BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
Diagnostic and Analytical Technology of Pressure Transient Analysis for Horizontal Wells in Heterogeneous Reservoirs and Its Application
Diagnostic and Analytical Technology of Pressure Transient Analysis for Horizontal Wells in Heterogeneous Reservoirs and Its Application

Diagnostic and Analytical Technology of Pressure Transient Analysis for Horizontal Wells in Heterogeneous Reservoirs and Its Application

Most of carbonate reservoirs in Middle East are heterogeneous because of geological units and fluid properties such as high permeability zone (HPZ), faults, heavy oil and asphalt, which have a significant influence on streamline distribution inside the formation. In this condition, there are always rapid water breakthrough and invalid cycle of water for waterflooding patterns, leading to a poor sweep volume and oil recovery factor. For well pattern by horizontal injectors and producers, pressure transient analysis (PTA) is a practical tool to figure out reservoir permeability, wellbore contamination and effective horizontal length. These parameters are critical to analyze the distribution of remaining oil and then propose corresponding strategy to improve sweep efficiency. However, conventional PTA methods will not be applicable when HPZ exists. Numerical methods can solve this problem but it costs too much time to solve the partial differential equations discretely by unstructured grid so that it is difficult for massive PTA jobs for all wells of the reservoir. Therefore, our team proposed an improved method for pressure transient analysis and diagnosis. This technique is based on flow dynamics and mathematical method, which can describe the percolation flow for horizontal wells in the reservoir. Then, we build an equivalent homogeneous model and corresponding fitting algorithm for interpretation.



The problems of RTsim clients operating in the oil and gas sector include the following aspects: Need for Qualified Personnel: The industry is constantly in need of highly qualified specialists capable of working with complex equipment and technological processes. Safety and Compliance: In the oil and gas industry, maintaining strict safety and performance standards is critical, requiring regular training and certification of personnel. Reduce Education and Training Costs: Physical training on real equipment can be expensive and risky, especially for large companies with many employees. Adaptation to New Technologies: The rapid development of technology requires companies to constantly update the knowledge and skills of their employees. Risk Management and Reduction of Industrial Incidents: It is important to minimize the risks of industrial accidents and accidents, which requires a high level of personnel training. By providing solutions to these problems, RTsim downstream process simulators help companies train employees safe and efficient work practices, reduce training costs and improve overall process safety. Another target audience is universities, technical colleges and training centers offering courses in petroleum engineering and related disciplines. As a rule, RTsim simulators are in demand by teachers of the departments of Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Engineering.

ULTRA HARVEST. SMART polymer-based fertilizers Complex composition, based on a unique water-soluble environmentally safe polymer, with a wide range of biological activity
ULTRA HARVEST. SMART polymer-based fertilizers Complex composition, based on a unique water-soluble environmentally safe polymer, with a wide range of biological activity

ULTRA HARVEST. SMART polymer-based fertilizers Complex composition, based on a unique water-soluble environmentally safe polymer, with a wide range of biological activity

a serious need for a safe, effective product with a wide range of activities that could be used both on an industrial scale and on private farms to improve crop yields and the quality of crop products

Functional microorganisms inhibit cadmium uptake and accumulation of crops in polluted farmland
Future maker
Functional microorganisms inhibit cadmium uptake and accumulation of crops in polluted farmland

Functional microorganisms inhibit cadmium uptake and accumulation of crops in polluted farmland

With the rapid development of industry and mining, cadmium (Cd)pollution is increasingly serious in farmland soil. Cd with mobility and high toxicity is easily absorbed by crops and accumulation in edible parts, enters the body through the food chain, thus affect human health. In order to reduce the Cd content in edible parts of crops in heavy metal contaminated farmland and ensure food safety in production, it is particularly important to develop and explore a set of environmentally friendly, safe and effective Cd pollution prevention and control technologies. Microbial remediation is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly remediation method for heavy metal pollution. It can not only reduce the bioavailability of Cd in soil by changing soil medium structure and biomeralization, but also indirectly regulate soil microbiome-driven element cycling to promote nutrient absorption by plants. Functional microorganisms can improve soil fertility and soil health, and have good application prospects in the safe production of food from contaminated farmland.

