BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards


As we all have laptops PLANQ power developing new solar power charging systems that would allow laptops to be charged throughout the solar power thats will reduce the electricity costs and simply giving long time of laptop usage

The development of small-scale shrouded wind turbine for off grid area
The development of small-scale shrouded wind turbine for off grid area

The development of small-scale shrouded wind turbine for off grid area

Description of the problem • Lack of electricity in rural and remote areas • The difficulty of finding a small-scale wind turbine that effectively utilizes wind energy at low wind speeds. • The noise produced by small-scale wind turbines. • Safety concerns and the risk of damaging flying objects such as birds Description of the solution • implement off-grid renewable energy solutions such as solar power systems or small-scale wind turbines. • Develop an innovative small-scale wind turbine that effectively harnesses wind energy at very low wind speeds. • Create enclosures around turbines to mitigate noise. • Implement technologies like bird-friendly blade designs, ultrasonic deterrents, and radar systems to minimize bird collisions

Booi Industries (Pty) Ltd
Booi Industries (Pty) Ltd

Booi Industries (Pty) Ltd

We design and in development of Autonomous Advanced Mining Robotics for Rapid Access Mining, a system that can be fully autonomous and that is achieved by an Integrated Mining Systems and with the application of heavy-duty robotics which are designed to endure the harshest conditions in the mines. The Booi Industries (Pty) Ltd Rapid Access Technology is designed for mechanized mining operation and mining tunnels and offers the best cutting performance in a wide range of rock formations with a desired maximum cutting height of 5m and width of 5m.

UMAMIMETER: Hardware-software complex for objective measurement of umami taste
UMAMIMETER: Hardware-software complex for objective measurement of umami taste

UMAMIMETER: Hardware-software complex for objective measurement of umami taste

Umami taste is a foundational component of Asian cuisine. Reproducing the authentic umami flavour is a

challenge for chefs due to the complexity of this taste. The current way of determining umami taste is

nothing but tasting manually. Flavour mismatch and discrepancy may result in patron churn and decrease

in restaurant sales. Our device comprises both chemical-components-targeted sensors and AI-driven

system and is designed to upgrade marketing, food inspecting, and staff training. Nowadays, public

catering establishments and especially restaurants are an integral part of the appearance of any city and,

consequently, of any country. In Russia, the number of such establishments reaches 90,000, while in

Moscow there are more than 11,000. It would not be a big exaggeration to say that restaurants can be

found at every turn in the capital. For example, one statistical fact is indicative: more than 40% of all retail

space in the center of the capital is rented by cafes and restaurants. Such a prevalence of restaurants

may be easily explained. They play quite an important role in a person's life. In addition to satisfying

physiological nutritional needs, "going out" to a restaurant implies an important social function.

Restaurants are one of the few places where all the senses work, generating a general sense of

satisfaction. Restaurant business is developing rapidly from year to year. There is a serious competition

for visitors. It is this factor that forces top managers to think through not only the main strategy and style

of the restaurant's activities, but also the details that give the institution uniqueness. The trend towards

increasing the popularity of Asian cuisine has been maintained for years. The share of the Russian

restaurant market with an Asian concept, according to experts, is now about 10-15%. According to

Evgeny Lakotkin, the co-owner of the Japanese-style restaurant Subzero, the number of Asian-oriented

establishments will double in the near future. Fans of Asian cuisine note the special sophistication and

uniqueness of its dishes. It is believed now that a person distinguishes five tastes: the long-known sweet,

salty, sour and bitter, together with umami, discovered at the beginning of the XX century by Japanese

scientists, which is a fundamental component of Asian cuisine. At the beginning of the XXI century,

neurophysiologists described special receptors that respond to glutamic acid, which is responsible for the

"meat" (protein) taste. Knowing this, people can distinguish between different flavors, common, for

example, for parmesan, tomato juice and green peas — umami (savoriness of the dish). Despite the fact

that such sophistication at first glance seems only an undoubted asset, it creates a serious problem for

restaurants dealing with umami: the slightest inaccuracy can be detected by a visitor, and even for

experienced professionals, achieving the required ideal remains an "asterisk task". To date, the most

common (and in fact the only one used in practice) umami taste control tool is a taste test. This method is

subjective, which can negatively affect the reproduction of the taste set by the chef. It is also worth noting

here that the chef of the restaurant is not always available for testing the dish. The discrepancy between

the dishes served and expected can lead to reputation loss and patron churn. A simple example here is

