BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
Environmentally neutral technology of accelerated fermentation of organic waste to produce multifunctional fertilizers
Environmentally neutral technology of accelerated fermentation of organic waste to produce multifunctional fertilizers

Environmentally neutral technology of accelerated fermentation of organic waste to produce multifunctional fertilizers

Waste is an integral part of production processes. They can become secondary resources after recycling. According to Russian experts, agriculture and food sector produce about 600 million tons of organic waste. No more than 30% are successfully recycled and returned to bio- and technogenesis. Poultry and cattle manure are hazard class III wastes and should be utilized with minimal negative impact on the environment (Federal Law of the Russian Federation N 89 “On Production and Consumption Waste” and the Federal Classification Catalogue of Wastes of the Russian Federation). Traditional technologies of processing of such wastes - long-term storage, passive and active composting in piles, etc. - have long processing times (up to 12 months) and high losses of biogens. They have a negative impact on the environment and reduce the nutritional value of the fertilizers produced. Thermal and vacuum drying accelerate the processing of waste up to several days, but significantly increase energy costs and lead to a high level of biogen losses. This casts doubt on the economic feasibility of using these technologies for fertilizer production. Anaerobic digestion for biogas production is one of the most environmentally friendly technologies for waste processing, but high capital and operating costs make this technology unprofitable, and the effluent produced in the process has a low concentration of nutrients. This project is aimed at improving the technology of solid-phase aerobic fermentation, expanding the list of recyclable wastes and producing multifunctional fertilizers. Biofermenters for fertilizer production activates the biotechnological process of biodegradation of organic substances, which results in exothermic reactions with heat release. This intensifies the process and activates mesophilic and thermophilic microflora, which contributes to the neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms, making it possible to reduce the processing time to 24-72 h and ensure nitrogen safety up to 96% and phosphorus - up to 99.5%. The possibility of varying the processing modes without changing the technological line allows not only to process different types of waste, but also to obtain certified fertilizers that meet the relevant quality standards (e.g. GOST R 53117-2008, GOST 55571-2013 and GOST 33830-2016).Within the framework of field studies it was determined that the product obtained in the process of processing increases the rooting and productivity of plants 3-8 times.



The Telemedhub provides medical IoMT infrastructure that radically simplifies the integration of Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD) into clinical systems, EHR-systems.

TheConnect Africa
TheConnect Africa

TheConnect Africa

PROBLEM: There is a need for an African owned trade e-platform that will understand African people, business owners, professionals, and the unique problems that they face in the technology and socio-economic environments that they trade in and have solutions that are tailored and designed for their specific and unique needs. They need a safe, affordable, and easy to use solutions to sell, advertise, and network online, Our e-platform is a one stop for all of these needs. SOLUTION: The solution is to create a safe, affordable and easy to use platform where it would be affordable for business owners to have online shops, to advertise, to post events, and to post their own job listings. As well as a networking platform for businesses and professionals. A one-stop shop where you can: post listings, post events and sell tickets, register an online shop and sell online, post job openings, advertise on special ad space, join our directory of businesses and professionals for networking

AI-Powered Water Resource Management
AI-Powered Water Resource Management

AI-Powered Water Resource Management

India’s struggle with water scarcity, especially in rural areas, demands innovative management strategies. This project introduces an AI-powered system that leverages big data from weather patterns, groundwater levels, and water usage to optimize the distribution and storage of water across different regions, ensuring more efficient water management.

Linnaea PER
Linnaea PER

Linnaea PER

Slow medical claims processing and waste, fraud and abuse are global problems costing the healthcare sector over 1 Trillion USD globally. Our suite of AI products automate the claims processing for both handwritten medical claims and prescriptions and electronic ones to speed up the cash conversion cycle for the medical providers whilst flagging and preventing waste fraud and abuse for the insurers to cap unnecessary spikes in utilization rates and ensuing higher premiums charged by private insurers or restricting coverage for national insurers so our suite of products solve the still global problem of slow claims processing and waste, fraud and abuse using cutting edge proprietary AI models

AI based evaluation of technical interview, NLP and S-T-T
AI based evaluation of technical interview, NLP and S-T-T

AI based evaluation of technical interview, NLP and S-T-T

FirstPass AI solves the inefficiencies in the traditional hiring process by automating the initial screening of candidates through an AI-powered platform. It provides real-time evaluations and two-way recommendations via interactive video interviews, operating 24/7. This not only reduces time and costs for companies but also enhances objectivity in assessments. Additionally, its self-assessment feature empowers candidates, especially students and fresh graduates, to improve their interview skills, ultimately contributing to economic development by fostering a more skilled workforce.

Electronic Library
Electronic Library

Electronic Library

The intelligent library equipment produced by the company saves the cost of library staff, frees staff from simple and repetitive work and, thus, provides readers with more other high-level services, prolongs library maintenance time.

