BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
Модульная автономная энергоустановка Топаз Гамма М на основе технологии твердооксидных топливных элементов, используемая в качестве источника электрического тока и тепловой энергии, работающая на широкодоступном органическом топливе
Future maker
Модульная автономная энергоустановка Топаз Гамма М на основе технологии твердооксидных топливных элементов, используемая в качестве источника электрического тока и тепловой энергии, работающая на широкодоступном органическом топливе

Модульная автономная энергоустановка Топаз Гамма М на основе технологии твердооксидных топливных элементов, используемая в качестве источника электрического тока и тепловой энергии, работающая на широкодоступном органическом топливе

As shown by the successful practical experience of Inenergy LLC in the use of power plants (with a capacity of 400W or more) based on the TTE technology, from 2019 to the present, at the facilities of the Kazantransgaz enterprise (a subsidiary of Gazprom PJSC), their use significantly increases the efficiency of providing the infrastructure of gas pipelines with always available electricity (which is critically necessary for objects of the first category) and, if necessary, heat (TTE technology also allows generating heat at the same time) by connecting TTE power plants directly to the gas pipeline, this makes it possible to eliminate dependence on unforeseen outages and power line breaks, ensure long-term autonomous operation with long service intervals (0.5 -2 years), and optimize the cost of maintaining the gas pipeline infrastructure. The proposed energy solutions are economically more profitable in comparison with other autonomous sources of electricity, including solar panels, diesel generator sets, gas piston installations and others, as well as with the laying of power transmission lines (transmission lines), starting from the 5th kilometer of the transmission line (calculation in the appendix). Taking into account the possibility of working in harsh climatic conditions, as well as the use of both natural gas and propane-butane mixtures as raw materials, as well as possible adaptation to other types of organic fuels, the proposed power plants can completely replace existing autonomous current sources or combined energy solutions (solar panels, wind turbines) can be created with their help, batteries and TTE installations combined into a single system). Their use will help to avoid significant costs for laying power lines, especially in hard-to-reach areas. The modularity of the proposed power plants makes it possible to create energy systems of the required capacity for end customers. In the calculations attached to the application, a 4.1 kW modular installation was selected, which is one of the most suitable products for a number of large strategic consumers (Gazprom PJSC, Gazpromneft PJSC, Novatek and others)

Solar Power Plant Project
Solar Power Plant Project

Solar Power Plant Project

Solar energy is rapidly becoming a popular and low-cost alternative to traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels. Thanks to active developments in the field of solar energy, the cost of these technologies has been significantly reduced in recent years. One of the main advantages of solar energy is its renewable nature. The term “renewable" means that, unlike liquid fossil fuels or nuclear energy, a person does not make any efforts to extract solar energy and does not interfere in any way with natural processes so that solar energy immediately reappears. The renewable nature of solar energy makes it environmentally friendly. It is not dangerous to the environment and does not produce greenhouse gases, as well as other toxic substances released into the atmosphere.

Smart charging pile solution for electric vehicles
Smart charging pile solution for electric vehicles

Smart charging pile solution for electric vehicles

The scale of the Chinese market for new energy vehicles is a place of growth for battery charging companies. According to the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)" published by the State Council, by 2025, sales of new energy vehicles in China will reach 20% of total sales of new vehicles. By 2030, electric vehicles will become the main type of new vehicles. The national policy strongly supports the promotion of the construction of chargers in residential areas, office buildings and public areas. The countries concerned have called for the development of various strategies and plans related to electric vehicle charging facilities in order to promote the development of charging systems from the central to the local level.

Interdisciplinary approach for the diagnosis and correction of the emotional sphere disorders of children using artificial intelligence methods: a cross-cultural study
Interdisciplinary approach for the diagnosis and correction of the emotional sphere disorders of children using artificial intelligence methods: a cross-cultural study

Interdisciplinary approach for the diagnosis and correction of the emotional sphere disorders of children using artificial intelligence methods: a cross-cultural study

Emotions play a vital role in human life. Emotions are manifested in behavior, facial expressions, voice and speech. Adequate manifestation and recognition of emotions is determined by the cultural environment and depends on the conditions of the child's upbringing. The range of manifestations of emotional states in children with atypical development and developmental disorders may be limited, due to the disease, atypical, reduced, inverted, do not correspond to age. Tests for assessing the emotional sphere of children are few and, as a rule, adapted to a certain age of children or to developmental characteristics. When diagnosis, the specialists takes into account the child’s emotional disorders, but there is no single standardized approach based on objective instrumental methods for assessing the manifestation and recognition of emotions. The use of a standardized approach to the assessment and diagnosis of the emotional sphere disorders of children, based on objective qualitative and quantitative data, can be applied in clinic, and pedagogical practice. Artificial intelligence methods related to recognizing emotions from a child’s voice and facial expressions can serve as an assistant to a doctor in the express diagnosis of developmental disorders. Considering the urgent needs of the medical and pedagogical community, using the latest achievements of science, we have developed the interdisciplinary methodological approach Child’s Emotional Development Method (CEDM) and used artificial intelligence methods-automatic classification of emotional speech and facial expression of children. Interdisciplinary approach using physiological, psychophysiological, psychological methods and artificial intelligence methods considers the diagnosis, psychoneurological state, and the age of the child. Different algorithms for automatic assessment of children's emotional states based on the characteristics of speech, facial expression, multimodal (audio+video) were used. For our emotion classification model, we employ common state-of-the-art techniques and base models, such as a 3D modification of ResNet CNN for video, and focus on optimizing the use of multiple modalities by employing attention-based modality fusion. The data on automatic recognition and using algorithms are the basis for the creation of an automatic system for express diagnostics of emotional disorders in children, taking into account their gender, age, and the type of developmental disorders.