serving an oversalted dish. In the case of, say, a particular batch of salt, the "taste problem" can be

eliminated by measuring the mass, then, for example, in the situation with nori seaweed, which are

necessary for the preparation of Japanese tonkotsu-ramen, the concentration of sodium inosinate — one

of the ingredients that determine the taste of umami — will vary greatly even within one package. A

separate aspect is the qualified training of restaurant staff. Now there is no quantitative confirmation of

the "correctness" of the reproduced taste, and, as a result, novice cooks need an average of 15–20 years

to learn the exact perception of the umami shade. The elaboration of a marketing strategy is a critical

aspect in the development of the restaurant business. Restaurateurs strive to create maximum

individuality — including original dishes. For an expanding restaurant chain, specifying the use of high

technologies in the kitchen for visitors can become a distinctive feature that significantly increases the

chance of success.



Problem: Material Shortage: Manufacturers are seeking eco-friendly alternatives, but the market is empty. Toxicity: Production involves sulfides, protein breakdown products, and chromium compounds. High Cost: Imported eco-friendly materials are expensive, making them inaccessible to many producers. Solution: AppleSkin “ILAS”. Eco-friendly and Affordable: AppleSkin offers a sustainable and affordable alternative to genuine leather and imported faux leather substitutes. Made in Russia: Production within Russia makes AppleSkin more accessible and reduces transportation costs. Proven Technology: Developed at Skolkovo, our technology is validated by Harvard and Scopus research and tested in real-world production. Strong Market Potential: The market for eco-friendly materials is growing rapidly, providing AppleSkin with significant growth potential. ESG Alignment: AppleSkin allows companies to embrace ESG principles without incurring additional expenses.

Миникор– инновационные биопрепараты с синбиотическими, детоксикационными и иммуномодулирующими свойствами для человека и животных
Миникор– инновационные биопрепараты с синбиотическими, детоксикационными и иммуномодулирующими свойствами для человека и животных

Миникор– инновационные биопрепараты с синбиотическими, детоксикационными и иммуномодулирующими свойствами для человека и животных

Problems: 1. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, 80% of feed additives are imported, there is an increase in the cost of feed, prices for feed additives by 30-100%, their deficit. At the same time, they help to increase the weight of the animal and improve immunity. In this regard, the production and implementation of Russian innovative technologies in the industry - domestic feed additives, including those with therapeutic and preventive action - is economically feasible and complies with the principles of implementing the import substitution strategy as the leading direction in the development of the agro-industrial and biomedical complex. 2. 70% of all antibiotics produced in the Russian Federation are used in animal husbandry, annually the volume of use of feed antibiotics grows by 40%. We get trace amounts of them from food products. And we are no longer talking about animals, but about people: we are developing resistance, and this is 25,000 deaths annually. In Russia, the Federal Law on Biological Safety and other acts have been approved aimed at limiting their use and replacing them primarily with probiotics, prebiotics and enzymes. It is necessary to change technological approaches here and now. The solution is Minicor biopreparations for animals - a regulator of the microbiota composition, the only domestic yeast-based product with high biological value, detoxifying and immunomodulating activity. The products are capable of stimulating the growth of indigenous microorganisms of the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus genera by 1000 times, have detoxifying, antagonistic properties for representatives of the Escherichia, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus genera, contain beta-glucans that stimulate the animal's own immunity, give at least 15% more weight gain, maintain immunity, reduce the dose of antibiotics by 50% or allow you to refuse them, remove toxins at the level of activated carbon. Safety has been successfully proven in toxicological studies on laboratory animals in vivo in accordance with OFS. "Safety of probiotics in in vivo tests". We have developed a unique 100% domestic, waste-free, innovative, cost-effective technology and a biopreparation-synbiotic based on a new selected yeast strain of complex action, and a new yeast strain-probiotic, a representative of the normal microflora of animals, has been selected. The technology allows to reduce energy costs by at least 2 times, to use agricultural waste. The technologies are protected by 3 patents of the Russian Federation. The technology is much more economically advantageous due to the use of the entire yeast biomass with the substrate, without the stages of separation, multi-stage filtration, concentration, which allows to obtain a complex effect and significantly reduce the cost of the technology.