Platform for nutrition personalization based on genetic and personal data
Platform for nutrition personalization based on genetic and personal data

Platform for nutrition personalization based on genetic and personal data

Currently, the range of food products is becoming more and more diverse. At the same time, the number of people with health problems associated with incorrectly selected nutrition, leading to the development of such common diseases as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (celiac disease and lactase deficiency), is increasing. On the other hand, the development of these diseases and the metabolic response on food are genetically determined. The contribution of genetic factors in development of these diseases varies from 40 to 70%, depending on the nature of the disease. Thus, elucidating the genetic causes of these diseases can help identify appropriate preventive and therapeutic interventions, including diet, to prevent the development of diseases or treat them more effectively. The current capabilities of genetic analysis make it possible to identify an individual reaction to certain nutritional components and prevent diseases associated with an imbalance or intolerance to certain nutrients. That's why nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics significantly developed in recent years, and a large number of studies have been conducted to determine the possible interaction between specific types of diet and genotype and to personalize recommendations for dietary disease prevention and intervention. A sufficient number of studies were accumulated indicating the benefits of taking into account genetics when choosing a treatment strategy and preventing excess weight, metabolic and nutritional disorders (including vitamin and mineral deficiency, lactose intolerance, celiac disease etc.). Platform for nutrition personalization based on genetic and personal data can help identify risk groups for these diseases, personalize their prevention and treatment, and increase people's involvement in improving their own health. We have developed a range of genetic panels with systems for interpretation and recommendations based on individual human genetic data. Our developments are based on the latest data from genetic research, clinical trials and gene-environment (including gene-diet) interactions. For genetic analysis, we use modern, highly accurate and high-tech molecular genetic methods: polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and next-generation sequencing (NGS). Personalization and consulting based on personal genetic characteristics will not only contribute to the increased effectiveness of treatment and prevention of metabolic diseases, vitamin deficiencies, etc., but also to increased patient involvement in their own health improvement.

The establishment of radiopharmacy in National Medical Radiological Centre
The establishment of radiopharmacy in National Medical Radiological Centre

The establishment of radiopharmacy in National Medical Radiological Centre

A lot of radiopharmaceuticals for radionuclide diagnostics and therapy of a large number of diseases, mainly cancer, have been developed in Russia. However, a significant part of them are not registered in Russia. It makes them unavailable for patients with terminal stages of malignant neoplasms. In 2020 the Russian Ministry of Health issued Orders No. 1218n (12.11.2020) and No. 780n (31.07.2020), which provided wide opportunities for medical organizations to manufacture radiopharmaceuticals, including those, which are not registered in the Russian Federation. In 2021, a radiopharmacy (nuclear pharmacy) was organized in A. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Centre – a branch of Federal State Budgetary Institution «National Medical Radiological Centre» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. To date, the following therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals are manufactured in radiopharmacy: 1) «Lutaprost-MRRC» - radiopharmaceutical radiopharmaceutical based on low molecular weight PSMA inhibitor (PSMA-617) and lutetium-177 for radioligand therapy of patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer; 2) «Prostactin-MRRC» - radiopharmaceutical based on PSMA-617 and alpha-emitting radionuclide actinium-225 for radioligand therapy of patients with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer; 3) «Hepatoren-MRRC» - radiopharmaceutical based on human blood albumin microspheres (20-40 μm in diameter), labeled with rhenium-188, for hepatic artery radioembolization and inoperable liver cancer treatment; 4) «Artroren-MRRC» - radiopharmaceutical based on human blood albumin microspheres (5-10 μm in diameter), labeled with rhenium-188, for radiosynovectomy of knee joints with synovitis; 5) 177Lu-DOTATATE - radiopharmaceutical based on octreotide analog and lutetium-177 for radioligand therapy of patients with neuroendocrine tumors. The radiopharmacy has all authorization documents for working with radioactive substances and for manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals for the needs of the medical organization. These radiopharmaceuticals are not registered in Russia, but the possibility of their manufacturing makes them available for treatment patients in Russia.

Development and Application of 100B-level Parameter Financial LLM
Development and Application of 100B-level Parameter Financial LLM

Development and Application of 100B-level Parameter Financial LLM

To tackle the difficulties applying LLMs in financial industry, including lack of experience in building LLMs, shortage of business-oriented solutions for LLM implementations, and insufficiencies on methodological guidance for large-scale LLM applications, ICBC carries out the duty of the leading bank to establish the first enterprise-level 100B-level parameter financial LLM technology system in the banking industry. This LLM technology system integrates infrastructure, computing power, algorithms, data, tools, solutions, security, applications, and ecosystems, thus forms a LLM-centered new-generation enterprise-level financial business empowerment method, and promotes the large-scale, end-to-end innovative applications of LLMs in more than 20 business areas, such as remote banking and financial markets. ICBC also cultivates a infrastructure ecosystem in the industry, and becomes the first to deliver it to peer banks, so to provide powerful propulsion for developing new quality productive forces in the "AI + Finance" industry.

Program for automated analysis of digital chest X-rays/fluorogram
Program for automated analysis of digital chest X-rays/fluorogram

Program for automated analysis of digital chest X-rays/fluorogram

The shortage of radiologists and their workload. The medical decision support system allows you to automate the process of initial viewing and identify alarming images (with suspected pathology).