This project is aimed at solving the shortage of human health products, products for regenerative medicine, biomedical implants, products for new technologies in livestock farming.This project is aimed at solving one of the most serious problems facing processing enterprises food industry.



We are addressing the technological gap that limits independence and equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Current technology often lacks user-friendliness, versatility, and applicability across various life stages—from early childhood to the workplace. Specifically, there is a shortage of tools that support assessment, intervention, and accessibility for individuals with cognitive difficulties. Additionally, existing technologies are often not easy to adapt for both people with and without disabilities, creating barriers for specialists, caregivers, and families in professional and home settings. Moreover, there is a need for solutions that allow for easy progress tracking and task customization based on individual learning styles. Key2enable’s EnableX is a generative AI-integrated Inclusive LMS designed to close these gaps. It offers a user-friendly, versatile platform that adapts to the needs of individuals from early childhood through the workplace. EnableX provides accessible technology that supports both users with disabilities and their support networks, making it easy to implement in various settings. The platform includes robust tracking and reporting features, enabling professionals and caregivers to monitor progress and tailor learning plans effectively. Additionally, EnableX allows for the creation of personalized tasks that match individual learning styles, ensuring that every learner receives the support they need to thrive. This comprehensive approach promotes independence, equal opportunities, and a higher quality of life for people with disabilities.

Ruya Genomics
Ruya Genomics

Ruya Genomics

Ruya Genomics is a cutting-edge company focused on revolutionizing forensic genomics through advanced AI. The company’s mission is to decompile the human genome and unlock its full potential, beginning with applications in forensic science. Ruya Genomics is leveraging AI and genomic data to address the significant limitations of current forensic DNA testing, which often fails to identify individuals due to the reliance on outdated methods and databases.

Development of an Operational Monitoring System for Ice Conditions and Risk Forecasting for Economic Activities in the Arctic Shelf Seas Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods (IceMap)
Development of an Operational Monitoring System for Ice Conditions and Risk Forecasting for Economic Activities in the Arctic Shelf Seas Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods (IceMap)

Development of an Operational Monitoring System for Ice Conditions and Risk Forecasting for Economic Activities in the Arctic Shelf Seas Based on Artificial Intelligence Methods (IceMap)

Economic activities in the Arctic shelf seas are associated with high risks due to challenging ice conditions. The uncertainty in forecasting ice field conditions can lead to accidents, significant economic losses, and safety threats to both people and businesses. Current methods for predicting ice conditions are not accurate enough and fail to effectively manage these risks. Therefore, there is an urgent need for more precise and timely methods of forecasting ice conditions. This project focuses on developing an operational monitoring system for ice conditions and risk forecasting for economic activities in the Arctic shelf seas using artificial intelligence methods. The main goal is to create a system capable of providing medium-term forecasts of ice field conditions, which will significantly reduce risks and enhance the safety of operations in this region - IceMap (

Smart Timber Automated System for Determining Volume and Accounting of Round Timber
Smart Timber Automated System for Determining Volume and Accounting of Round Timber

Smart Timber Automated System for Determining Volume and Accounting of Round Timber

Problems: high proportion of manual labor, shortage of specialists, large tolerances (up to 15%), possibility of manipulation, duration of accurate measurements, high cost of automated solutions. Smart Timber solves these problems by providing a comprehensive system for accounting of round timber. The system determines volumes with an error of less than 3%, uses a mobile application for measurements, automatically saves data with photo fixation, transfers information to the server and to the enterprise systems. Smart Timber ensures accuracy, speed and transparency of timber accounting, significantly reducing losses and optimizing the processes of logging and woodworking enterprises.



Point of Sale (POS) systems, both offline and online, lack the capability to help retail owners and operators connect different data views. This leads to unused valuable data, lost revenue, missed growth opportunities, and unhappy customers

NAVAID calibration drones for extended ground checks and flight tests
NAVAID calibration drones for extended ground checks and flight tests

NAVAID calibration drones for extended ground checks and flight tests

CURSIR produces innovative drone-based solutions for flight tests of navigational aids and airports inspections. The solution is designed to cover the main profiles and parameters of ILS, VOR, RDF, PAPI, Runway Lights, and MLAT. CURSIR follows the standards and recommended practices of ICAO manuals and specifications (ICAO Doc. 8071, Doc. 9157, Annex 10, 14) for aeronautical telecommunications

Geographic Information System "Territory“ (TerGIS)
Geographic Information System "Territory“ (TerGIS)

Geographic Information System "Territory“ (TerGIS)

Preconditions for the creation of the TerGIS: 1. 1. Import substitution and technological sovereignty (orders and so on) 2. Lack of ready-made solutions for visualization, processing, storage and publication of spatial data using Web technologies Project objectives: The TerGIS represents a Web GIS portal that is designed to ensure the collection, processing, display, storage, analysis and distribution of spatial data and related information about objects. The TerGIS includes a basic set of functions that allow: • manage map layers • import and export spatial data in various formats • create, publish, and manage custom layers • use a set of tools to create and edit spatial data • publish and manage custom layers work with raster data formats • connect and display data from external sources using OGC standards • maintain a coordinate reference TerGIS uses only open source components and open source code created by Russian developers. TerGIS is included in the unified register of Russian programs for electronic computers and databases (Registry entry No.11190 dated 07/29/2021)

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