pro Agro Lectorium helps decreasing the lack of human resources in agri sector. Pro Agro Lectorium offers e-lectures on various topics, such as agronomy and agrochemistry, crop and livestock production, innovations and digitalisation in agriculture, economics, law, and responsible farming. The platform uses innovative teaching methods, adapted for the agri sector, which makes this project unique and highly demanded in the educational market.

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