Simple RBI
Simple RBI

Simple RBI

On the market there is a lack of a software product that can predict man-made disasters. This gives us the opportunity to prevent an accident. Unlike monitoring systems that warn of accidents in the range of a few minutes to several hours, which is very short, we will be able to predict accidents in the range of several years. If you give notice of an accident for several hours, the plant employee will only have time to turn off the emergency equipment. Managing the life cycle of an industrial enterprise is a complex process associated with large risks and areas of responsibility. Companies constantly need to monitor product output and compliance with the technological process, thousands of employees and tens of thousands of pieces of equipment. It is difficult to predict breakdowns and plan repair work without disrupting the production chain. Managing the assets of an entire enterprise is even more difficult. Software products, including those that we are developing, make it possible to simplify the life of an enterprise by digitalizing these operations and data. Furthermore, in 2022, Russian industry faced new challenges: due to the withdrawal of many Western companies from the market and import restrictions, domestic companies lost access to foreign equipment, materials and technologies critical for the operation of the enterprise as a whole. The situation is further aggravated by the outflow of highly qualified personnel moving to more marginal segments of the economy and foreign companies. At the same time, the problem with the obsolescence of the technological park of large industrial enterprises only continued to worsen. Simple RBI is a software product that completely replaces foreign competitors in the Russian market.

Green Power Transportation:Carbon Emissions and Climate  Control Practices in China's Road Freight
Green Power Transportation:Carbon Emissions and Climate  Control Practices in China's Road Freight

Green Power Transportation:Carbon Emissions and Climate Control Practices in China's Road Freight

Electric power substitution for heavy-duty trucks is a crucial entry point for achieving the "dual carbon" goals in the transportation sector. China has long maintained the world's leading position in railway and highway passenger and freight volumes, port throughput, and power generation, but freight emissions remain high. Trucks account for about 11% of the total number of vehicles but contribute approximately 65% of the sector's total carbon emissions. In Beijing, heavy-duty fuel trucks alone account for about 80% of all motor vehicle carbon emissions. Since 2019, China has been promoting new energy medium and heavy-duty trucks in industries such as thermal power, steel, coal, coking, non-ferrous metals, and cement, as well as in logistics parks and major freight corridors for bulk cargo transportation. Developing zero-emission freight fleets has become a necessary path for the clean and high-quality development of China's freight transportation. The penetration rate of new energy heavy-duty trucks is steadily increasing, achieving a significant scale in energy saving and emission reduction. Since the introduction of battery-swapping (BS) heavy-duty trucks in 2019, they have quickly become one of the core solutions for new energy heavy-duty trucks. From 2021 to 2023, the compound annual growth rate of new energy heavy-duty trucks reached 90%. Among them, pure electric trucks (including BS) consistently accounted for about 90% of new energy heavy-duty trucks. The compound annual growth rate for BS heavy-duty trucks was about 73%, while for charging heavy-duty trucks it was 81%, with the ratio of BS to charging being approximately 1:1. Other solutions, such as hydrogen fuel heavy-duty trucks, are mainly driven by policies; methanol and 5 / 38 hybrid heavy-duty trucks are still in the early stages of development and are not yet mature. Since the beginning of 2024, driven by the advantages of fuel economy, the sales and market share of pure electric heavy-duty trucks have continued to rise. From January to May, a total of 19,592 pure electric heavy-duty trucks were sold, including 11,353 charging heavy-duty trucks and 8,239 BS heavy-duty trucks, marking a yearon-year growth of 149.5%. The proportion of pure electric heavy-duty trucks among new energy heavy-duty trucks increased to 92.5%. In May 2024, the penetration rate of new energy heavy-duty trucks in the domestic market reached 10.8%, achieving a single-month penetration rate exceeding 10%. Based on the estimated over 10 million heavy-duty fuel trucks in China, replacing 30% of them with electric heavy-duty trucks, equivalent to 3 million vehicles, would result in an annual increase in electricity consumption by 432 billion kWh, a reduction in diesel consumption by 129.6 billion liters, and a reduction in CO2 emissions by approximately 341 million tons. This replacement would also reduce the emissions of four major pollutants by a total of 2.3846 million tons, highlighting the significant impact on carbon reduction.

A project on the application of AI technologies for processing geospatial data with integration into a data-based regional management system
A project on the application of AI technologies for processing geospatial data with integration into a data-based regional management system

A project on the application of AI technologies for processing geospatial data with integration into a data-based regional management system

The prototype of the artificial intelligence model was developed on the basis of the Sberbank Geometry platform by Sberbank specialists together with the Sakhalin Artificial Intelligence Center with the support of the Government of the Sakhalin Region. The solution is focused on working with geospatial data, for example, to detect unauthorized landfills and garbage accumulation using unmanned aircraft systems. The solution has great prospects for scaling and expanding functionality, and can be used to detect various objects and determine their properties. For example, a solution is already being worked out to determine the territory of the borscht weed plant, it is also possible to detect river blockages, road surface quality, violations of the design code of settlements, etc. In the future, it is possible to reorient to other tasks in the field of agriculture – monitoring the condition of fields, construction – monitoring the progress of construction, etc. In addition, this solution

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