BRICS Solution Awards


BRICS Solution Awards
CryoSafe-42 — контейнер-цистерна (ISO) для временного хранения и мультимодальной транспортировки жидкого водорода объемом не менее 40 м³.
CryoSafe-42 — контейнер-цистерна (ISO) для временного хранения и мультимодальной транспортировки жидкого водорода объемом не менее 40 м³.

CryoSafe-42 — контейнер-цистерна (ISO) для временного хранения и мультимодальной транспортировки жидкого водорода объемом не менее 40 м³.

Использование водорода в качестве энергоресурса является одним из ключевых вариантов мирового энергетического перехода, что связано с реализацией комплекса мероприятий по борьбе с изменением климата. Энергетический переход на использование низкоуглеродного водорода позволит сократить совокупные выбросы парниковых газов до 80 гигатонн CO² (22% от общих выбросов ПГ) к 2050 году, при условии, что объем мирового производства водорода достигнет 660 миллионов тонн (Global Hydrogen Flows, Hydrogen Council, октябрь 2022: Global-Hydrogen-Flows.pdf ( Планируемые мировые объемы производства и использования водорода в настоящее время значительно опережают развитие необходимой инфраструктуры его транспортировки (Global Hydrogen Review, Международное энергетическое агентство, сентябрь 2023: Global Hydrogen Review 2023 – Analysis - IEA). Наиболее эффективным способом крупнотоннажной транспортировки водорода на дальние расстояния является его транспортировка в сжиженном виде, так как в данном варианте обеспечивается максимальная масса перевозимого водорода в единичном объеме (плотность перевозимой энергии). Использование имеющейся инфраструктуры (порты, морские контейнеровозы, автомобильные контейнеровозы, железнодорожные платформы) возможно при применении универсальной мультимодальной транспортной тары – контейнеров-цистерн. Транспортировка водорода в контейнерах-цистернах позволит обеспечить распределённую логистику, формируя конкурентную среду между производителями водорода в условиях отсутствия необходимости жесткой привязки к специализированной инфраструктуре и так называемым «водородным коридорам». В этом отношении мультимодальные контейнерные перевозки являются одним из основных драйверов развития водородной отрасли. Реализованное решение CryoSafe-42 (в 2024 году изготовлен пилотный экземпляр контейнера-цистерны, прошедший все испытания и сертифицированный Морским регистром) даёт водородной логистике следующие преимущества: 1) эффективность (длительные и дальние перевозки водорода без потерь, большой полезный объем перевозимого вещества); 2) гибкость (возможность задействовать любую контейнерную инфраструктуру); 3) мультимодальность и безопасность (перевозка всеми видами транспорта, в т. ч. по ж/д, в полном соответствии с международными стандартами перевозки опасных грузов).

CMC Kaposvar 100MW Solar PV Plant
CMC Kaposvar 100MW Solar PV Plant

CMC Kaposvar 100MW Solar PV Plant

The Kaposvár 100MW Photovoltaic Power Station project, initiated by China National Machinery Import & Export Corporation (CMC), is the company's first photovoltaic power station project and the first renewable energy investment in Europe. The project was acquired through the purchase of the controlling company Dunántúli Energia Holding Kft. and its three subsidiary project companies. It was developed using an integrated "investment-construction-operation" model, with CMC holding a 40% stake. Construction of the project began in July 2019 and was completed by December 2020, with operations commencing in January 2021. The power station comprises two 49.28MW solar farms and an associated 132kV step-up substation. The project's design met European standards and got approved by local regulatory authorities. This project stands as one of the largest solar power plants under the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative in Hungary. The solar PV system produces an average 150GWh of electricity per year, which can cover the annual electricity needs of more than 35000 households, in addition to reducing the country's carbon dioxide emissions by about 140,000 tons per year. It makes a major contribution to energy independence and the green transition, facilitating a sustainable development for the country as a whole.