Accounting of Internet advertising in the UIAR (Unified Internet Advertising Registry in the Russian Federation)
Accounting of Internet advertising in the UIAR (Unified Internet Advertising Registry in the Russian Federation)

Accounting of Internet advertising in the UIAR (Unified Internet Advertising Registry in the Russian Federation)

Preconditions for the creation of the UIAR: 1.Non-transparency Internet advertisement (there was no possibility to identify ads clients and revenue sources of ads platforms). 2.There was no possibility to verify content of the ad shown on Internet platforms (it is impossible to prove or verify what information was displayed at any time in the ad). 3.Unfair competition between participants of the Internet ads market (there was no possibility to control the placement of advertisement that violated the current legislation on ads placement). Project objectives: 1.Ensure detection (including automatic) and registration of violations in the distribution of Internet advertising among Russian users. 2.Ensure transparency, justification and legality of expenses related to the distribution of Internet advertising. 3.Provide citizens, society and the state with reliable information about the distribution of Internet advertising. Implemented solution: 1.Organizational part. Amendments were made to Federal Law No.38-FZ “On Advertising” and Directive No.1362-r of the Government of the Russian Federation on approvement of the composition of information on distributed Internet advertising to be submitted to Roskomnadzor was issued. A new type of market participant, the Advertisement Data Operator (ADO), was created to collect and transmit data to Roskomnadzor. Operators of advertising networks have made changes to their platforms to display advertising identifiers. 2.Technical part. The Unified Internet Advertising Registry (UIAR) was developed and implemented: an information platform that stores data and provides analytical information to advertising market participants and government agencies. The platform utilizes only open source components and open code created by Russian developers. UIAR has been operational since 01.09.2022 and is available to all citizens and business via,where any advertiser can view information about his advertisement. UIAR provides three main functions: 1)A unified data bank of information on commercial Internet advertising. Information about all advertisement campaigns displayed on the Internet (images, text, audio messages, video) and its metadata is uploaded into a single database. Data quality control tools have been developed. 2)Fast analytics on advertisement data. The UIAR contains information on advertisement distributors, platform's funding sources, state-owned companies advertisement and companies with state participation, advertisement of authorities, and tools for identifying advertisement that violates legislation. Information panels have been developed to objectively assess the capacity of the advertising market. 3)Tools for investigation and analysis for the Federal Tax Service, Federal Antimonopoly Service and Roskomnadzor. Personal accounts of the authorities have been developed, providing tools for investigations and analytics on Internet advertising data.

Technology Platform with multiple solutions for Technology Ventures
Technology Platform with multiple solutions for Technology Ventures

Technology Platform with multiple solutions for Technology Ventures

One stop solution for startups to get mentors and self-help tools for business

intelligent Command and Control Center
intelligent Command and Control Center

intelligent Command and Control Center

Al-Jazeera Falcons is a platform that aims to make data visualization easier, streamline workflows, and speed up decision-making in various industries. It offers an open and agnostic data lake platform with advanced technologies, 3D user experience, and a wide range of features. By addressing past, present, and future needs, it serves as a valuable tool for organizations looking to save time and improve efficiency. Al-Jazeera Falcons disrupts the market by providing strategic, operational, and tactical solutions, positioning itself as a catalyst for organizations seeking to enhance their operations.

Computer simulator "Lean manufacturing" as a tool for training and assessment of competencies
Computer simulator "Lean manufacturing" as a tool for training and assessment of competencies

Computer simulator "Lean manufacturing" as a tool for training and assessment of competencies

A new tool has been developed to form strong teams of lean enterprises in the shortest possible time. The effectiveness of this tool is that in one online session lasting 5-8 hours for an unlimited number of people remotely and without reference to time, participants can be introduced to the main types of production losses and methods of their detection, apply the basic Lean management tools in virtual production, work out planning and decision-making skills in the field of production management. The simulator is an online platform that can be used in several formats: Training (both initial — basic principles and fundamentals of lean manufacturing, and additional advanced training of specialists through solving practical tasks in a simulator) Competition (individual or group) A corporate simulator for a specific company. Simulator Parameters: 10 tasks that will help you deal with the main types of losses in production (balancing the line, solving logistical problems, minimizing losses from defects, solving warehouse problems, planning the workshop) 90 tools and solutions demonstrating examples of effective solutions in the Lean implementation process 27 analytical forms that allow you to see the benefits of implementing lean manufacturing approaches 300 indicators of the virtual space of the simulated enterprise The purpose of the simulator (inside the simulation) is the optimal organization of the business processes of the enterprise with maximum market orientation The success of passing the simulator is reflected in the overall rating. The rating is an indicator of competencies related to the implementation of lean manufacturing. The effects of the implementation: Increasing the efficiency of the process of forming the personnel reserve of organizations, Increasing the level of support for lean manufacturing, Identifying the leaders of future transformations of organizations.

The Fixies
Future maker
The Fixies

The Fixies

Creating interesting, eye-catching, vivid and up-to-date content that would strongly appeal to children, in this century where mentality is shaped by short video clips, is a challenging task successfully beaten by The Fixies animation project. However, this is not a merely entertainment project with characters dearly loved by kids in Russia and China. Its Chinese audience particularly highly appreciated the educational value of the animation series because its little viewers are introduced to various phenomena and laws of nature, design of modern devices and different gadgets. The Fixies project is a widely recognized leader in the edutainment genre. It targets modern children and tells them about today’s technology-centered world order.

39 out of 69
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