Reading simulator for kids to prevent reading disabilities / dyslexia
Reading simulator for kids to prevent reading disabilities / dyslexia

Reading simulator for kids to prevent reading disabilities / dyslexia

Kids are not diagnosed with dyslexia until the 3rd grade. But research has shown that reading interventions are most successful at an early age. This is the dyslexia paradox. If you start the reading intervention at an early age, kids get reading skills as naturally as speaking ability. It’s crucial for people with risks of dyslexia. They can prevent reading issues. Due to early brain neuroplasticity (2 - 6 y.o.), the work of non-functioning areas of the brain is being taken over by neighboring areas. The Reading Simulator is an app for kids that teach reading and prevent reading issues affected by dyslexia. It's based on the Phonics approach (the only proven for dyslexics) with fine motor skills engagement to improve learning and track focus. It's available from the age of 2 and kids can get all the benefits of early brain neuroplasticity.



Problem: Building a project team takes around 2 months, which adds approximately 33% to the project timeline. The process of searching for and evaluating candidates is done manually, leading to inefficiencies. Scoring of resumes is often subjective, and only 10-20% of interviews result in a successful match, depending on the role and requirements. Additionally, significant time is wasted on back-and-forth communication between the client and the staffing agency. Solution: Project team formation is reduced to 2 weeks, with individual specialists being onboarded in just 48 hours. The platform uses objective resume scoring (UCB, LASSO) and vector-based candidate search (FAISS), resulting in a 40% increase in successful interviews. No more back-and-forth with account managers — an AI assistant handles all details, schedules interviews, prepares interview plans, and analyzes candidate responses.

Research and development of mix-operation mode of unmanned electrical trucks and normal trucks in the Middle East ports
Research and development of mix-operation mode of unmanned electrical trucks and normal trucks in the Middle East ports

Research and development of mix-operation mode of unmanned electrical trucks and normal trucks in the Middle East ports

To achieve the mix-operation mode of unmanned electrical trucks and normal trucks. Our terminal takes the high-sensitive perceptual system, including industrial-grade dynamic sight with a high-precision binocular AI camera and millimeter wave radar. Utilize GNSS to locate the position of unmanned electrical trucks. Using a vehicle management system, real-time task allocation is completed based on yard information, achieving intelligent scheduling and fully automated path planning. Event recording and data management are utilized for time backtracking and data analysis, and buffer zones are generated under the QC to avoid congestion and collisions.

RapiDo pre-order and delivery service
RapiDo pre-order and delivery service

RapiDo pre-order and delivery service

RapiDo is a comprehensive solution for business management in the catering industry with a developed ecosystem of products: an aggregator for ordering and delivering food and services, an ERP-CRM system, a syndicated courier module, an automated SMM marketing module, a personal website and a mobile application. Problem. High commissions of popular aggregators (35% per order), no alternatives on the market Lack of automated end-to-end tools for working with consumers, attracting and retaining clients, or their fragmentation and high cost Lack of personal resources and applications, high cost of their development, implementation and support Lack of own courier service with constant need for delivery Solution. Commission per order through the aggregator 10% Unified CRM-ERP process management system with a built-in SMM module Development and support of a customized website and application Syndicated courier module with a flexible payment system and fast delivery (deliver orders quickly and regulate the cost of delivery independently)

Operation optimization module for Terminal Operating system
Operation optimization module for Terminal Operating system

Operation optimization module for Terminal Operating system

One of the most significant challenges in managing a marine container terminal is ensuring optimal utilization of warehouse space while maintaining high throughput of containers processed at different cargo fronts. The usual management process is as follows: a terminal specialist makes decisions on where to place each container based on a complex system of rules influenced by over 50 different factors. After making a decision, the specialist records the decision in the terminal operating system, providing further instructions for terminal equipment operators. Analysis of data from the Terminal Operating System has shown that up to 40% of movements are unproductive when a person is responsible for distributing containers in the work area. As an example of such movements - if it is necessary to move a container from its original warehouse location to the railway or inspection area, other containers may need to be moved, blocking access. The module for terminal operation optimization driven by AI-models was designed to predict decisions about placing a container in a terminal work area in order to reduce the number of unnecessary movements and, thereby, increase cargo turnover at the terminal. The project was initiated by Commercial Port of Vladivostok, the largest stevedoring company in Russia, and is being developed and implemented jointly by the IT department of the FESCO Transport Group (the owner of the port), Sber, and the Far Eastern AI Center of Far Eastern Federal University.

Magix Museum
Magix Museum

Magix Museum

MagiXMuseum is a cloud/digital platform that provides an unprecedented traveling experience with a human touch. MagiXMuseum will help increase the traffic on cultural tourism and, accordingly, provide more opportunities for tour guides, reflecting positively on the economy

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