Detection of microorganisms in raw milk and dairy products using gas sensors
Detection of microorganisms in raw milk and dairy products using gas sensors

Detection of microorganisms in raw milk and dairy products using gas sensors

Microbial contamination of food is a significant public health and economic problem. Pathogenic microorganisms in food prevail over other factors in terms of the number of victims, the rate of development of diseases, and the ability to turn benign products into unfit for consumption if storage conditions are violated. To protect the health and life of the population, systems for ensuring the microbiological safety of food are being created everywhere, based on regulatory and legal requirements in sanitary, food legislation and technical regulation, hygienic regulation, state supervision and production control of products. In this regard, developing new ways to control pathogenic microorganisms in raw materials and food products using non-contact methods based on new polycomposite sensors is an essential and urgent task to ensure food safety policies and laws of the BRICS countries. Combining several sorbents with different selectivity and sensitivity on the same transducer is an attractive analytical solution. The use of the developed coatings for assessing the microbiological contamination of food products will make it possible to contribute to the methodological basis for food safety control in production.

TyroScan-AI software - convolutional neural network for binary classification of thyroid cytology preparations.
TyroScan-AI software - convolutional neural network for binary classification of thyroid cytology preparations.

TyroScan-AI software - convolutional neural network for binary classification of thyroid cytology preparations.

Increasing the speed and accuracy of automated diagnosis of papillary cancer and benign thyroid masses by analyzing cytological biopsy images using a convolutional neural network.

Regional Emergency Medical Center (REMC)
Regional Emergency Medical Center (REMC)

Regional Emergency Medical Center (REMC)

One of the major problem of acute myocardial infarction is a distention of left ventricle which aggravate myocardial ischemia consequently increased end-diastolic left ventricle pressure

Consideration of undesired events in the implementation of medical activities
Consideration of undesired events in the implementation of medical activities

Consideration of undesired events in the implementation of medical activities

In accordance with the current legislation a healthcare organization shall be obliged to provide conditions for safe delivery of healthcare to patients and medical personnel performance. Implementation of risk-oriented approach to medical activities quality and safety management is an important constituent of modern stage of healthcare functioning. It is necessary to understand sources of potential hazard within an organization, consider and analyze all undesired events and incidents arising in the process of a healthcare organization functioning and their reasons, take preventive measures to avoid them. Implementation of customer centricity and digitalization principles is an absolute trend of modern stage of healthcare development. It determines necessity of development of present-day accounting and analyzing data system on undesired events in a healthcare organization. This solution represents the experiment of Federal Center for Traumatology, Orthopedics and Endoprosthetics (Barnaul, Russian Federation) in establishing system of work with undesired events and managerial decision-making on their avoidance and prevention with the use of present-day digital technology resulting in credible frequency reduction of undesired events in the space of 3 years.



One of the main problems that this project solves is the need to educate the public about the benefits and prospects of biotechnologies in medicine. The paper will consider the main advantages and opportunities of biotechnologies in medicine, as well as examples of their successful application in various fields of medicine.

Key Technologies for the Discovery and Industrialization of Probiotic Strains: Creation and Application
Key Technologies for the Discovery and Industrialization of Probiotic Strains: Creation and Application

Key Technologies for the Discovery and Industrialization of Probiotic Strains: Creation and Application

The gut microbiota interacts with various human systems and is a vital "organ" in regulating human health, standing at the forefront of global basic research and health industry incubation. Probiotics, as crucial components for regulating gut microbiota, have seen a convergence of interest in both academia and industry in terms of functional strain screening and production technology. According to data from the China Health Care Association, the domestic market size for probiotic products reached 87.98 billion yuan in 2020. Data from Euromonitor International shows that China's probiotic consumption market has surpassed Italy, ranking second globally, with an annual growth rate of 11-12%. Although there are many types of probiotic products on the Chinese market, the core probiotic strains are almost monopolized by foreign suppliers. The American company IFF accounts for about 50% of China's probiotic raw material share, while Denmark's Chr. Hansen holds approximately 35%, with domestic strains making up less than 10%. Domestic probiotics face three main shortcomings compared to imported strains: First, the efficiency of strain screening is low. Traditional probiotic screening methods are labor-intensive and cannot selectively screen strains based on functional directions. Second, there is a lack of fundamental research supporting strain functions, particularly human trial data, which results in many domestically available strains lacking sufficient scientific backing and advanced clinical studies, leading to weak consumer perception. Lastly, the technologies for applying probiotics are imperfect, with issues such as low survival rates during lyophilization and fluctuating live bacteria counts during the product's shelf life, which increase the application costs for businesses using domestic probiotics. This project team plans to develop a high-throughput screening method for probiotic strains that exhibit superior traits and scientifically validate their functions through animal and clinical trials. Finally, the project aims to develop probiotic processing methods that preserve their efficacy during application. By addressing these three areas, we intend to establish a feasible technological pathway from discovery to industrialization of probiotics, providing other companies in the industry with replicable innovative technological methods.

Neural network for analysing data from oil pumps
Neural network for analysing data from oil pumps

Neural network for analysing data from oil pumps

Oil companies are losing out on time, production volumes, and profits because they don't know how to make the most of their pumps' lifespan.

AI Ethics Code
AI Ethics Code

AI Ethics Code

The problem of AI regulation. With the rapid development of technology, it is important to establish its soft regulation so as not to limit development. Such a soft law tool is the Code of Ethics in the field of AI, developed by the AI Alliance.

COFCO International Climate Strategy
COFCO International Climate Strategy

COFCO International Climate Strategy

Climate action is fundamental at a time when food production is increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather and water scarcity, and people worldwide are struggling to achieve good nutrition and afford the rising cost of living. The food and agriculture sector, in the meantime, contribute 30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, from a business perspective, Climate action will help strengthen our company for the future and ensure that we can continue to serve our customers and support global food security. Additionally, climate change is altering the competitive landscape of the market. It affects not only the core assets or operational processes of companies but also their supply chains, infrastructure, and market demand. The climate responsibility record of enterprises is increasingly drawing the attention of general investors and consumers. As the core agriculture and food business unit of COFCO Group, COFCO International believe that a strong climate strategy based on science will help us fulfil our role in mitigating climate change impacts, and further to achieve the transition to sustainable agriculture and a low carbon economy. Following the strategy of "plan first, then act," the COFCO International team has also conducted detailed research before starting to formulate climate strategies. The lack of accurate greenhouse gas emissions data and analysis capabilities, how to balance short-term profits with long-term climate goals, and the rapid changes and high uncertainty of global policy and regulatory requirements are all common challenges faced by companies when formulating climate strategies. Taking these factors into consideration can enhance the resilience of our climate strategies.



1. Federal request: shortage of highly qualified IT specialists. “At the moment, the domestic IT industry lacks about 1 million specialists,” said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko regarding a meeting with Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Russia will solve this problem by 2030. Otherwise, the problem could lead to a significant lag in national projects and programs in Russia. 2. Children do not know digital professions. The specialists themselves working with children are not familiar with these professions, which means they cannot share relevant information with children. At the same time, it is important for children to acquire the first knowledge and skills for digital professions in basic school, but due to ignorance, children miss this opportunity. Modern schoolchildren cannot imagine their lives without using the Internet and digital services; knowledge in the field of Internet security is not sufficient. A study by the Alliance for Children's Digital Safety found that 96% of Russian teenagers face digital threats, while 30% of them note that they lack information about what to do in the event of threats. Document: 3. The number of insults against children is growing. Cyberbullying is one of the most pressing problems of our time, which not only children, but also adults can face. According to a study on combating online bullying, 58% of Runet users are subject to cyberbullying. 4. The number of cybercrimes has increased significantly

23 out of 69
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